Shen Luoyang looked at the token on the hand of Chu Lei in a strange way. "How do you have a customs clearance token for the North Ming Dynasty?"

This is not just what anyone can get it. Now even if it is the prime minister of the North Ming Dynasty, I am afraid that there is no such thing on the hand. Chu Lei is a native of the Yuan Dynasty. How can I get this token and let him go out of town? The soldiers actually have no doubt at all.

"I don't know, this is what Ye Guizhen gave me, so that I can go to the city to do things." Chu Lei whispered, "Don't say so much, let's go."

Ye Wei actually has such a big skill?

Shen Luoyang could not describe the shock in his heart, and he was more suspicious of Ye Wei’s true identity.

"Is the emperor always outside the city? What have you done?" Shen Luoyang asked in a low voice.

Chu Lei looked at Shen Luoyang and sighed. "In fact, nothing has been done. After we arrived, the emperor let us listen to Ye Guifei’s instructions. I don’t know when Ye Guizhen came to the North."

What Scorpio said is true! Ye Guizhen has not been in the Yuan Dynasty for a long time. She is one step ahead of the emperor to the North Ming State.

Shen Luoyang tightened his lips and was more alert to Ye Wei.

"Right, after a while, remember not to ask too much, you shouldn't ask." Chu Lei groaned.

"Yeah." Shen Luoyang's mood is complicated. She thought that Ye Wei was just a woman who was rescued from the water. It seems that it is not only that.

Neither of them found the Ye Hao, who had been following behind, and came to a mansion under the mountain outside the city. If Chu Lei led the way, Shen Luoyang would certainly not find it here.

This mansion is a five-in-one, built in the mountains of the rest of the yard, Shen Luoyang followed Chu Lei into the gate, only to find that there are many women wearing the same color clothes, she recognized those clothes, that is the disciple of Yunluo Palace .

Was Ye Wei not driven out by Yunluo Palace? How can there be such a cloudy disciple's disciple here?

"Chu Lei..." Shen Luoyang could not help but ask questions.

"The emperor is in the yard over there." Chu Lei looked at her and gestured to her not to forget what he had just said.

Don't be curious, don't ask too much, it won't be good for her.

Shen Luoyang frowned and followed Chu Lei to the backyard to see the water.

This house... is too strange!

The emperor is here, but all this seems to be controlled by Ye Wei. If it is not Chu Lei, she must think that the emperor was under house arrest by Ye Wei.

The next person who passed the message came out and let Shen Luoyang enter the room to speak.

The water looked gloomy at Shen Luoyang. "What happened?"

"The end will see the emperor." Shen Luoyang squatting down, did not dare to look at the face of the water.

“Why are you leaving your job?” asked the water.

Shen Luoyang bowed his head. "The emperor, the end will... is coming to you."

Chu Lei was shocked to see Shen Luoyang, she did not mention this matter, how can she resign?

"I ask you, what happened in the end?" asked the water coldly.

Shen Luoyang simply said what happened in the military camp. She did not mention Ming Yu and Yan Xiaoliu. She was afraid that the water would know that Tianzhu was in the capital city at this time. "The emperor, the end will have insufficient strength, no It is suitable for taking soldiers to fight, and also asks the emperor to allow the end to return to the field."

The water looked at Shen Luoyang gloomyly. "When you return to the field, where do you want to go? The military is going to be a year-round test, but it is a small matter. Do you think you are not suitable for being a general?"

"Yes, I will feel that I am older and I am not suitable for leading troops." Shen Luoyang whispered.

"Shen Luoyang, what are you waiting for?" Water suddenly asked.

Shen Luoyang heard a moment of silence, and his eyes were slightly reddened. "Whether in China or in the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor will be like a sister to the end. If it was not the emperor, it would have already been..."

"Hey didn't mention it with you that year." Water whispered, "I only ask you, in your heart, do you want to follow Lu Hao more?"

"..." Shen Luoyang slowly looked up and looked at the water. It turned out that he already knew everything. It seems that someone in Qingyuan had already passed the news to him.

When the water is at a high altitude, he looks at Shen Luoyang. "When you are in the woods, you know that the little girl is her daughter, right?"

"Ming Yu looks like a scorpio, and she will have been holding her several times at the end. She didn't dare to recognize it at the beginning." Shen Luoyang knew that it would be useless to explain it again. Anyway, water knows everything.

She also got rid of it, what should I do?

"Why don't you tell me, what do you think will happen to her daughter?" The tone of the water has a sorrowful anger. It is no wonder that he thinks that the girl is familiar, and it is Lu's daughter.

If he knew it, he would definitely not leave Mingyu in the military camp.

Shen Luoyang whispered, "Ming Yu is young and ignorant, and at the end will be afraid that she will collide with the emperor."

"You are afraid of leaving her as a hostage!" Water yelled. "When you are in your mind, when will you become a villain?"

"The end will not dare." Shen Luoyang said.

The water snorted, "Where are they now?"

He knew that Shen Luoyang was leaving with Lu Hao. Since Shen Luoyang is here, she must have been in the capital city.

"The end will be separated from the Scorpio after leaving Qingyuan." Shen Luoyang did not want to say.

The water stared coldly at Shen Luoyang. "Do you still dare to anger?"

"The end will not dare." Shen Luoyang bowed his head, "I hope that the emperor will be resigned."

"Where do you want to go? Go to Lu Hao's side?" Water asked with a blank expression, he did not think that Shen Luoyang would come to resign, she should be the most loyal to him.

She feels that Lu Hao is more suitable for the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty, and he is not suitable for being the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

At the same time, Shui felt a kind of anger that was betrayed, and at the same time, he had a strong anger at Ye Hao who loved and hated.

Shen Luoyang said, "The emperor will eventually miss the sea."

"Do you want to go back to China?" Water asked, blinking a word, word by word.

"Yes!" Shen Luoyang whispered.

Water asked, "Do you want to go to China?"

Shen Luoyang’s heart smiles and has been gone for so many years. The water’s obsession with Tianzhu is still so deep.

"It’s the end that you want to go back and have nothing to do with Scorpio."

"Lu Yan, are they in the capital city?" asked the water.

"The end will not know." Shen Luoyang replied.

When the water knew that Shen Luoyang refused to tell the truth, when he was about to ask again, there was a loud noise outside.

It was from the lying yard! The face of the water changed slightly and instantly came out.

"What happened?" Shen Luoyang asked in surprise.

Chu Lei pointed at her and said, "You are really... mad at me!"

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