Seeing Liu’s, Ye Xie became more cold, and she stood still and stood still, watching Liu’s madly grasping Lu’s arms. “Extending, are you going to the palace? Helping the children? I heard that, I have heard that Lu Hao has harmed both children, and you have to be the master of your sister."

Lu Yizhi pulled her hand away. "Mother, who did you listen to, when did you hurt your child?"

"It is her harm! Delayed, you must save the noble lady, she is your sister." Liu screamed.

In the room, he heard more and more angry, and suddenly stood up and rushed outside. "Liu, you have to talk with your conscience, and you have been in the palace for a few days. She and Xu Xianzhen are innocent." No enmity, why should she go to harm Xu Xianzhen, it is clearly your daughter wants to be a ghost!"

"What is it for her to be a ghost? The two are noble ladies. If she falls out of favor, do you have a good life, is your daughter not a little doctor? What is worth of her life?" Cried.

When you are so angry, how can there be such a shameless person, as if other people’s daughters are not life, only her daughter’s life is life. “My daughter is not a noble lady, but she is my life! You Said that she is a little doctor, she is still Princess Fu Rong, you want her life, you have to watch the Queen Mother and the emperor are willing or not!"

Ye Hao looked at the land, life? She even valued her non-natural daughter like this?

Mrs. Lu slowly walked out and looked at Liu’s eyes coldly. “Liu’s, according to your statement, is it that the family’s people should pay for their lives?”

"Mother, are you going to be eccentric? It is Ming Lu’s mistake..." Liu rushed over to grab Lu’s hand.

When Mrs. Lu came over, Liu had already raised his hand and hit the past. "Shut up! The two children will be so lawless, that is, you are spoiled!"

Liu took his face and looked at Mrs. Lu, incredulously. "Old lady, do you want to be handsome and car-protected? For this little doctor, would you rather look at the noble lady?"

"Double children should be taught some lessons, otherwise they will get tired of Lujia sooner or later." Lu Lao’s wife did not want to take Lu’s life to take risks with Lu Shuanger.

"You are not dead..." Liu yelled loudly.

Lu Yanzhi sinks his face and drank Liu. "Mother! This is not for you, come back!"

"Today, if you dare not help the two children, I will die for you!" Liu cried, and the whole person sat on the ground.

"Then you will die!" said Mrs. Lu, in a deep voice. "If you don't want to die, I will give you a book, and wherever you want to go, you don't have to look at me here!"

Lu Shiming helped the old lady's hand, "Mother, don't be angry."

Lu Yan’s people came over and brought back Liu’s singer, and said to Ye Hao, “Hey, let’s go.”

Ye Hao looked at him. She didn't care about Liu's troubles, but Lu Shiming's attention to her made her mood...some complicated.

She knew that they care about her, but they really used her as their biological daughter. Between Lu Shuanger and her, they could choose her without hesitation.

The carriage outside the door was ready. Lu Yizhi let Ye Hao get in the car first, then sat in and looked at the little girl sitting in the corner. He whispered, "Afraid?"

"Afraid of what?" Ye Hao looked at him with cold eyes. For Lu Yizhi, she could never let go of her disgust and vigilance.

"Double children use you, you are not afraid of the emperor... sin against you?" Lu Yanzhi asked, he was very curious, from the moment she came to the house, he did not see nervousness and fear in her eyes It seems that I am sure that I will be safe and sound.

Ye Hao’s mouth floated with a sneer. “Since I haven’t done it, why are you afraid?”

"Sometimes even if you haven't done anything, you won't have to be okay." Lu said that he thinks that the emperor and his son have saved his life. It should not be a problem for the two children. Top sin.

Lu Xin’s heart was a little distressed, but he knew that the final result would be a scapegoat. He couldn’t say in front of the three uncles that he could only see the situation after he entered the palace.

In any case, he will certainly compensate her later.

Ye Hao’s eyes looked at Lu Yan’s eyes with sarcasm. If Lu Shuanger could have escaped such a stupid thing, then Murong Cham’s brain must be water.

"Oh, no matter how the emperor imposes any punishment on you, Big Brother will compensate you later." Lu Yizhi whispered.

"If I sin for the noble lady, what compensation do you take for me? Your life?" Ye Hao asked coldly.

"Oh..." Lu Yan’s mistake looked at her.

Ye Hao smiled and said, "Do you have no confidence in the judgment of the emperor, or are you too confident about Lu Shuanger's stupidity?"

Lu Yizhi licked his lips, he was not confident in them, but felt that Murong Zhan now thinks that the two children are the girls he loved in his youth, which is enough.

The carriage broke through the night and turned to the palace gate. Lu Yan took out the token and asked for it. After a while, he was allowed to enter the palace.

The two of them were taken directly to the royal study.

Mo Rongzhan’s home-made plain clothes, which are black and white, are lazy and squatting on the pipa. When Lu Yuzhi and Ye Hao came in, he first fell on the little girl behind him and didn’t see her for several days. It is.

"The emperor, the minister is coming to sin." Lu Yizhi smashed down.

Ye Hao stood still and looked at him blankly.

"What sin do you bring?" Murong Zhan's mouth floated a faint smile.

"Chen heard that Xu Xianzhen had poisoned the blood swallows sent by him, the emperor, this is a misunderstanding." Lu said.

Murong Zhan nodded. "There is a misunderstanding of this incident. The blood Swallow given to Xu Xianyu is not awkward, but awkward."

what? Lu Yizhi looked up and he was a bit confused.

"The blood swallow is rewarded to Lu Shuanger. In this palace, except for her, there is only the golden silk swallow in the Taihou Palace. Lu Yan has not been in the palace for several days. Where did he get the blood swallow to Lu Shuanger?" If there is no such judgment, then why should you be the emperor?" Murong Cham's voice is as cold as ice scum, and his eyes are more eagerly looking at Lu Yizhi.

Do they want to use Lu Hao to sin for Lu Shuanger? It’s ridiculous!

Lu Yizhi did not expect that the two children took the bird's nest that was given by the emperor to Xu Huiru, even if he wanted to defend her.

"The emperor, the two of her..." Lu Yuzhi's voice tightened.

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