Ye Hao was taken away by Mo Rongzhan. The light on her body gradually disappeared away from the blood fog. When she opened her eyes, she saw the deep and dark eyes of Murong Chong staring at her.

"Azhan!" Ye Hao whispered.

"Are you awake?" Murong Chan tightened the leaves, "Is it hurt?"

Ye Hao discovered that she was no longer in the big house, but was held in her arms by Murong Zhan, they were in the carriage.

Before she answered, Mingxi and Huohuang’s heads came in. “Mom, are you okay?”

"I am fine, but I have been slightly injured." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"We saw that you were surrounded by blood worms, and those blood worms didn't..." Fire Phoenix looked at Ye Hao, and he didn't dare to say it later.

Ye Hao sat up in the arms of Mo Rongzhan. "It’s strange to say that when the blood worm surrounds me, the bow of the day in my hand becomes a white light, and the blood worms die when they touch the light. ”

"The blood worm is afraid of your fire." Murong Cham said, "Don't do this next time, you are not a rival."

"Who is lying?" Ye said in a different place, "Do you mean that the man is the ancient **** demon?"

Murong Zhan gently beheaded, "The ancient Gorefiend under the Yuanguodi Palace is him."

"Azhan, someone came from the Xuantian mainland, and still knows us." Ye Hao frowned and said, "Who do you think will be?"

"It is not necessarily the mainland of the Xuantian continent, but it may also be on the mainland of the gods." Murong Zhan said with a deep voice that the gap in the Xuantian continent has almost disappeared. If you want to come to the mainland, you can only pass the gap, except for them. The gap in the passage of the Xiaolong Cave, only one of the emperors there will not be closed.

But there are shackles there, and even Deliang is hard to get close to, and it is even more difficult for people on the Xuantian continent to cross the gap.

Unless the repair is no longer on the mainland, or what happened to him.

Ye Hao whispered, "I don't know who it will be."

"Will it be Deliang?" Ming Xi asked, they had a holiday with the emperors in the mainland, except who, who knows them.

"No matter who it is, it is no longer important now." Murong Zhan said faintly.

Mingxi glanced at him. "Hey, are you really a protoss?"

Just now he heard the rest of his life and said that he is a Protoss person.

Murong Chan slightly frowned, "I don't know."

"I don't even know my own life?" Ming Xi raised his eyebrows and looked at his old man with a bit of disbelief.

"You two go out first." Ye Hao said to Ming Xi.

Ming Xi and Huo Huang looked at each other and had to retreat first.

Ye Hao looked at him. "I remember that you said that you were a Protoss before."

"Oh, I don't want to hide it. I really don't know my own life. I grew up with the emperor." Murong Zhan whispered.

"Then you may be protoss, or how the emperor might adopt you." Ye Hao said, "But it is not the focus now. It is an ancient Gorefiend. How are we an opponent? How have you not noticed it for nine days?" ?"

Murong Zhan smashed the hand of Ye Ye, "I am afraid that it will happen in nine days."

Ye Hao was shocked. "No?"

"It’s just speculation, it’s not necessarily true." Murong Cham said, "I have already tried to inform the repairs on the mainland of God."

"You... how do you inform?" Ye said in a different way, they are restricted in the human continent, and they are bound to take the news to the mainland.

Murong Zhan said, "The Holy Emperor."

"I hope that the emperor can receive the news." Ye Hao whispered, if this continues, the mainland will really be re-mastered by the big monster. "Right, how come Mingxi and Huohuang come?" ”

"They are coming to pick you up, knowing that you are coming here, and they are coming." Murong Zhan said faintly, "The Guanuan came back with the North Hall."

Ye Hao stunned, "Guanguan?"

Mo Rongzhan said, "Mingyu they have been picked up by the nephews first. We went directly to them. The Beitang Xuanzhen has ordered the move to move."

"He just moved to the capital and moved to the capital?" Ye said in a different place. "I understand that there is also a palace in the North Ming State. He is going to give Ye Wei to the place."

"Yes, it must be like this. When I took Jindan of the corpse, he could escape from the military camp, that is, the woman just saved her." Mingxi re-explored her head. "Mother, that person is Who, looks a little like you."

Ye Hao said, "The last time you were fighting with her? Her name is Ye Wei, my cousin."

"Then we are relatives, she actually yelled at me, it seems that she hates you." Mingxi suddenly realized, no wonder it looks like his mother.

Ye took a look at his son. "You dare to say that she knows she is a Gorefiend, and you still fight with her."

"Mother, this has nothing to do with me, I don't want to fight with her. She knows that I am your son, chasing me." Mingxi said with aggrieved, "However, her blood worm is afraid of my round knife. ""

The fire phoenix turned a blind eye next to it. "Your round knife is a dragon knife, even the dragon is afraid, let alone the blood worm."

Mingxi remembered that the first time he saw a round knife, he was afraid. He said, "I will not use this knife to hurt the dragon."

"And don't say this, Ming Xi, is the Queen of the Queen still there?" asked Ye Hao.

"We are in the Queen's house, no one knows the place." Ming Xi whispered, "Mother, how do we deal with the North Hall?"

There is no problem with the Beitang propaganda. Now, Ye Wei is clear that he wants to help the North Church.

Ye Hao sighed. "I saw a glimpse of water. He was not controlled by blood worms. He already knew the existence of Gorefiend. It seems that Ye Wei told him everything. I don't know what he really wants. What do you know, how much you know, but...we can't let Ye Wei wake up other Gorefiends again."

"Then go to the palace and kill the North Hall to declare," Ming Xi said.

"No, it doesn't make sense to kill him." Ye Hao said, "Isn't Beitang Xuanzhen not in the capital city? We let him ascend the throne."

Ming Xi said, "Shenyang said that Beitang Temple once gave him a sacred decree, and he would wait until he died and then take it out."

"The will?" Murong Zhan asked an eyebrow.

Can you give him a little mystery? There is no sense of accomplishment at all.

"Yes, Beitang 钰 passed the throne to the North Hall to declare it." Ming Xi said.

"In this way, we have to fight with Ye Wei." Ye Hao said, "She will definitely not let the North Church preach."

Ink Murray said faintly, "She is only a preliminary **** demon, not afraid, lying now less than 30% of the skill, it is not a problem to deal with him."

"I am afraid of just being afraid..." Ye Hao lowered his voice, fearing the python that had not appeared yet.

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