Ye Hao has not seen the customs for many years. When he first saw him in the same year, he was only a ignorant teenager. He had always been with Lu Yizhi. He did not know right or wrong, and he did not know right and wrong. He ordered the words of Lu Yizhi. She had been with him for a few days, knowing that he was a childlike child, because he was abandoned from an early age, the idea was very simple, and whoever listened to him well, Lu Yuzhi adopted him, and he regarded Lu Yuzhi as Lights.

After Lu Yu’s death, the Guanuan did not appear again. She couldn’t think of Mingxi’s death and the fate.

"Mother?" Ming Xi sees Ye Hao who has been staring at the ring. He whispered a word, "The North Hall is said to be rescued."

"I know." Ye took a look at his son. She didn't plan to do anything about the squad. The previous grievances and grievances didn't have much to do with him. He was used by Lu Hao.

Ye Hao walked two steps forward. Guan Guan has been looking at her calmly. Her eyes are clean and childish. She has no evasiveness, no guilty conscience, and no hatred.

Lu Yizhi was killed by Mo Rong Zhan. Does Guan Guan know this? Will he want revenge?

"In the past few years, have you been in Bohai City?" Ye Hao whispered to the ring.

The look of the guard was a moment of sluggishness. He looked at Mingxi with a puzzled look and looked at Ye Hao. Hesitated and nodded.

Ye Hao slightly frowned, "Do you remember me?"

"Who are you?" Guan said, he felt that the woman in front of her eyes looked good, that he had seen the best, and that he had a feeling of familiarity, but he really couldn’t remember who she was. .

He forgot the old things!

Ye Hao asked again, "Do you still remember Lu Yizhi?"

The ring was stunned. He shook his head gently. He didn't understand why Ye Hao asked this question.

"He has forgotten everything?" Ye Hao looked at the ink to Zhan Zhan, she grabbed the hand of Guan.

"Don't move, my mother just wants to know if you are injured." Ming Xi called the ring to let him not resist.

The guard shut down and looked at Ye Hao.

There is no problem with the pulse. The body that is in the ring is very strong, and the internal force is very strong. He has always been a martial arts talent, otherwise Lu Yan will not bring him around.

"Mother, he has a scar on his head." Ming Xi said, "He must have been hurt before, so he forgot everything."

Ye Hao glanced at it and there was indeed a scar that had faded.

"Forget it." Ye Hao whispered, at least not to remember what Lu Haozhi had done for him, so that Guan Guan has always maintained a pure and clean heart.

"Mother, what I said is true, it is really good to shut him up." Mingxi whispered to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao had some helplessness. She couldn’t think that Mingxi would like to turn off the ring. "If you don't have any other places to go, then stay."

In the back of her, Murong Chong heard this and raised his eyebrows. He didn't like to see the ring, but he and his son liked it. It was a little difficult for him to take the door.

"Hey, mother, you are coming back." Ming Yu's pretty figure appeared outside the door. She ran and jumped in, followed by Yan Xiaoliu and her nephew.

When they saw Ye Hao, they were very happy. They laughed and gave a ceremony. "Citymaster, madam."

Ye Xuan smiled and looked at her.

"Hey, we saw that we were lying." Ming Xi whispered to the nephew.

"Sleeping in the blood?" The first of the Gorefiends, rumors that he is a gloomy and cold-blooded person, "Are you okay?"

Murong Zhan whispered, "The repair of lying is not fully restored, he did not fight with us."

In the past, there were eight supernatural Gorefiends on the mainland that could not be killed. They were sealed by the dragons. After tens of thousands of years, no one knows where they were sealed. The dragons disappeared in nine days, and no one knows. With the resurrection of lying, I believe that other Gorefiends will wake up one after another. Only the nephews come from the dragons. Unfortunately, she is a young dragon and she was imprisoned from an early age.

"Hey, my mother, they found the underground palace in the palace of the Yuan Dynasty, and they were sealed in the underground palace." Ming Xi whispered.

"The underground palace is in the palace?" The girl snorted. "I know, the **** demon can't be resurrected for so many years because of the purple gas suppression."

The emperor of the mainland has the name of the true man, and some people say that it is a true dragon, the purple gas is similar to the dragon. Since the blood demon is a seal of the dragon, it is better to use the purple gas to suppress it.

"No wonder they are going to kill Mingyu." said the child.

Ye Hao frowned and asked, "Hey, what does this have to do with Mingyu?"

"The purple gas on Mingyu is very obvious. If they want to open the underground palace of Jinguo, it would not be so easy." Said the child.

"How did I not see the purple gas on my body?" Ming Yu asked.

The nephew laughed. "You will know it later."

"It's no wonder that Ye Wei wants to save the North Hall, she just wants to get the palace of the North Ming State." Otherwise, how did the North Hall announce that he just wanted to move to the capital.

Ye Hao said, "What about the North Hall? We should talk to him."

"Mother, I will take you to find him." Mingxi said.

Beitang Xuanyuan and Wang Huang are discussing when to leave Dingdu City. Wang Congzhi disagreed with the decision of their mother and son. Even if Beitang announced that he would abandon the throne, he could not leave.

Too cheap money, expensive money and money, too cheap, Beitang announced.

"Sister, we can't just go like this." Wang Congzhi frowned at Wang Queen and wanted to change her mind.

"From Zhi, I know that you are not willing, but now we don't need to do anything anymore." The Queen said softly, she experienced too much, struggled too much, and finally wanted to be even more faint. Days.

Wang Congzhi said with excitement, "Have you forgotten how Qian Guizhen was preaching to you? And our Wang family, we are famous families, and now we are not as good as a family of small-door families, we can only live a day of hiding. Are you willing to be such a day?"

"What can we do?" The Queen of the Queen looked at her brother calmly. The hatred of the Wang family was not forgotten, but it was not anxious at this time. They did not have the strength to confront the North Hall and the money house.

Beitang Xuanyuan is already the emperor. Even if he wants to move to the capital, he is still angry. He is still sitting on a dragon chair.

Wang Congzhi said, "We don't do anything. How do we know that we can't do it? There must be a lot of people in the court who are dissatisfied with the propaganda of the North Hall and the Qian family. As long as Xuan Yu will stand up, they will definitely stand up to Xuanyuan. One side."

"If these people still choose neutrality? Beitang Xuanyuan and Qianjia will let go of Xuanzhen?" Queen Wang asked again, she could not take her son's life to gamble one in ten thousand.

"Sister!" Wang Congzhi could not convince the Queen of the Queen and stood up irritably.

The Queen of the Queen whispered, "From the ambition, to the Japanese leader, to save your life, there is a chance of revenge."

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