What do they want?

I want to kill Beitang Xuanyuan and Ye Wei, and I want to make the underground palace of the North Ming Kingdom never see the sky.

However, behind Ye Wei is a glimpse of water.

Ye Hao has already thought about it. If she can stabilize the political affairs of the North Ming State, she will declare the North Church to help God. She must send troops to the Yuan Dynasty. To be honest, she regrets giving the throne a sigh of water.

If you don't give water, you may not have a chance to resurrect.

"It's not good to answer you now, you won't want your North Ming country." Ye Hao said.

Wang Queen’s gaze looked at Ye Hao in a complicated way and had to trust her words for the time being. Without the help of their Jin Guo, they would definitely be more difficult.

"Then what are we going to do next?" asked Beitang Xuanyuan.

"Tomorrow, take the will to enter the palace to worship your father." The Queen said in a whisper, "Tonight, let all ministers know that we have the will of the emperor in our hands."

Ming Xi said, "We will **** you into the palace tomorrow, you can rest assured."

"Good!" Beitang Xuanqi clenched his hand in the imperial edict.

"That's how it is decided." Ye Hao said, "We will discuss, what ministers are you sure will support you?"

The Queen said, "The emperor has been in office for so many years. There are many old loyalty departments. Although he has been suppressed by the Qian family, there are still so many people in the court. I will tell you one by one."

"That would be better." Ye Yan said with a smile.

Wang Congzhi said, "I will go to see a few cabinet ministers tonight."

After discussing this, they will take the limelight.

When Ye Hao saw the Queen of the Queen, he was silent, still looking like a brow, and he stayed behind.

"Is there still a worrying place for the girl?" There were only two of them in the house, and Ye Hao asked directly.

The Queen Wang smiled and shook her head and looked at Ye Hao. "I am not afraid, I only worry about my son's safety."

"Do you worry that the money family will hurt the great prince? You can rest assured that we have to protect the great emperor." Ye Hao caressed the queen of the king, unless the python came, or they would not be able to save the life of the North Hall.

"Qian Jia?" Wang Huang smiled and shook his head. "Now I don't worry about the money family. The North Hall in the palace has made me worry. Qin Wang, you tell me the truth, is it still a North Hall?" ?"

Ye Hao didn't think that the Queen of the Queen was so sensitive. "How do you think that Beitang is a threat?"

The Queen Queen smiled. "The child grew up under my eyes. What kind of person is he? Can I not know? I just changed to the battlefield and changed the individual. It is cold-blooded and ungrateful than Beitang. This is incredible."

"There is nothing wrong with you. Today's Beitang Xuanzhen is no longer the former Beitang propaganda." Ye Hao gently beheaded. "However, the person who is really vicious is not him, but the person behind him."

"You mean Qian Danqing?" Queen Wang asked strangely.

"No, it is the noble of the Yuan Dynasty." Ye Hao said faintly, "Beitang Xuanzhen was arrested, and she saved him."

The Queen of Queens wondered, "How can it be related to a noble?"

"Ye Wei was originally a man of the Yunlu Palace, and later became a nobleman of the Yuan Dynasty..." Ye said, letting Ye Wei say that it was to fulfill the ambition of the whole water, which explains why she is. I want to come to the North for the country. "I have some complaints with her that have not yet been resolved."

"I can't think of a woman, she has such an unbearable feeling." Queen Wang sighed, "No wonder you have to help us."

It turned out to be for my own private enmity.

Ye Hao said, "I help you, but also help yourself."

The Queen of Queens thought for a moment, "I am going out to find someone."

"I will let you go with you." Ye Hao said that she did not trust the Queen to go out alone.



Ye Wei was mad at her stomach. She did not kill Ye Hao for her, and let them go. They are endless troubles!

"Mu Mingxi, they are in the city, I want you to send troops immediately to find them!" Ye Wei went to the palace to find the North Hall to declare, let him find the Ming Dynasty, as long as you find Mo Mingxi, you can I found Ye Hao.

She knows that if she doesn't want her to hurt her leaves, she seems to think that Ye Hao is very important. She doesn't know how to do it. Someone will find out for them.

"The Gorefiend, I have sent a lot of people to look for it. They seem to be invisible, they can't find it." Beitang Xuanzhen did not dare to put the emperor's shelf in front of Ye Wei, standing in awe. Said in front of Ye Wei.

"You have to find out the three feet of the ground!" Ye Wei said coldly. "If you can't find them, do you think you can live with peace of mind?"

Beitang Xuanqi saw Ye Wei change his face and immediately said, "Well, I immediately let people find them, find them three feet, and kill them all."

"Would you like to kill them?" Ye Wei snorted. "What happened to the move to the capital?"

"I have already arranged, as long as the spirit of the North Hall is in the Imperial Tomb, I will be able to move to the capital immediately." Beitang Xuan said that he now loses Jin Dan, which is no different from a mortal. He only wants to be good now. The emperor enjoyed it once in the world.

Ye Wei was beheaded with satisfaction. "Well, if you can resurrect the ancient Gorefiend, your Golden Dan will be able to recover."

The eyes of the Beitang Xuanzhen suddenly brightened. "Small will definitely find the underground palace."

"You go to the royal study to see the minister. I will go to the harem to make a turn." Ye Wei said that now she is more at home in the palace, even Qian Guifei is not as good as her.

"Yes." Beitang announced that it should be.

Ye Wei came out of the Yangxin Temple and went to the harem.

The palace of the Northern Ming Dynasty is so big, but she has come back and forth in the harem for many times, that is, she did not find the entrance to the underground palace.

It is clear that the palace of the North Ming Kingdom does not have any purple air. How is the atmosphere of the entrance so light? I can hardly feel it. I only know here, but I don’t know where it is.

I can't turn over the entire palace.

"Is it you?" Qian Guizhen was about to go to the North Hall to declare Xuan, but he saw Ye Wei on the way and frowned at her.

"Qian Guizhen..." Ye Wei glanced at Qian Guizhen and smirked out, "Oh, no, now you should call you money too late."

Qian Guizhen said coldly, "We have all promised to move the capital, how are you still here?"

"Let's see it." Ye Wei said faintly. "By the way, let the Beitang publicity be alert. Don't think that when you are an emperor, you can sit back and relax."

"That doesn't need you to point to the nobles of a North Ming country." Qian Guizhen said with no anger.

Ye Wei smiled. "I don't point a finger, your son has already died."

Qian Guizhen’s face suddenly became iron.

"Don't forget, the Queen of the Queen is still with them," said Ye Wei.

There is always a knot in the heart of Qian Guifei.

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