Qian Guiyu entered the Qing Palace, and did not open his mouth to persuade the Beitang to declare it. He heard the voice of the palace people coming out. "The emperor, the Queen Mother, the big... the great emperor is back."

what? Qian Guizhen’s face became suspicious if he had misunderstood himself. “Who is back?”

The palace man ran in and stumbled and repeated, saying, "The emperor, the queen, the great prince... the great emperor and the queen of the queen are back, just outside the palace gate."

Qian Guixuan looked round and said to the North Hall, "He hasn't died yet?"

What he said is naturally Beitang Xuan.

"It’s just right, save time and take time to find him.” Beitang Xuanqi sneered, not worried about the arrival of the Queen.

Dealing with a few mortals is just as easy as pinching an ant.

Qian Guizhen took the hand of Beitang Xuanyuan. "The emperor, Wang Hao, this person is unusual, you have to deal with it carefully."

"No matter how unusual, she is just a mortal woman." Beitang Xuan said, "Is there three heads and six arms?"

"Emperor!" Qian Guizhen felt uneasy in his heart. Wang Hao did not appear late, but at this time, she did not believe that their arrival had no purpose. "In any case, be careful."

Beitang Xuanzhen is somewhat impatient. "How can a man's husband be afraid of his head, their Wang family has long since lost, and what can Beitang Xuanzhen do?"

Although this is said, Qian Guizhen always feels that it is not right.

"Let the big princes come in." Beitang Xuan said, he looked back at Qian Guizhen and asked the palace man, "Where is Ye girl?"

"She has already left." Qian Guizhen said.

Beitang Xuanqi frowned, did not say anything, strode out of the Qing Palace.

With the Queen of the Queens, they came to Mingxi and Huohuang, and came to the front of the Qing Palace. The Queen of the Kings saw Jiang Daren and they were outside. It was July and July, but the weather turned cold, but the sun was fierce. The eyes of the people must not be opened.

"Ginger Daren, what are you doing?" The Queen of the Queen went to the front of Jiang Daren and reached out to help him.

"Queen's maiden..." Jiang Daren squatted for too long. He almost fell when he didn't stand up, or he was helped by Beitang Xuan, and he looked excitedly at Beitang Xuan, "The Great Prince, you...you Still alive?"

"Great Prince?" Other ministers were very excited to see the North Hall.

The Queen of the Queen looked at them with a heavy gaze. "Jiang Daren, what happened?"

Jiang Daren said excitedly, "We ask the emperor to take back the life and not move to leave the capital city."

"You can rest assured that the kings of the North Ming Kingdom are in the capital city, and will not move to the capital." Beitang Xuansheng said.

"It is as if you are the emperor." Beitang Xuanzhen walked out of the main hall and stood on the steps and looked down at the North Hall to announce them.

When he saw Ming Xi and Huo Huang being present, his face changed slightly.

"Wang Hao, do you dare to appear?" Qian Guizhen watched the Queen of the Police with vigilance. This woman is her life's enemy.

The Queen of the Queen asked the people next to him to support Jiang Daren. He walked a few steps forward and looked straight at Qian Guizhen. "You dare to stand here when you want to go to the throne, why don't you dare to appear in this palace?"

"What do you say nonsense? The emperor is the first imperial concubine of the emperor. The emperor is in danger of ruining. The prince is a successor to the throne. He said that he is seeking a ruling position. You are the rebellious party!" Qian Guifei screamed.

"Second brother, did the father emperor pass the throne to you?" Beitang Xuan looked at the younger brother who had a good relationship with him. He could not believe that his father was actually killed by him.

Beitang Xuanqi sneered and said, "Yes, it is the new emperor of the North Ming Kingdom. If you are willing to rehabilitate, you can still give you a chance."

The Queen of the Queen heard this and laughed aloud. "Rehabilitated? This is really good. I don't know what we are wrong with. Need to change it?"

"You colluded with the kingdom of the kingdom and sinned on the sin!" Beitang announced, and his eyes looked at Mingxi viciously. His Jindan was taken away by Bo Mingxi. If it weren't for him, he would now Is it waste like a mortal?

"Whoever is the person who colludes with the enemy, you know it well." Beitang said with a sad heart, "Today we enter the palace, just want to worship the father."

"It's that simple?" Beitang Xuanqi raised his eyebrows and asked, his eyes still looked at Mingxi.

As if he did not see his provocative eyes, he continued to think of himself as a transparent, quietly standing next to him. He did not feel the breath of the Gorefiend. It seems that Ye Wei is not in the palace.

"And, I have to ask you a word." Beitang Xuanqi looked up and asked the North Church Xuanyuan, "Is the father Huang killed?"

The words of Beitang’s propaganda were just asked, and everyone’s voice suddenly went silent. The ministers behind him were shocked and round eyes.

Was the emperor not killed by the assassin? How could it be...

"Ha ha ha." Beitang announced that he laughed. "Do you want to reverse black and white when you enter the palace?"

"Is it black and white, you know it clearly." Beitang said, "The father is so good to you, how do you get it?"

Beitang Xuanyuan said impatiently, "The father has already passed the throne to the prince. Why do you want to start with the father? It is clear that you sent people to stab the father..."

"Are you sure that the North Hall is really giving you the throne?" Mo Mingxi looked at the North Hall and smiled. The corpse was only a few days old, and it was really learning.

"I am not sure, are you sure that a person from Jinguo is sure?" Beitang Xuanzhen saw that Mingxi still had a snack, and the Gorefiend was not here. He was really worried that Mingxi would kill him.

Ming Xi smiled and nodded. "I don't know how many people here know the handwriting of Beitang?"

Jiang Daren stood up. "The old man taught the emperor to practice the word for a few years. The other few are cabinet ministers. Naturally, he is familiar with the handwriting of the emperor."

"Oh, that would be great." Ming Xi smiled and nodded.

Beitang Xuanyuan said, "Jiang Daren, I have the remains of the father."

"It's really a big skill. Even the father's handwriting is dare to forge. The North Hall declares that it is a crime of forgiveness." Beitang Xuanqi asked sharply.

"Is it forged, and some adults will know it when they have seen it." The Queen said faintly.

Qian Guizhen was in a tight heart and hurried to the next palace man.

The palace people quietly retired.

"Come to people, take them down!" Beitang Xuanqi shouted, to the left and right Yulin army to take the Queen of the Queen.

Mingxi and Huohuang stood next to the Queen of the Queen and were preparing for a big fight.

"Stop!" came a sigh.

Beitang’s stunned eyes looked coldly at the people, and the hundreds of soldiers he brought behind him.

"Nine Kings Uncle!" Beitang Xuanzheng happily called out.

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