Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 2297: Jin Dan was eaten

Yan Xiaoliu has no grasp of this monster in front of him, but he can't show a little bit of comfort, otherwise Mingyu will not leave, at least until Mingxi arrives, he must drag this monster to catch up with Mingyu.

"Your body is a little different from mortal." The orangutan beast looked at Yan Xiaoliu. "However, it is very suitable for winning."

Yan Xiaoliu can't understand what he is saying, what is it? What is different about his body?

But now is not the time to think about it.

"Don't resist, or you will die." The orangutan said to Yan Xiaoliu.

Yan Xiaoliu clasped his sword with both hands and stared at the orangutan with a sharp eye. "What monster are you?"

"You want to play against me? Don't be self-sufficient!" The orangutan beasted Yan Xiaoliu, although this mortal looks very strong, but how could it be his opponent.

"This is not the place you should stay." Yan Xiaoliu said.

The orangutan beast bursts, and a wave of palms appears to the Yan Xiaoliu.

Yan Xiaoliu immediately jumped up, and the light blasted on the ground, and the ground cracked several cracks.

"Weak and incompetent mortal." The orangutan beast screamed, and he was going to catch Yan Xiaoliu.

"This is a place for mortals!" The fear in Yan Xiaoliu's heart has been replaced by calmness. He knows that he can't be afraid, otherwise he will be killed by this monster.

The orangutan beast sees Yan Xiaoliu flexibly avoiding his attack, and his heart is surprised and impossible! How can a mortal be so powerful that speed cannot be compared to a monster, how could this boy avoid his attack.

"Who are you?" The orangutan began to anger and the body actually doubled.

Yan Xiaoliu's face looked slightly like a orangutan beast that became like a hill. What the monster is!

His sword could not stab into the flesh of this monster.

The orangutan beast was photographed toward Yan Xiaoliuyi.

"Go to hell!" The orangutan beasted.

Yan Xiaoliu jumped up and jumped on his big palm and ran up along the arm of the orangutan beast. At the moment the other hand of the orangutan was about to catch it, a sword stabbed into his eyes.

"Hey!" The orangutan was so screaming that his skin was hard as iron. The only drawback was the eyes. This **** mortal actually stabbed his eyes.

Sure enough, the eyes are shortcomings! Yan Xiaoliu’s eyes are bright. He has just tried it. The monster is hard and iron all over the body. Whether it is human or beast, the eyes are the most vulnerable. He just wants to try it.

I didn't expect to really hurt this monster.

Yan Xiaoliu jumped behind the orangutan beast. When he was holding his side of his eyes, he took out the dagger in his arms and stabbed him into his back.

He thought that this time he couldn't hurt the orangutan, but the dagger suddenly pierced his hard skin.

The orangutan beasted again, and he turned hard and took Yan Xiaoliu out.

"You have a treasure of the best!" The orangutan took out the dagger and recognized that it was something that did not belong to the mainland. He glared at Yan Xiaoliu. "Where is this?"

Yan Xiaoliu didn't know what the top quality treasure was, but the dagger was given to him by Ming Xi, and it would not be too bad.

"Why tell you!" Yan Xiaoliu said, ready to find another opportunity to hurt the other eye of this monster.

The orangutan beasted and the body was getting bigger and bigger, and it looked more like a mountain.

The surrounding palaces were all collapsed by the orangutan beast.

Yan Xiaoliu gasped, this monster looks terrible, and his body is huge, but his actions are not sensitive, as long as he does not give it a chance to hurt him.

But he has no weapons on his body, and the sword and the capital of the capital are on the body of the orangutan.

The orangutan beast released the demon power, and the surrounding air seemed to become substantial. Yan Xiaoliu even walked hard.

How could this be? Yan Xiaoliu walked hard, but found that his body seemed to be suppressed, and he did not go fast.

"People, give me your body." The orangutan beast screamed, spit out a golden dan from his mouth, and wanted to forcefully enter the body of Yan Xiaoliu.

Although Yan Xiaoliu did not understand what was a win, he knew that if he did not resist again, his body might not be able to be the master. He remembered the Beitang propaganda, which was completely different from the rumors, and remembered that he had seen it in the military camp. Monster.

Beitang Xuanzhen should have been swallowed up by that monster, otherwise how can it change personality.

What it is? Yan Xiaoliu looked at Jin Dan suspended above his head, as if all the power was transmitted from this thing.

"Ah--" Yan Xiaoliu felt that something was getting out of his body. He felt all the pain in his body and couldn't help but scream.

The orangutan is slowly shrinking and ready to enter the body of Yan Xiaoliu.

Yan Xiaoliu wanted to move, he used up his internal force, and his hands and feet could only be lifted slowly.

Jin Dan is getting closer and closer. He is sweating all over his body. Dan Tian is inexplicably hot. Apart from his own internal force, the meridians seem to have a strange force.


Yan Xiaoliu felt that all the limbs were tearing. He looked up at the golden dragon and thought that the monster would use his body to hurt the jade. The pain in his body was no longer painful, his skin appeared. The silk was cracked and the blood was soaked in his clothes.

The orangutan beast looks at this mortal, what is going on?

Yan Xiaoliu suddenly felt that the pressure on his body had disappeared. It seemed that there was a new force supporting him. He jumped and bit the Jindan.

Jin Dan entered his mouth and disappeared instantly.

"..." The orangutan beast rounded his eyes, what? His golden dragon was actually swallowed by the mortal?

He hasn't completely won the battle yet, how could the mortal might swallow his golden dragon!

Yan Xiaoliu's skin is still bleeding, but his hands and feet have been relaxed after swallowing Jindan. He jumped on the shoulder of the orangutan beast, escaped the dagger and forced it into the head of the orangutan beast.

"Oh--" The orangutan beasted with violent roar, and a palm was shot on top of his head.

Yan Xiaoliu grabbed the long sword on the chest of the orangutan beast and pulled it out forcefully, returning to the ground and facing him.

The orangutan beasted, and he took a breath and took back Jin Dan from Yan Xiaoliu.

"Hey--" Yan Xiaoliu spit out a blood, Jin Dan has not melted in his body, but can also be controlled by the orangutan beast.

Yan Xiaoliu held the ground with a sword, or he fell down. He felt a sharp pain in the stomach.

He swallowed the blood of his throat and stared at the orangutan.

Actually can't get back to Jin Dan! The orangutan beast looks at Yan Xiaoliu.

Yan Xiaoliu jumped up again quickly, much faster than before, and the orangutan couldn't catch him.

He came to the top of the orangutan beast again, and the dagger inserted in the head of the orangutan was completely penetrated into his head.


The orangutan who lost Jin Dan crashed down.

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