Yan Xiaoliu frowned and looked at the road that had been blocked. He couldn't easily find the path to leave the yard. As a result, he could not walk a few steps, and the front had no way to go.

He knows that he is in a lost circle. If he wants to leave, he will find a good eye. He has been looking for a long time, and he has not found a line yet.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Yan Xiaoliu faintly felt that someone was watching him. He turned back and shouted at the lush tree.

Van Gogh slowly came out from behind him. "Do you want to be stronger?"

Yan Xiaoliu slammed into the man who grabbed him. "Who are you?"

"Imperial!" Van Gogh said faintly, "People who can make you more powerful, I want to accept you as an apprentice."

"I don't care what you are, I am not your apprentice, let me go." Yan Xiaoliu looked at this person with vigilance. He still remembered that he had just stunned easily. This person is more powerful than the orangutan.

Fan Luo whispered, "I want to accept you as an apprentice, not asking if you are willing or not."

Yan Xiaoliu frowned at him and turned to run away.

"Here, you can't go anywhere." Fan Luo blinked in front of Yan Xiaoliu. "You haven't cultivated. You can form a sea of ​​water without washing your marrow. As long as you concentrate on cultivation, you will soon be able to enter the Qing Dynasty. In less than a hundred years, it will rise to the mainland of God."

He has never received an apprentice. His method is difficult to find the inheritor. Today, seeing Yan Xiaoliu killing the orangutan beast, he feels that this boy is the person he is looking for.

"I don't want to go to God's mainland. What do you cultivate? I don't understand." Yan Xiaoliu cried, he knew that he was not the opponent of this person, and there was no export entrance everywhere. He didn't know who to count. save him.

This man named Vatican... seems to have said to eliminate his memory.

Thinking that he might forget Ming Yu, he would rather die than compromise.

Van Gogh's slender fingers are lightly in the air. "You don't need to know, you will naturally know later."

Yan Xiaoliu couldn't move his body. He stared at Fan Luo. "Can't you understand people? I said not to be your apprentice, nor to learn anything. I am just a mortal..."

"You will be more than just a mortal in the future." Fan Luo whispered that the fingers of Yan Xiaoliu's body floated in the air.

"What do you want to do?" cried Yan Xiaoliu. He couldn't move all over the body. He could only speak. "I don't practice, you don't hear it!"

Fan Luo’s fingertips pressed against the head of Yan Xiaoliu, and a ray of light condensed at his fingertips.

Yan Xiaoliu felt a sharp tingling in his mind, and he yelled out loudly. "Do not eliminate my memory, otherwise I will kill you in the future!"

"The memory of the earth on earth is not good for your cultivation. When you have the ability to kill me in the future, I will return the memory to you." Fan Luo said faintly, the light of the fingertips was instantly made, and the whole forest was bright.

"Ah--" Yan Pai's brain pain spread throughout the body, he yelled, black and fainted in the past.



Murong Zhan went to Yan Xiaoliu, and Ye Hao cleaned up the mess in the palace. After a while, Mingxi also came back.

"Mother, I didn't find any monsters to continue attacking people." Mingxi looked at his sleep. This ancient Gorefiend seemed to be as terrible as he had imagined. He was always standing here and being sent by his mother.

I thought that I would have a **** battle with my mother.

"That's good." Ye Hao looked at his sleep, it seems that his words are not false, their ancient Gorefiends can really let the world's monsters stop attacking mortals.

"Mother, what?" Mingxi asked.

Ye Hao frowned and said, "Van Luo will take Yan Xiaoliu away, and you will go to Yan Xiaoliu."

Mingxi heard a shock, "How does the guy catch the small six, I will help find it."

"I will go with you." The nephew immediately said that the repair of the Vatican is on top of everyone, and the deaf children are not at ease.

"Then you go to help find the small six, I stay here." Fire Phoenix eyes swept away and let Ye Hao get along with this ancient Gorefiend, he felt very dangerous.

Mingxi nodded and decided.

"The Queen of the Queen was seriously injured. I healed her. There are other people in the palace who are injured. I will concentrate them here." Ye Hao said to Huo Huang.

"I can also help." The father took the initiative to say to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao looked at him. "You... really want to help?"

Lying in a serious position, "help you."

"Then you help me to see who else is hurt." Ye Hao said that the palace did not see other people, and only the ones who could help were lying.

"Good!" I was happy to nod, as if Ye Hao asked him to help him.

Ye Hao took the fire phoenix to check in the palace, saw the uninjured palace man and the Guardian Army, and asked them to help the injured person to be pulled out of the collapsed palace, and the broken points were opened.

"Hey, look." Fire Phoenix pointed to the outside of the palace in front, where there was a man lying across.

It was a woman dressed in plain clothes. Ye Hao was wondering about her identity. She heard a banquet in the back of her life and said, "That is... the Queen Mother."

Money too late? That is the money.

Fire Phoenix walked over and saw that it was Qian Guizhen. "Dead, it is poisoning."

Ye Hao slightly stunned, actually poisoned to death? Did Qian Guizhen commit suicide with poison?

"Take her to the hall." Ye Hao said, after all, it is expensive, how to say nothing during his lifetime, at least to be decent after death.

"The nine kings are also dead." A palace man said, "being ... was killed by that monster."

Ye Hao sighed softly, "Send the nine princes to the mourning hall."

They walked through the palace again, and the death and injury were not too heavy. There should be many people who escaped from the palace. Today’s palace is really just a ruin. The North Hall’s propaganda has been scared so far that its face has not recovered. Beside the Queen of the Queen.

"The injury after your mother has stabilized. There is a mess outside. You are the emperor. You should go to the overall situation." Ye Hao said to the North Church.

"I don't want to be an emperor, whoever loves to be a person." Beitang Xuanqi shook his head in fear. "When I wake up after my mother, we will leave here."

Ye Hao frowned at him, this is evading responsibility.

"Don't you even have a North Ming country?" Ye Hao asked.

Beitang announced that he was smirking. "I can't afford this country. I will die in the future. I will go to the father to sin."

"Cowardly!" The fire phoenix snorted.

Ye Hao is about to talk, and there is a voice behind him, "Little!"

Huo Huang looked at this ancient Gorefiend with vigilance.

"Small, I found the underground palace." Looking at the leaf faintly.

Ye Hao’s face changed slightly.

Looking at her, "I didn't mean to look for it..."

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