Murong Cham came to a woodland outside the city. There was a mystery of fantasy and there was spiritual power to float. Van Gogh should be here.

His cultivation is not as good as Van Gogh, but it is not difficult to break this puzzle.

Into the woods, Murong Zhan's cold sword eyebrows wrinkled, here in addition to spiritual power, there is looming magic.

He used to listen to 钰修, and the practice of Vatican’s cultivation is also evil, so he never accepts apprentices, because few people who practice the right way can learn his exercises, and don’t know what the Vatican’s exercises are. Where is the evil?

"Ah--" a scream came.

Murong Chan heard that this is the voice of Yan Xiaoliu. He was dull and squirmed, and immediately flew away from where the sound was heard.

Around a small lake, he encountered a barrier again.

The voice of Yan Xiaoliu came from the wooden house opposite the lake.

Van Gogh set the barrier to stop him.

In the hands of Murong Chan, a black sword appeared, and the barrier was cut hard.

A wall of light flashed and disappeared instantly.

The voice of Yan Xiaoliu has stopped, and there is silence around.

Murong Zhan looked at the lake coldly and coldly, "Van Luo, come out."

His black sword became more black, and the whole body exudes a powerful spiritual pressure. The barrier in front of him becomes essence under the pressure of the spirit. A light wall appears in his sight, and a crack has appeared in the wall.

"Modi." Fan Luo walked out in the wooden house, step by step, and came to Murong Zhan in a few steps. "What do you want to do?"

"Hand over the Yan dynasty." Murong Zhan's eyebrows are as cold as ice, even if he is facing Van Gogh, his momentum has not weakened by half.

Van Gogh looked at Murong Zhan in a faint way. He knew the character of the Emperor Modi many years ago. The first person in Xuantian mainland suppressed the repair and refused to enter the mainland of God. When he was robbed, he recruited nine heavenly thunders. Even the original Emperor did not have him.

Everyone knows that, in time, the repair of the Emperor of Modi will certainly not be worse than that of the Emperor, and may even be the second generation of God's successor.

However, it is all speculation in the future. Today, the Emperor of the Modi, it is only the Holy Emperor, and it will not be his opponent.

"He is already my apprentice." Fan Luo said faintly, "No one can take him away."

"Van Luo, Yan Yan is just a mortal." Murong Zhan looked at him coldly, actually whimsical to accept Yan Xiaoliu as an apprentice, among the three continents, the most difficult to cultivate is the mortal, more precisely, The lowest is the mortal, otherwise, ten thousand years ago, God will not give up the human continent in nine days, and will not let the big monsters rule the world.

"He is not an ordinary mortal." Fan Luo said, "A mortal with a sea of ​​air is enough to be an apprentice."

Murong Zhan is very surprised, Yan Xiaoliu actually has a sea of ​​air! When did he learn to practice?

impossible! Even if Ming Xi teaches Yan Xiaoliu to practice, under the checks and balances of heaven, he will not be able to cultivate the sea in such a short period of time.

"What happened to you?" Murong Zhan asked coldly.

"But it is to make him more suitable as a disciple in this seat." Fan Luo said, "Mu Di, do you want to be a mortal enemy with this seat?"

In the hands of Murong Chan, the black sword is facing Van Gogh. "Yan Xiaoliu is not your apprentice and handed him over."

"Even if I hand him over to you, he won't remember you, he remembers all the memories of the mainland," Van Gogh said faintly. "Do you want a mortal without memory?"

"Van Luo!" Murong Chong understands why he just heard Yan Xiaoliu's yelling, and Vatican forced his memory to be eliminated. "This mainland is not what you want to do."

"At least, now what you want to do in this seat, you can't stop it." Fan Luo's eyes flashed a sarcasm. "Let's go, this seat is not with you today."


Murong Zhan and a sword cut the barrier, and the tip of the sword stabbed the back of Van Loo.

Fan Luo’s figure has appeared on the other side of the lake, and his eyes are coldly looking at Murong Cham. “Mu Di, you are no better, it will not be your opponent.”

"Hand over Yan Xiaoliu!" Murong Zhanhan said, going to the wooden house on the other side.

"The apprentices in this seat can't take them away," said Fan Luo, a wall of water blocking the face of Murong Cham.

Murong Zhan a sword opened the water wall, the water wall instantly turned into a water beast, roaring and biting the arm of the ink-filled Zhan Zhan, another hand of the ink-filled water beast to the water bead.

Fan Luo’s hand waved and there were several water beasts on the lake.

These water beasts are all transformed by Fan Luo with spiritual power. Murong Zhan uses the sand of the lake to transform into a behemoth, blocking the water beasts for him.

Seeing the behemoth, Vatican looked at the face of Mo Rongzhan a little more.

This Modi...the strength is stronger than he estimated.

Murong Chong came to the wooden house, but there was no one inside.

"Yan Xiaoliu?" Murong Zhan's eyes flashed a raging anger, not only Van Gogh, but someone took Yan Xiaoliu away.

"This seat has said that Yan Xiaoliu is already my apprentice, and no one wants to take him away." Fan Luo said, "Even if you are, you can't do it."

Then no nonsense! Inkor Cham's look was cold, and the black sword in his hand stabbed to Van Gogh.

The two have already been fighting on the lake in an instant.

For the first time, Fan Luo was really fighting with Murong Zhan. It was really different when he experienced nine miles. Compared with other holy emperors, Modi’s cultivation was much higher.

It is no wonder that Emperor respects him so much!

This person... If living, it must be a threat to the future.

"Modi, you are a deadly sin in the private world. Today, you dare to offend this seat. It is only natural that you will kill you." Fan Luo whispered that a slender ice sword appeared in his hand.

"You appear here, is it God's instigation?" Murong Zhan asked coldly, Ye Wei will know so much about the things that linger on the Xuantian continent, it must be related to Fan Luo, and still lying. Resurrection, "Van Luo, what purpose do you have?"

Van Gogh’s slender eyes smiled. “You are almost dead, there is no need to know so much.”

Murong Chong felt a powerful spiritual pressure that shrouded him and suppressed his spiritual power.

The cultivation of the Holy Emperor is still different from the Emperor.

He ran into the sea, releasing a greater spiritual power to condense the black sword in his hand. The black sword turned into a black iron dragon, and his mouth widened to bite Van Loo's arm.

The ice sword in the hands of Vatican turned into an ice beast, and the sharp teeth bit the neck of the iron dragon.


Murong Zhan was bounced off by a huge force, and the iron dragon turned into a black sword. He quickly took the black sword in his hand and the blood on his mouth.

"When you are dead, this seat will send you back to the mainland of God, giving you the opportunity to re-cultivate." Fan Luo's mouth showed a shallow smile, and the ice beast roared toward Murong Chan.

Suddenly, there was a fire unicorn in front of Murong Chong, throwing the ice beast out.

Van Gogh's face suddenly changed.

A long, slender white figure appeared next to Murong Cham.

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