Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 2316: Just remember you

Ye Hao looked at the jade in the hands of Guan Yu, "How come you are here?"

"Get it." Guan said seriously, "Give it to you."

"Where did you see it?" Ye Hao took the jade, and looked at the ring. She had seen him many years ago. The impression of him was always the silly boy who believed in the land with one heart and one mind. Oh, now Lu Yan is not dead, still do not know what he will be.

Guan Guanguang did not immediately look at Ye Hao, "on the ground."

"..." Ye Hao cried and laughed, this guy is really sincere, "Thank you, this is not suitable for you here, you go back to the house to rest."

"What is this thing?" Turning the ring on the red fog in the air, the look of curiosity.

Ye Hao said, "This will not be understood by you. You can't get close to those things, you know?"

Guan Guan seems to understand and nostalgic, and smiles at Ye Hao, "I remember you."

"What?" Ye Hao said, "Do you remember me?"

"Remember." Guan Guan seriously looked at Ye Hao. "I don't remember others, just remember you."

Ye Hao asked with a funny smile, "What do you remember me?"

"Your look." Guanuan seriously thought about it. He didn't remember other things. He only remembered her appearance. He must have seen her.

"Then do you still remember what you have done before?" Ye Hao said with a smile, facing the clean and bright eyes, she really hated it, even if he used to be with Lu Haozhi, she felt this The child was harmed by Lu Yi.

The ring shook his head and he remembered nothing.

"You are a pretty sister." Guan said seriously.

Ye Hao laughed. "Well, go back to the house."

Guan Guan quietly looked at Ye Hao, and then turned and slowly left.

"He has been standing here for a long time." The layman came out from the corner and told him to leave Ye Hao.

Ye Hao turned back and put the jade into his arms. "He is a simple person, just curious."

"I can see it." I beheaded, but did not say that he felt that the customs were different from ordinary mortals. He couldn't say where it was different, so I don't know how to tell Ye Hao.

"When can they go out?" Ye Hao asked.

Lying in the road, "Maybe it will be a few more days."

Ye Hao slightly frowned, "When can you know the whereabouts of Ye Wei?"

"She is still setting the capital city." Lying said, take a red mirror to Ye Hao, "There is no trace of Fan Luo."

Ye Hao took the mirror, and she saw Ye Wei, who was practicing in the cave. She was surrounded by dense bloodworms, which looked disgusting and terrible.

"She didn't follow Van Gogh." Ye Hao frowned. "It seems that it is not easy to find Van Gogh."

"Small," said the whisper, "if Van Gogh will raise me first, then he will go to resurrect other people."

Ye Hao’s heart was shocked. “Other bloodsuckers? Are you saying that Van Gogh will go to the underground palace?”

The underground palaces of the Yuan and Beiming countries have been opened. Nowadays, there are no underground palaces of Jinguo and Qiguo. Fan Luo will definitely go to these two places!

Lying raised a pair of calm eyes, "Yes."

"Who is Van Gogh? I knew you before?" Ye Hao asked.

"No, we used to be God's hostile. The mainland of God is actually the territory under nine days, the place where God used to go before."

Ye Hao looked at his sleep and said, "I have something to ask you."

"You said." Lying smiled at her.

"If you are all raised, your king will come back, will you re-ruling the mainland?" Ye Hao whispered.

Lying silently watching Ye Hao, before he fell asleep, he would think about when he could wait until the reincarnation of Xiaoyan, and waited for a hundred years and another hundred years. He never believed that Xiaoxi was really flying, not trusting her. I can't turn around again, so I waited and waited, and I didn't wait until the big battle.

I didn't expect to see her after ten thousand years.

But she can't remember him anymore, don't remember them all.

At the beginning...

She is for them to fly away.

"Even if all of us are back, it will not affect the situation on the mainland, and mortals and monsters will have their own territory."

"Do you think that today's human world is still a human continent before 10,000 years ago?" Ye Hao asked, "It is different."

Lying said, "What are you worried about?"

"Would you hurt the emperors of this continent?" If they want to rule the world, then the emperors of this continent are their obstacles.

"No," said the layman. "They will listen to the king in the future."

It is the king!

Ye Hao snorted. "Your king is the python."

"Small sly." Lying down whispered to her, "I hope you can remember us, and you don't want you to think about it."

If she thinks about the past, how can she face the situation today?

Ye Hao said, "I am very good, you keep on guarding, I am leaving." She waved the mirror in her hand. "This lends me."

"Good." Nodded.

Ye Hao took the mirror to find Murong Cham, just as Murong Chan and Yan Xiu had already finished talking, and the two did not know what to say.

"...Ye Wei is not with Van Golo, you see." Ye Hao showed the mirror to Mo Rongzhan. "Let's go and bring Ye Wei first."

"I am going to catch her back." Fire Phoenix called.

He looked at the red mirror in the hands of Ye Hao and sighed. "This is the extraordinary sacred thing of the ancients. It seems that there are many treasures in the ancient Gorefiend."

Ye Hao Xiumei picks, "What are you talking about?"

"This is not an ordinary mirror," said Xiu Xiu. "This is a thousand mirrors. It is not just a thousand miles."

"Fire, you take the mirror and bring Ye Wei." Even Yan Xiu said that it is a treasure, and that mirror should be very useful.

"Good." Fire Phoenix immediately said.

Ink said to Ye Hao, "Hey, I have something to talk to you and Mingyu."

Yan Xiu said, "Let's talk, I will go out with the fire phoenix."

"What do you want to discuss?" Ye Hao asked doubtfully, and went to find a daughter with Murong Cham.

Mingxi and Mingyu are together. Mingxi is explaining what kind of danger exists in the human world. Although Mingyu has not been to Xuantian mainland, he has been able to understand what Mingxi said.

"Hey, mother." Seeing Ye Hao, Ming Yu stood up happily, wondering if there was news of Yan Xiaoliu.

"You have something to talk to you." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Ming Yu turned to look at the ink to Zhan Zhan.

Murong Zhan sat down and gestured to Ming Yu sitting in front of him. "Ming Yu, I have something to ask you."

"Uh-huh." Ming Yu nodded seriously, waiting for Murong Zhan to ask questions.

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