
The military camp of the Yuan Dynasty was in chaos. In the middle of the military camp, there were two monsters that had been shot dead by arrows. However, there were more soldiers killed and wounded. In order to kill these two monsters, they paid a heavy price.

"Ah..." there was a terrible cry in the camp.

In the fight against the monster, Liao Xinhai was bitten by a monster and the military doctor was bandaging the wound.

Jiang Rong was also injured, but the injury was not as serious as Liao Xinhai.

He looked gloomy at Liao Xinhai, who was bandaging the wound. Although they had killed the monster, they still felt that they had a lingering fear. He had never seen such a terrible monster, and he was able to kill more than a dozen people in one hand.

"General Liao, you can bear it again." The two military doctors sweated to Liao Xinhai with great sweat. Although they had already used the medicine, they could not stop the pain.

"I still have to endure anything, it is better to kill me!" Liao Xinhai shouted loudly, he lost a hand, how can he continue to fight, he is already a waste.

Jiang Rong walked over and said to Liao Xinhai, "I just survived, because of a hand, you don't even want it?"

"I knew this before, it would be better to let the two monsters kill me." Liao Xinhai said with anger.

"Don't say frustration." Jiang Rong said, "Not a hand, at least life is still there."

Liao Xinhai bit his teeth and thought that he survived in the dead, and the depression in his heart was better. "How many people died?"

"At least half." Jiang Rong said in a deep voice, "I have already let people know that the capital city has told the emperor that the two monsters that suddenly popped up...we did not think about it before."

"What the **** is that!" Liao Xinhai asked, how come out two huge fierce monsters.

Jiang Rong shook his head. "I don't know, it's finally killed. You have to raise the wound first, and Ye Yannan has to deal with it."

Liao Xinhai cried in pain. "I still deal with Ye Yinan. If there is such a monster, we don't need to live."

"There are also monsters on the wasteland." Jiang Rong said, "Ye Yinan will not lose more than us."

"There are also monsters in the wilderness?" Liao Xinhai slammed up and pulled the injured hand. He woke up, "Mother, it hurts me."

The medics said busy, "General Liao, you can bear it for a long time, just fine."

"Forbearing a fart, can you let my hand grow out?" Liao Xinhai remembered that his broken arm was swallowed by a monster, and the whole body was a cold sweat, and the position of the broken arm was even more painful.

Jiang Rong took a picture of Liao Xinhai’s shoulder. "You have to take good care of your injuries and give me other things."

He turned and walked out of the camp, saw the mess outside, and he was afraid after a while, he almost died in the mouth of the monster...

"The body of the two monsters was burned." Jiang Rongqing ordered the soldiers who were not injured. There were too many people killed and injured in this time. It took a long time for the aftermath. "The body of other brothers was buried again..."

On the other side of the wilderness, Ye Junnan’s military camp did indeed appear as a monster.

Ye Yinan had seen the corpse beast, and listened to Ming Xi also mentioned a little, so when he saw the demon beast, he did not panic, but let the soldiers line up, and gave the nephew a jade card to him. Open, the monster can't move instantly, trapped in the enchantment, but the monster is thick, the general sword can't hurt it, Ye Lannan thinks of the sword that Mingxi gave him, he thinks it is not ordinary The sword has been reluctant to come out for use.

In the end, the monster was killed by the sword that Mingxi gave him.

"General, the military camp on the other side of the Yuan Dynasty also has a monster, and bite off Liao Xinhai's hand." Ge Kuan entered the camp with excitement. He just learned the news from the spy. The military camp of the Yuan is a mess, they don't have to The war has already won.

The two monsters almost gave the Yuan army barracks. They also had monsters in the barracks, but their generals were able to limit the action of the monsters, and the sword cut the head of the monster.

They did not even kill a soldier.

When Ye Xiaonan heard Ge Kuan’s words, his face did not ease, and he did not feel happy. “Ge Kuan, I want to be in a mess.”

"General, your words are..." Ge Kuan stunned.

"Monster!" Ye Xiaonan said, "The wilderness and the Qingyuan have appeared, and other places will also appear."

Today, he is lucky to have something left by his nephew to trap the monster. There are so many people in the military camp in Qingyuan who are killed and wounded, let alone other places. Can ordinary people deal with such monsters?

"This..." Ge Kuan imagined the scene and was shocked. "No."

Ye Yannan frowned and said, "You let people inquire about what is going on in the city."

"I will go right away," Ge Kuan said.

However, let Ye Xiaonan be slightly pleased that there is no phenomenon of monsters eating in the city. Except in the military camp, the surrounding places are still calm and calm. It seems that there are not so many monsters.

He can still be assured.

"Qingyuan is no longer a threat. Is the spy who went to Qiguo to inquire about the news come back?" Ye Yannan asked, it was not unexpected that Qiqiu sent troops to Ganzhou, so when he received the news, he was ready to fight with Song Hongwei.

Although Zhao Wei has a treaty with Jin Guo for ten years, she is now attacking the North Ming State.

Ge Kuan said, "There is no news yet. However, the spy has just returned and said that the North Hall is dying. The North Church announced that it would go to the palace to find the North Hall."

"Let people decide to go to the city to inquire about the news." Ye Yinan said that the appearance of the monster, the things left by the nephew can control its actions, which shocked him. He felt that Ye Hao they might face more dangerous. thing.

He is very worried about his sister and nephew. If he can't walk away, he still wants to go to the capital city in person.

"General, the emperor now... does not seem to be in the palace." When Ge Kuan wanted to leave, he suddenly remembered Murong’s patrol.

Ye Yinan suddenly remembered, his face suddenly changed, Murong 恪 secretly separated from the team that ran out of the patrol, and left with Song Wei and Lei Bingfu, what should I do if I met a monster?

"The emperor went to ZTE, and sent a letter to the tower, let him send troops to find the emperor. He should go to Wuling now." Ye Xiaonan said as he went to the table to write a letter.

I don't know what Murong Yu wants to check. It is too self-willed. He thinks that he is still the owner of the thousand Rakshasa.

"General, what exactly does the emperor want to do? You can't enjoy it in the palace, you have to come out..." Ge Kuan whispered, and was stunned by Ye Yinan's fierce look.

Ye Yannan quickly wrote a secret letter, "The speed is sent to the tower."


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