Lei Bingfu went to the room to see Mrs. Lei. Since the treatment of the royal doctor for Mrs. Ray, Mrs. Ray’s looks are much better. Of course, this has a great relationship with the mood.

"Mother, how do you feel today?" Lei Bingfu slammed the curtain into the house and saw that Mrs. Lei was taking medicine. She smiled and walked over.

"Fuer." Mrs. Lei saw her daughter with a happy smile on her face. "You are not waiting at the emperor, how come to me."

Lei Bingfu smiled. "Come and see you."

"Since you changed the doctor for me, I feel that it is much better every day." Mrs. Lei said with a smile, handing the medicine bowl to the side ring.

I am not a medical doctor, I must feel that my body is comfortable because I feel good.

"That's good." Lei Bingfu did not tell Mrs. Lei about the cause of her illness. Anyway, she had to deal with Guo Xiang's mother and daughter. Mrs. Lei only needs to take good care of her illness. "The weather is good these days, you don't always Stay in the house and go out when you have time."

Mrs. Ray said with a smile, "Well, you accompany me to the courtyard to sit."

"Good." Lei Bingfu nodded and supported Mrs. Lei's hand. "I heard that my father always came to the house these two days?"

"Yeah, this year, he has been the most diligent in the past two days. In the past, the entrance to the room was not entered." Mrs. Ray’s eyebrows were not happy, but full of ridicule and disdain. "You Know what he is looking for for me?"

Lei Bingfu raised an eyebrow. "What does he want you to do?"

"Oh, it’s just disgusting to say it." Mrs. Ray’s eyes flashed disgust. "Where will he care about my body, if it is not you, he can’t wait for me to die."

"What is he going to ask for Lei Jieting?" Lei Bingfu asked faintly. She heard that Mrs. Lei said so, she could guess a little.

Mrs. Lei looked at her daughter in amazement. "How do you know that it is for the little monk?"

"I can ask him to ask for you, except for the mother and daughter, what else." Lei Bingfu knows the virtue of this father too, and guessed the reason at once.

"Yes, he is for Lei Jieting, and his name wants her to enter the palace to help you, but it is to see you now returning home, the mother and daughter are jealous of you, thinking that you can be like you in the palace." The lady said that she had to gnash her teeth, and she regretted that she had let Guo Yanniang enter the door of Lei’s family.

In order to please Wang Lei's favor, she let Guo Yanniang enter the door as a mother, and knew that she should be killed in the same year.

Lei Bingfu’s mouth sneered, “Mom, you don’t have to be angry with him. From the time I was a child, isn’t he the same?”

"I am angry, aren't you his daughter?" Mrs. Ray's voice could not hear the anger. She gave birth to a child for Lei Jia, but in her husband's mind, only Lei Jieting is His biological, he never cared about her son and daughter.

If she had already seen it, she agreed to let her son go to work with her daughter-in-law, and she still didn’t know what her son would be like now.

The mother-in-law of Guo Yu’s mother wanted to let her daughter-in-law disagree with her all day long. Fortunately, her daughter-in-law was still quite smart and was not given up by them.

Lei Bingfu smiled faintly. "Does he treat me as a daughter?"

She never used him as a father.

"Fuer, you really have to be careful. It is really not easy for the mother and daughter. Since your father has such a mind, they must have arranged it, don't let the little hoof get rid of it, or you will be in the palace later. Never have a good day." Mrs. Lei whispered.

She really wants to know what arrangements Lei Jieting has. If she is brave enough to seduce Murong, she still has the courage.

However, after all, will Murong Yu be seduce by Lei Jieting?

Lei Bingfu thought about it, and couldn't help but laugh. She found that she was not worried that Lei Jieting would be close to Murong Yu. She had been in the palace for so long, and she had been with Murong Yu for some time. She didn’t know him the most. It is also clear that he is a man.

If he is so seduce, he will not be alone for so many years.

"Mother, you can rest assured, what she really wants to do, that is the way to find her own way." Lei Bingfu said with a smile to Mrs. Lei.

Mrs. Ray did not seem so easy for her. "In any case, you have to keep an eye on it."

"Good." Lei Bingfu nodded with a smile.

"Right, I still have something to discuss with you." Mrs. Lei whispered.

Lei Bingfu looked at Mrs. Lei with a puzzled look, "You said."

"When I have a good body, I want to go to your brother." Mrs. Lei looked back at the room and said, "I was not willing to be threatened by my position, thinking that I would always get the rewards I deserved. Now, I am watching, you are pregnant, I used to be able to do some chores for them."

Upon hearing this, Lei Bingfu did not immediately agree. She is more familiar with Mrs. Lei. Now they are separated from the big brother. They feel that their daughter-in-law is all good. Once they live together, honestly, Mrs. Ray’s temper is not so good.

Mrs. Ray’s heart is not bad, that is, sometimes she cares about it.

"Don't you say you want to go to Kyoto before?" asked Lei Bingfu.

"Yeah, but your brother has written several times and hopes that I can go to him." Mrs. Ray sighed. "Your brother has already seen the Lei family."

Lei Bingfu said, "You should raise your body first and then arrange things in the future."

"I think so too." Lady Ray nodded.

The mother and the daughter were talking, and they saw a round figure coming in from the courtyard door.

"Hui 妃 娘 is also here." Come to Lei, seeing Lei Bingfu here, his face with a smile.

"How did my father have time to go to the house today?" Lei Bingfu sat on the side of Mrs. Lei and looked at him with a faint look.

Lei said with a smile, "I am going to see your mother, is it better today?"

"I am not good with you, it has nothing to do with you." Mrs. Lei said with a cold face, she did not appreciate it at all.

"What are you saying, I care about you, what color do you look at." Ray’s face flashed over, and if Lei Bingfu was here, he almost wanted to marry Mrs. Lei.

Mrs. Lei sneered. "Thank you for your concern, I am good."

Seeing Mrs. Lei’s ten-year-old temper, Lei Bingfu sighed in his heart. Before, Mrs. Lei had feelings for Master Lei. On the one hand, she wanted to get attention. On the one hand, she could not pull her face, and she never followed the face of Lei. Soft lower body, that Guo Yu Niang knows the man, knows how to grasp the man's heart.

However, these are not important, and Mrs. Lei should not care that Lei is not concerned.

"You..." Ray's old man, and he couldn't tell if he had a stomach.

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