Ye Wei really didn't know where Fan Luo was. On that day, Fan Luo left without taking her. She just left with Yan Xiaoliu. The injury on her body has not fully recovered. The skill is less than 20%. In the place where I practiced before, I continued to use those blood worms to practice, and it was not long before I practiced it. Mingxi appeared.

Since the disappearance of the heavens and the balance, Mingxi has not recovered his martial arts, and Ye Wei is not his opponent at all.

Ye Hao couldn't ask for the whereabouts of Fan Luo, and then let Ye Wei give it away. Instead, Ye Wei refused to leave.

"Since you brought me in, it is not so easy for me to leave like this." Ye Weilai refused to go in the chair of the Taishi.

"Are you afraid of encountering jade clouds?" Ye Hao looked at Ye Wei’s mind at a glance, and Ye Wei’s current cultivation, if he met the jade cloud that had been cultivated as a Gorefiend, only the murdered part, she I am very clear about my situation, thinking that I can still be sheltered here.

Ye Wei is cold, "Why should I be afraid of her?"

"You are not afraid that she is the best." Ye Hao nodded. "You should not forget, she is still my relative mother?"

She really forgot about it!

Ye Wei’s face changed slightly, “Ye Ye!”

"You have to kill my son several times, shouldn't you think that I will protect you?" Ye Hao said faintly, "Ye Wei, I don't kill you, it is in the name of your surname, my hand. I don’t touch the blood of my loved ones, but how do you treat my aunt, how much suffering she suffered at Feiyu Mountain Villa, how to force me to harm my own sister, this account will always be cleared with you."

"When you are a jealousy, you are still not a niece." Ye Wei said sarcastically that she was already figuring out where she should be and would not encounter jade.

At least until she resumes repairs, she can't meet jade clouds.

"She doesn't care if I don't care about this niece, as long as she recognizes the jade full of this granddaughter." Ye Hao said.

Ye Wei’s eyes flashed a bit of surprise. “Have you seen jade full?”

"What do you say?" Ye Hao asked.

"As long as I don't die, I will kill you." Ye Wei said with a hate.

Ye Hao smiled lightly. "Well, I am waiting for you, don't send it."

"Hey!" Ye Wei snorted and stood up and left.

Soon, Ming Xi and the nephew walked in together. "Mother, do you want her to go?"

"She won't be relieved if she walks." Ye Hao said, Ye Wei is afraid of jade clouds in his heart, certainly not only because Yu Yun is still alive to become a Gorefiend, she knows that Yu Yun is a person, so she is only from the bottom of her heart. feeling scared.

Even when she is practicing, there is no breakthrough in the fear of this layer in her heart.

"Mother, what should I do? Yan Xiao has no news at all." Ming Xi whispered, can't find Yan Xiaoliu, how do they explain with Mingyu?

Ye Hao sighed softly. "I don't know."

Fan Luo is an emperor. Today, there is no heaven and earth balance. Even Murong Zhan is not his opponent. Now the only one in the world can be tied with the Vatican emperor, probably only the emperor.

"What are you?" Ye Hao asked.

"He went to find the emperor." Ming Xi said, "Mother, when are they going to end, you see those red clouds, if you let the people outside see it, you will be scared."

Ye Hao said, "It doesn't matter, the outside people can't see it."

Murong Cham has set up an enchantment around, and the people outside can't see the red clouds. They see no difference from the normal sky.

"The three big blood demons are resurrected. I don't know when other big gorefiends will be resurrected. Will they be resurrected to control the whole world?" Ming Xi whispered.

When Mingxi’s words were just finished, there was a huge voice coming from outside. “We want to control the world’s mainland. This is our place! It’s ours without control.”

Ye Haoran looked out the door, Mingxi has quickly opened the door.

Standing on the steps, standing behind the Vatican and taboo.

"You... are all out?" Ye Hao asked, only to find that a red cloud shrouded in the air gradually disappeared.

"Small, we have all recovered." Van Gogh jumped to Ye Hao's side and smiled at her.

Ye Hao looked at them and didn't know if they would be happy for them or worried about the mainland.

"Oh, what are you talking about?" cried, "Don't you still doubt us?"

"No." Ye Hao shook his head. "I know that you will not hurt the people."

Ming Xi stunned the three of them and whispered, "Who knows if your words are true or false."

Taboo pointed to Ming Xi, grievously complained to Ye Hao, "Xiao Yan, you educate your son, he can not be so skeptical."

"I am not here." Mingxi said faintly.

"Ming Xi!" Ye Hao whispered, no matter what, it is indeed not at this time to suspect that they are lying, they have not resurrected to the present, they have not hurt others.

"I am going to find you." Ming Xi said, looking back at the hand of the nephew, "Hey, let's go."

The nephew looked up and looked at her life, and concealed her breath very well. She lowered her head and followed Mingxi.

He was coveted, and when he passed by, he looked a little at the eyebrows. This girl... doesn’t seem to be like the human continent.

He could not see her origins at all.

"Small, we are going to find the answer, you go with us." Van Gogh pulled the hand of Ye Hao, and his voice shouted eloquently.

"Should?" is the big bloodsucker with the demon flag. I heard that he can drive the corpse and ghosts. Before the seal of the top ten Gorefiends, he already thought about the way to resurrection. "Where is he? What? When is the resurrection?"

Taboo and scratching his forehead, "We don't know, but it can be resurrected, it must be because of him."

Ye Hao frowned and looked at her. "Do you want to find a response, or do you want to resurrect other people?"

"Small, even if we don't do anything, other people will still be resurrected. Compared to this, we want to find a response earlier."

"I also want to find him!" Ye Hao said with a grin, and he should have killed a lot of people, or how the blood in the black tower came.

Taboo eyes, "Let's go together."

"Where do you want to go?" Ye Hao asked.

Taboo and Vatican look at each other at the same time.

"The Royal Palace." Lying in a low voice, "other palaces."

Ye Hao squatted, and this reminds me that it is not the palace of Dingdu City, but the two imperial palaces that exist in the mainland today, the Western Region and the Jin State.

"The Western Regions are now a country without a country. Are you sure there will be a big Gorefiend there?" Ye Hao asked.

"Whether or not, you have to go and have a look."

Ye Hao pondered for a moment, "I am not good to promise you now, I will wait until tomorrow."

"Small 夭..." Vatican pulled the leaves of Ye Hao's hand.

"Ming Yu became the Tianzhu of Ningguo, and the North Ming Dynasty changed the country. Now it is Ningguo. I don't trust my daughter." Ye Hao said.

I heard about it before I was born. He smiled slightly. "With us, Ning will not have anything to do."

When Ye Hao heard this, some of them were stunned.

They are... Do you want to protect Mingyu or protect Ningguo?

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