The news that Lu Shuanger was abolished was almost spread in Kyoto. Those who had been ridiculed by her before were all applauded. Some even said that it was long anticipated that Lu Shuanger seemed to be a blessed person.

No one in Kyoto likes Lu Shuanger. When she is favored, she can't even look at other family ladies. It is arrogant and rude. Export humiliation is more common. Therefore, she learned that she was abolished, and many people only had no firecrackers to celebrate.

Lu Jia did not have a closed door, but only reduced the human relationship, even the next person did not appear.

However, no one thinks that Lujia will lose power. After all, there is a princess in their family, an Anyang Hou who has just been named as a general.

Ye Hao was not interested in how the outside world evaluated Lu Shuanger. She had no hatred for Lu Shuanger, and a person who was totally unworthy of her opponent had something to care about.

Like Huang Medical Officer and Gao Xueping.

Huang Medical Officer and Gao Xueping were transferred to the Changzhou Supervisory Camp as a doctor. Originally, Gong Tang wanted to drive Gao Xueping out of the palace and let the Huang medical officer go to the college to teach. However, the Queen Mother knew about the Royal Hospital and directly gave the Huang Medical Officer a slap. Not disrespectful to the princess, but the unfairness of the matter, without the benevolence of a doctor, let her learn how to be a doctor.

Originally a medical officer of five products, nowadays it is a doctor who has no taste, Huang Medical Officer... No, Huang is naturally unwilling, but she can’t do anything, if it’s not for the Huang family, it’s a medical officer. She estimates that she can't keep her life.

She took Gao Xueping out of the palace on the same day.

Ye Hao did not feel that the sorrows and sorrows were particularly happy for the punishment they suffered. The yellow medical officer’s heart was too arrogant, so that she would stay in the palace and she would definitely have an accident.

Because of this incident, the medical woman of the medical girl’s office was a little more awed by Ye Hao. She did not dare to think like it before, and only Chen Jinru and Xia Yaohua still treated her as always.

On the following day, Ye Hao and Murong Yu went out together to go hunting in the hunting ground outside the city. She let people go to Lujia to take her bow and arrow, and Murong made a horse out of the city.

Along with them, there are several companions of Murong Yu. The last few family members who played polo together, Ye Hao and they have worked together, so they are familiar with each other. This time she put The red dragonfly is also brought.

Outside the hunting ground, Don Juan is already waiting for them.

Tang Hao is a newly emerged aristocrat in Kyoto. Compared with the identity of the Lu family, the Tang family is a scholarly family, so it is more easily accepted by other families. Moreover, he does not have a arrogant sister who is a nobleman in the palace.

"Hey." Tang Yan walked up the horse and looked at Ye Hao with a smile.

"Jing Ninghou, you are already here." Murong Yu saw that he was very happy and immediately waved.

Others seem to know that Tang Yan will come, without a trace of surprise, but full of expectations.

Ye Hao Xiumei glanced, "Don Tang, why are you here too?"

"Little Wang invited me to hunt." Tang Yili replied of course, his eyes greedily fell on Ye Hao's face.

"Don Big Brother promised to teach us archery." Murong said happily.

Ye Hao glanced at him faintly. "You are not letting me teach you?"

Inkor said, "You can't teach us so many people, and then I will tell you that the king's archery is taught by a little girl. Isn't that very faceless?"

"You want face? Then you won me first." Ye Haodao, she thought that Tang Yan would definitely have a purpose here, otherwise Murong would not ask him to come together.

Don Juan didn't want to provoke Ye Hao, he said with a smile, "Little Wang, hey, let's advance the forest."

Ye took a look at him and made a horse into the hunting forest. Tang Yan followed up and walked beside her. "Hey, my little king invited me."

"I heard that you sent him a set of bows and arrows. You are really bothered by Xiao Wangye." Ye Hao smiled faintly, don't think she didn't know what he was thinking.

Tang Yan coughed a little. "That is my heart for Xiao Wangye. It doesn't matter if I want to see you."

Ye Hao chuckled, "What do you want to see me do?"

"About what you said to me last time..." Don Juan glanced at her. "Hey, I think clearly."

"Don Brother, hey, what are you talking about?" Murong suddenly chased him up on the horse and interrupted Tang Yan's words.

Ye Hao is not very concerned about Tang Yin's answer. In her view, Tang Yan should not be willing to give up everything for her. The Tang family only has one person left. He needs to bear the revival of the Tang family.

"After chatting for a while, there are more prey." Ye Hao smiled and answered Murong. "Are you not practicing a few days of archery? It will be a good performance."

Inkor blushes and says, "Although it was practiced, it was a little different. I used to not hunt very often."

Ye Hao smiled and turned to Tang Yan and said, "Dong Tang, teach them, otherwise the little guy will return empty-handed."

"You look down on the king?" Murong screamed angrily and screamed. "Wait a minute, I will definitely play more than you!"

"Okay, I will wait and see." Ye Hao smiled and nodded.

When Tang Yan saw that he was not talking to Ye Hao, he collected all his thoughts and concentrated on calling them to hunt them. This is the master who brought in the door and practiced in the individual. He can only say a few. A trick, anyway, these children are even archery on weekdays, just not going out hunting.

"The prey in the hunting ground is relatively mild and young, there is no beast, so you don't have to worry, just sink your heart and look at the target." Tang Yan smiled and said to them.

Murong 沂 沂 欲 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"How do we separate the two groups to compare?" Tang Yan smiled and suggested.

"How about winning, how is it lost?" Ye Hao asked, since so many people are hunting, it is natural to have fun.

A family around Murong said loudly, "If you lose, please go to Fengyuelou to eat and drink."

Feng Yue Lou? Ye Hao picked up his eyebrows. This is the most luxurious restaurant in Kyoto. Not only does it have famous dishes of the world, but also the most beautiful names. However, the name of Feng Yue Lou does not sell well. Ye Hao used to I followed Ye Yiqing to see it.

Tang Zhenzheng wants to deny this suggestion. He thinks that Ye Hao should not like to go to this place.

"Okay." Ye Hao readily agreed to go down and revisit the old place, nothing bad.

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