The guard must follow Ye Hao to the Western Region. Ye Hao can't convince him. This person is not young, but his expression looks like a ignorant boy. He stubbornly persists and refuses to compromise.

Ye Hao couldn't find a place to live. After all, this time I was going to follow the three big Gorefiends. If they refused to take the warning, she wouldn't even use it.

"You mean, do you want to go to the Western Regions with the Guantuan?" asked the whisper, and the calm eyes looked at the ring behind the leaves.

"He said that he wants to follow us." Ye Hao said, "If it doesn't work, I will tell him clearly."

I was taken away from the body of Guan Guan. "Yes, take him."

Ye Hao stunned, I did not expect that lying in the room actually agreed.

"That... that's okay." She still thought that she would be embarrassed, so that she could let the heart shut down, how could she think that she had promised?

It is the fire phoenix who knows that the squad is going to follow him. His uncle is very unhappy and has been posing with a look.

"Hey, what do you want to do with him? Nothing is better than martial arts, and it's not like a fool." Fire Phoenix disgusted and said that he didn't hate to shut the ring, that is, he felt that the warning made him feel no. Comfortable.

Although Ming Xi feels that Guan Guan is a pure and honest person, Huo Huang does not think so.

Ye Hao said, "I have promised anyway, you don't say so much."

"Why is it a big Gorefiend decision, I don't agree." Fire Phoenix shouted.

"Where did you get rid of you?" Ye Hao said with a funny smile, has not seen Huoqiang so strongly rejected a person.

Fire Phoenix said, "I don't know."

"Oh, don't be jealous, Mingxi's favorite is you." Ye Xiao smiled, licking the hair of the fire phoenix, "You are not a child, don't be so stingy."

"Who is jealous! Who is stingy!" The fire phoenix turned his head and his cheeks were slightly reddish, and he refused to admit that he felt that he was shutting his way.

Ye Hao smiled. "Well, prepare to start tomorrow."



Ye Hao and the lay-ups set off on the second day, because they wanted to make sure there were no monsters in other places. Ye Hao did not let them use teleports, but walked slowly one by one.

Of course, it is also to shut down.

"It’s a good mountain and a good water." Vatican was sitting on the horse's back unilaterally, with two golden axes in his hand, a small round face smiling, his eyes watching the mountains and rivers around him.

“Is it better than 10,000 years ago?” Ye Hao asked.

Vatican said with a smile, "That is really much better. The former world of the earth, everywhere is wild mountains and mountains, how can there be such a good scenery."

Taboo did not ride a horse, sitting on the horse's back with a straight waist, nervous all over the body is sweating, he was the most talkative, he did not open the mouth.

"What happened to you?" Ye Hao asked him curiously. "Can't you ride a horse?"

"Small, we haven't rode a horse, and... you see, it's so small, I'm afraid I'm crushed to death." The jealous figure is tall and burly, and Ye Hao has already found the strongest horse for him.

The fire phoenix just walked in front of him. He heard him say this and looked back at him. "If you dislike the mortal horse, it is not good to catch a monster and ride it."

Taboo slammed up and looked at the fire phoenix. "You make sense! Wait for me to catch the monster."

"No!" Ye Hao hurriedly shouted. She stopped the taboo. "When we wait, we will enter the city. If you ride the monster into the city, you will scare the people."

"Small, you can rest assured, I will not let the monster hurt the people."

This is not a problem of injury or injury. Ye Hao glanced at the horse that was being beaten by the taboos. "Wait out of the city and change the monster."

Hearing Ye Hao agreed, he grinned. "Good."

"Oh, how long will we have to go to the Western Regions?" Van Gogh came to Ye Hao, so good, no man of the Protoss followed, Xiao Yan is theirs.

"It’s coming soon." Ye Hao said that the Western Region was previously Xiliang. Later, because of Qi Ruoshui’s affairs, the Western Region was robbed of many cities by three other countries. After Yan Yan’s ascent, he changed Xiliang into a Western Region. It is.

Vatican turned back and looked at the squad, and whispered to Ye Hao, "Small 夭, Guan Guan seems to like you very much, he does not look stupid."

"Who said that he is stupid?" Ye Hao took a look at Vatican. "He is just... simple."

Lying with a smile, no, he is not stupid.

"Stupid boy, do you say that you are stupid and stupid?" Fire Phoenix came to the side of the ring and looked at the ring in a provocative manner.

"You are stupid." Guan Guan coldly looked at the fire phoenix, the fire phoenix saw him not pleasing to the eye, he also did not like the fire phoenix.

Fire Phoenix reached out and wanted to knock on the head of the ring, and was drunk by Ye Hao. "Fire, don't always bully."

"That is, how do you say that you are still a beast, bullying a mortal, you are so embarrassed." Taboo, he does not like this stinky fire.

Vatican came to the side of the ring, "Nothing, we protect you."

Guan Guan looked at them faintly and rode the horse to Ye Hao's side.

"How do you ignore people." Van Gogh said with a smile, jumped up and fell on the horse's back, and she stood firmly on her toes. "Guanjie, let's talk, I heard that you used to be a person." Yes, then how have you been?"

"Vatican Brahman." Lying quietly, "Don't scare him."

"How can I scare him!" Vatican muttered uncomfortably. "Small, do you think I am scary?"

Ye Hao smiled and shook her head. It was difficult for her to associate them with the word terrible. The first time I saw them, I felt that I was different from rumors. I have been living together for so many days, and I don’t think they have any terrible things.

Compared with the people she met on the Xuantian continent, including those encountered in the mainland, they are more pure and calm, and get along with them, Ye Hao feels very comfortable.

"Guan Guan, you see, even Xiao Yan said that I am not terrible." Vatican looked at the ring with a smile. "It’s boring to talk on the road, we talk."

"It must be because you are too embarrassed." Taboo spread the Vatican from the horse back, he stood on the horse, but the horse that did not see the ring had a little pressure, he grinned, "Guanjie, let's chat ""

Vatican snorted and simply came to Ye Hao's side, leaning softly on the back of Ye Hao. "Xiao Yan, we used to do this often, do you remember?"

“What do you do often?” Ye Wei asked. She didn’t know what Vatican wanted her to think of, but she didn’t hate it.

"Looking at you, walking all the way, talking all the time, there are other people..." The voice of Vatican was inexplicably sentimental. "If you think about the past, how good it is."

Lying calmly, "Vatican!"

"I know, don't say it." Vatican shouted.

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