Song Hongyi put the handcuffs down, and his eyebrows wrinkled up. As he guessed, Zhao Wei would definitely let him attack Ningguo. She could not wait to kill Mo Mingyu in front of Lu Hao.

"General." Song Hongjun's two deputy officers came in and looked at him doubtfully.

"The emperor ordered the attack on Ningguo." Song Hongyi looked at them. "What do you think?"

One of the chubby kings will say, "The generals, since the emperor already has handcuffs, what are we hesitating?"

"If we attack Ningguo, that is to attack the Jinguo, Ye Yinan will definitely take the troops to counterattack us." Another vice-president Hu said that it is not only possible to fight with a single impulse, but also to consider the consequences, they are no better than the emperor. At that time, there has been no strength to sweep the world.

"What about that? If you don't play, you will not respect the purpose." Vice-President Wang said.

Song Hongsheng said, "When attacking Ningguo, Murong will certainly not sit idly by."

"In the past, Mo Mingyu was the Princess of Jinguo, and Murong Yu naturally protected her. Now she is Ningguo Tianzhu, and she is not the daughter of Murong Yu. Will Murong Yu fight for Qi with her?" Wang asked.

Will Murong Yu fight for Mo Mingyu? This question is simply too ridiculous.

Song Hongyi did not want to answer the answer. Murong Yu was able to understand why no one had ever stood up. Others did not know that Song Hongyi was the clearest.

"There will be no outside life." Song Hongxuan whispered, "Let the spy go to the Ningguo Dingdu City to investigate the news and decide."

Vice President Hu will be down. He carefully looked at the black scorpion. "Now this world is no longer the former world. It is said that we must not use our shots. Ningguo can't hold on for a few days."

The inexplicable monsters can easily kill hundreds of people. If they have a beast to help out, let alone Ningguo, that is, Jinguo and Ningguo are not their opponents.

Song Hongyi looked at him with a frown. "Do you think that fighting is a play?"

"General, nothing is said under the subordinate." Vice-Chu said with a smile.

"You go down first, I think about it again." Song Hongyi was faint.

"Yes, general, then let's go first." The two deputies did not want to stay in the camp. The beast's breathing was clear and audible. Although they could not see its face, they felt terrible when they listened to breathing.

Blackbird whispered after they left, "I can help you if you need it."

"You have to raise your body now, don't think too much." Song Hongyu said.

"Although I am now sucked away by the children in my stomach, as long as I order, the nearby monsters will still help you." Blackbird said that she is also the king of the jungle, not to mention the children in her stomach. Beastmaster, it is still easy to summon Song Hongyi to summon a few heads that are not as good as her monsters.

Song Hongyu said, "And let me think about it again."

He is really... unwilling to be enemies with Lu Hao.

However, Zhao Wei’s order, he can’t resist for long.



Ye Hao, they have not left the capital of the Western Region, she met Yan Xi.

At the beginning, she saved Yan Xi’s life and was arrested by Qi Ruoshui in the Western Region. He died almost in a lifetime. If it wasn’t for Murong Yu, she might not be able to stand here now, thinking of the past, Ye Hao’s really good feelings for the Western Region. No.

"Queen Empress!" Wan Yanxi looked at Ye Hao with excitement. He thought that he would never reunite in his life. He did not expect to see her again in the capital.

"Is it you?" Ye Hao recognized the Yan Xi for a while. The young man who was a handsome man now has a lot of blessings. If he doesn't look carefully, he really can't recognize it.

The end of Yan Yan's eyebrows is an excited look. "How come you are here? I heard about your business and it is great to see you are good now."

Ye Xiao smiled. "I am no longer a queen, I don't have to call me that."

"Ah!" Wan Yanxi just remembered that the emperor of Jinguo was no longer Murong Zhan, and the woman in front of him was no longer the queen empress that he had known before. "How come you are here?"

"Something." Ye Hao said with a smile, "You are not in the palace, how is it outside?"

The smile on Yan Yan’s face froze slightly. “I am going to the priesthood.”

Referring to the priest's house, Ye Hao frowned, she remembered that the priest's house was burned by the ink.

"Are you rebuilding the priest's house?" Ye Hao asked.

"Nothing." Wan Yanxi knew that Ye Hao had been locked in the priest's house by Qi Ruoshui, and he was very resentful to the priest's house. "It seems to be a bit strange."

Ye Hao picked up his eyebrows. "What is different?"

"There was no one who was close after being burned. It was almost ridiculous. Recently it seems to be moving. I am afraid that... Qi Ruo water is coming back, so I want to see it." Wan Yanxi said.

What kind of movement requires him to see the emperor himself, but also to wear a civilian.

"Is it? I just want to see the priest's house." Ye said, "Let's go together."

"Why do we go to the priest's house?" asked the fire phoenix behind Ye Hao, "Don't you go shopping?"

Ye said with a smile, "I used to be tortured in the priest's house. Since I came, I have to go and see."

"Who is tormenting you?" When I was born, I didn't know when I came, just to hear the words behind Ye Hao.

"That was the old thing, it has been a long time." Ye Hao said.

Vatican pointed to the position in the west. "Small, we have to go there and see."

She is referring to the direction of the priest's house.

"So smart, we want to go too," said Ye Hao. "There is the former priest's house."

"There is a smell of blood worms."

Awkward leaves, blood worms?

Wan Yanxi stood by and heard Ye Hao’s words, completely unable to understand, what blood worms? Is it a locust?

"Go back to the palace, don't go to the priest's house." Ye Hao said to Yan Yanxi, "Let's see what's going on."

"Queens... Lu sister, is Qi Ruo water coming back?" End Yan Xi asked nervously.

Ye Hao shook his head and said, "No, Qi Ruoshui can't come back. Even if she is back, she is no longer the former high priest."

Wan Yanxi smiled and said, "There are many people in the Western Region who feel that the former high priest can change his destiny."

"Come back to the palace, don't worry." Ye Hao said faintly.

After returning Yan Xi to the palace, Ye Hao and Lin Sheng came to the place where the original priestly palace was. She was not a Gorefiend, so she could not feel the smell of blood worms. She could only feel the breath here slightly different.

The priest's house is completely absurd, and the traces burned by the fire are still there. There is no sacred majesty of the year.

"In the past, there were a lot of locusts here." Ye Hao said softly, "Do you say that the smell of blood worms is here?"

"That's it." Vatican said, in his hands, he walked with a golden axe in front of him. "It seems that someone has just cultivated into a Gorefiend."

Ye Hao Wei Wei, "Can mortals be able to cultivate into Gorefiends so easily?"

Lying in a low voice, "It's not that easy. It's more painful than wearing a heart and smashing the bones."

Just after his words were finished, Ye Hao found a figure in the ruins of the priest's house. From a distance, it was quite familiar.

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