Jinguo, the palace.

Murong Yu came out from a deserted palace and looked at the gloomy sky, and his footsteps became heavy.

"The emperor, we have searched the entire palace, but still did not find the one you said ... the underground palace." Song Wei stood behind Murong Yu, this is the most remote place of the palace, there is no such thing as the underground palace, "will not Will it not be there?"

"We can't find it." Murong whispered that since it is the underground palace, it is to dig the ground. He is just knocking on the ground to determine if there is a palace. In fact, it is all over the place. If there is a underground palace in the ground, How can it be easily found?

Song Wei said, "Why did the Qin Wang dynasty look for the underground palace? We can't find it, can she find it, she can't..."

Let the whole palace be opened.

Murong faint smiled. "You should go to rest first. The things in the underground palace are not allowed to be brought to anyone."

"Chen knows." Song said, don't say that they haven't found the underground palace yet. It is estimated that they don't believe it.

"Yeah." Murong faintly responded and stepped forward to the front.

Song Wei discovered that Murong Yu was in the direction of the palace. He couldn't help but smile. When he was out of the patrol, he had some understanding of Lei Huizhen. The woman used to look tall and had a pair of strangers. I didn’t know how it was, but later I realized that it was all installed. It was actually a very interesting person.

He found that she often kept the emperor too angry to maintain a tight face.

This is quite good, the emperor's side... is really a need for a funny person to accompany.

Lei Huizhen is an interesting person. He is better than anyone else to stay with the emperor. I hope that the emperor will forget Qin Wang’s early and find that there are people who are more suitable for him.

Song Yu’s mood was a lot lighter and he turned and left the palace.

Murong Yu did not want to come to the palace, but did not know where to go, but also wanted to find someone to speak, unconsciously think of Lei Bingfu.

"The maiden, the emperor is coming." The palace lady excitedly entered the dormitory and said to Lei Bingfu.

"What?" Lei Bingfu stunned, Murong squatted to her to do it? Since he returned to the palace, it seems that he has already forgotten her. They have not seen it for several days. She has adapted to return to her original peaceful life. She has no love and no body, but he has come to the door. It is.

The palace lady said, "Mother, you haven't combed your hair yet, and the slaves comb your hair."

"You don't need trouble." Lei Bingfu waved his hand. "This is fine."

That is too casual! Which of the maiden girls is not dressed up and waiting to see the emperor every day, Huiyi Niangniang is good, this clothes are half old, and the color is too weak.

"Mother, will this be blamed?" The palace girl whispered.

Lei Bingfu lazily walked out of the dormitory. "Where will be blamed, isn't it good? It's too late to say."

She didn't want Murong to misunderstand. If she was dressed too much, he thought she was expecting him every day.

When she had just finished speaking, she saw Murong’s striding in.

"Chen Chen has seen the emperor." Lei Bingfu took a ritual, and the lazy smile on his face became virtuous and dignified.

Murong Yu is most tired of Lei Bianfu's expression, like wearing a fake mask, not at all true, and she went out of the palace, he is very familiar with her, "put away your smile, don't think it is not You know, you don't want to come here at all."

"..." Lei Bingfu's smile on his face froze slightly. She clearly smiled very sincerely. "The emperor, what are you talking about, how can you not want you to come here?"

"Is it?" Murong glanced at her. "Get up, sit down and talk."

Lei Bingfu saw him like this, and he was too lazy to pretend to be a model. He sent all the people on the side to serve. "You all go down."

She personally gave Murong tea, she already knows his taste.

"Can't find the underground palace." Murong smelled a touch of tea and felt relaxed.

"You really went looking for it?" Lei Bingfu asked strangely, she heard him mention, it seems that Qin Wangxi said that the blood devil is hidden in the underground palace, and the palace is below the palace.

The Palace of the Yuan Dynasty has a palace of the earth, and the North Ming State is also.

Murong faintly shook his head. "You can't find it, it doesn't mean you can't find it, wait until she comes."

"Qin Wang Hao... Are you coming back?" Lei Bingfu asked cautiously, fearing that he would accidentally poke the pain in his heart.

"Yeah." Murong slammed his head slightly. He didn't hear Lei Bingfu answering. He looked up at her and saw her cautiously. He smiled. "What do you think you will do?"

Lei Bingfu quietly pouted, "Chen Chen does not know what you want to do."

Just afraid that you will see Qin Wangxi and drink alcohol alone and sad.

"If the kingdom no longer needs to be jealous, then you can leave with peace of mind." Murong whispered.

"How can Jin Guo not need the emperor?" You think too much! Ming Yu has not really grown to be able to provoke the burden of the two countries.

Murong Yan said, "You don't understand."

If this world is ruled by Ye Hao as Ye Hao said, what should the mortal emperor do?

And she mentioned that the purple gas will disappear and the underground palace will appear.

Purple gas is the air transport of every emperor. If he has no air transport, how can the emperor continue?

"Sounds, the emperor seems to be looking forward to..." Lei Bingfu whispered, he did not seem to want to be the emperor.

Murong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Before the emperor, you are wandering at sea. The scenery abroad is beautiful that you can't imagine."

"You don't miss it at all?" Lei Bingfu asked with courage.

"What is your nostalgia?" Murong asked, "If I will be nostalgic, I will not leave the status of the prince. Don't go to the lord of Thousands of Rakshasa, Hui Hui, out of this palace, you will find that the outside is more free."

Lei Bingfu felt that this was a bit esoteric and looked at him not quite clearly.

Murong smiled and said, "If you can leave, take you away."

"You want to... take me away?" Lei Bingfu's eyes flashed strangely, he actually thought of her.

"Going out to sea, let you go to see the bigger world." Murong said, suddenly I think this idea is really good, he and Lei Bingfu are still very comfortable, if she is around, the days will definitely be more interesting.

Lei Bingfu’s heart was inexplicably shaken. “How would the emperor want to take me out to sea?”

"The palace is not for you." Murong said faintly, "You can be more free."

what? Lei Bingfu smiled and lived for two lifetimes. For the first time, some people said that it was not suitable for her in the palace.

No one has ever said this to her, she is still more free.

Going out to sea? Leaving the palace?

Really free?

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