Ye Hao didn't know much about Guantuan. He only knew that he used to follow Lu Yizhi. Later, Lu Yi's disguise as a **** was hidden in the house of Murong Yu. At that time, Lu Yizhi had lost his martial arts. He just lost. Rely on revenge in revenge.

However, they did not find the whereabouts of the squad, until the death of Lu Yan was found, and no warning was found.

How was the injury at that time? Where have you been in these years?

Ye Hao wanted to ask him, but he did not know what to ask.

The internal injuries of the guards are not light. Although they have the medicine of spider mites, they can no longer use teleportation, and their speed is therefore much slower.

Because of this, Ye Hao discovered that the monsters on the earth have been much more than she imagined.

"Sleeping, can you order another time?" Ye Hao killed a monster who wanted to harm the child and took out Jin Dan. He looked back and looked at him, thinking if he could control it if he ordered it again.

"It’s useless. These monsters began to listen to orders because they were still afraid of the prestige of the Lord. Now they find that the Lord is not in the world." Vatican said, "The Lord did not appear, they naturally I feel that no one can suppress them, thinking that our cultivation is not as good as it used to be, and we will not put us in the eye. The order of the big brother is the same, they will not obey."

So, in any case, you should find the answer, and let him use the demon to control the monsters in this world.

"Is it true that the underground palace of Jinguo can find the answer?" Ye Hao asked, the palaces she knew, only Jin Guo had not found.

There are still three Gorefiends that are not present.

One is the answer they are looking for, the other two are the heart and the moon.

Who is the last underground palace?

Ye Hao hopes to find a response, otherwise the world is really going to be chaotic.

"Don't worry, maybe all three of them are in the underground palace of Jinguo." Vatican smiled and comforted Ye Hao. "There is only the last underground palace. Where are they not there?"

"I hope so." Ye Hao said.

I looked at Ye Hao and looked at it. "Is there a message from Murong Chong?"

Although he did not know what Murong Chan was doing, he and the Emperor Xiu’s departure, naturally, is very important.

"No." Ye Hao's look was dim. She had been waiting for the news of Murong Cham. However, after so many days passed, he still had no news at all. He did not know whether he and the emperor had entered the black hole. What's in the black hole, "I don't know what he and he are doing."

I was worried when I saw Ye Hao, I believe she did not understand.

"We can't use teleportation, taboo to find some horses, the speed will be very fast, the ring can be adapted." Lying low and said.

"Guanjie is no problem now riding." With her Lingquan and medicinal herbs, the internal injuries of Guanuan recovered quickly, but they could not be injured again, or they would really hurt their lives.

Vatican whispered, "I will know when you see the horse."

Ye Hao didn't hear the meaning of Vatican for a while, and had already gone to the Guanjie to feed the medicine.

Both the fire phoenix and the white tiger are standing side by side with dissatisfaction. They are not too happy that Ye Hao puts all his attention on the body.

"What kind of person are you talking about?" The white tiger looked at the fire phoenix and asked, as if he had inadvertently asked.

"The most powerful person in Xuantian mainland." Fire Phoenix said proudly.

The white tiger sneered, "Xuantian mainland is better than the human continent. The most powerful people are still the weakest on the mainland, and the mainland is even more incomparable with the nine days."

The fire phoenix heard the white tiger. This is the city owner who can't see him. He cried out in an angry manner. "When our city owner enters the mainland of God, after nine miles of thunder, you are talking about who can be as powerful as him? Heaven continent, he is the Holy Emperor, can your family master get it?"

"Our young emperor was originally the **** of the nine days, and did not need to go to the mainland of God." White Tiger said.

"Nine days are great." Fire Phoenix snorted in his heart, he is not rare.

Bai Hu said with no expression, "That is natural, you are a fire phoenix beast. If it is in nine days, how can it be just that?"

"What do you mean by this, do you mean that my cultivation is underneath?" Fire Phoenix almost sighed. "Don't forget, if it weren't for me, you would have become a barbecue."

"I have seen adult fire phoenix before." White Tiger said, "That is the real beast, the body is bigger than you, the flame is more beautiful, you should not be their child?"

The look of the fire phoenix changed. "Have you seen my parents?"

"I'm not sure if it's your parents. They were the beasts of the Holy Spirit at the time. Later..." White Tiger frowned and thought, "There was a time when the Holy Grail led the soldiers to fight with the Teng Snake, and then they did not see the fire again." Phoenix."

"What do they look like?" Fire Phoenix eagerly asked, he had never seen his parents, and he was very curious about what they looked like.

The white tiger faintly glared at the fire phoenix. "Are you not disdain for nine days? Maybe they are on top of nine days."

"Less smug, they are not necessarily my parents."

"Fire Phoenix is ​​one of the four great beasts. Do you think it is very common? I think you look a little like them, this tells you." White Tiger said faintly.

"Are they dead?" Fire Phoenix asked, for so many years, he has not seen them, thinking that they should not be in this world.

The white tiger picked up his eyebrows. He seems to have heard that the fire phoenix was killed in order to save the holy. However, can not the fire phoenix be reborn?

"I don't know, the spirit beast is not easy to kill." White Tiger said.

Fire Phoenix still wants to ask again, Ye Hao came over, "Let's go."

At this time, the sound of jealousy came, and it was as loud as a bell. "Oh, I am back!"

Ye Hao looked up and looked around, suddenly rounding his eyes in horror. What is it?

"Oh, look, I have found a few horses. This is much faster than the horse on the mainland."

"Is this a horse?" Ye Hao asked indefinitely. Did she look at it, it looks like... like a cow and a horse, is it a horse?

Taboo said, "This is a Hummer, our former war horse is this, fast, and can attack the enemy."

"Where did you find it?" Ye Hao asked in shock, she saw this kind of monster for the first time, and it turned out to be a horse.

"In the deep mountains, now there are all monsters on the mainland, especially the horses and beasts, which can definitely be found in the mountains." Taboo said.

Ye Hao cried and laughed. "Do they control it?"

"It’s just as good as when you are riding a horse. It’s well controlled.” He said with a smile, "Go up and try."

"Turn off, you can try." Ye Hao said, she felt that she was able to control, the only concern was the closure.

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