The absurd **** is completely different from the one that Murong Chan imagined before.

He thought that it should be barren and desolate, and there are places where monsters fight for killing. However, he has been in ridiculous **** for a few days. Apart from living monsters, everything seems to be no different from other continents.

It is **** here, but it is completely different from the so-called hell.

"All the gaps have been repaired, and there will be no more monsters going to the mainland." Yan Xiu whispered, "What I am worried about now is that in addition to the monsters here, there are devils in places we don't know." The beast has entered the gap."

"You mean the side of Xuantian mainland?" asked Murong Zhan.

Yan Xiu’s eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. “In addition to the Xuantian continent, there may be other places.”

Murong Zhan glanced at him. "Do you know where Wen Tian was sealed?"

“I don’t know.” Yan Xiu said, “It’s not necessarily here. It’s different from other monsters. It was the first to destroy the body and then destroy the seal.”

"Since it is the soul, how can he wake up?" asked Murong Zhan.

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Murong Cham’s look is serious, “What?”

"The dragon has appeared." Yan Xiu said that Murong Zhan said that he knows that there is a small white dragon in the human world.

"What do you mean?" Murong Chong blinked and looked at Yan Xiu.

Yan Xiu said, "The nephew around Mingxi is Xiaobailong, right?"

"She can't come to ridiculous hell." Murong Zhan said faintly.

He is very clear about the origins of his nephew. She was trapped in the Black Dragon Mountain from birth, and was locked up with a sleepy dragon. She couldn’t open it herself. If it’s not Mingxi, she is still inflamed. The sky is closed.

Since she was locked up in Heilongjiang from birth, how could she have come to ridiculous hell?

"It doesn't matter if she has come or not. I mean, maybe the dragon has never really disappeared." Yan Xiu said, "Let's go find Wen Tian's whereabouts."

"You don't know where he was sealed?" asked Murong Zhan.

Yan Xiu said, "I don't know, but some people know that the body of Wentian has been destroyed. If the snake skin you got is his, then he should have broken off the seal for many years. Practice the body."

"He has no soul, how to cultivate?" Murong Zhan asked, since it has been destroyed, what is the soul?

钰 钰 sigh, "So we have to find the truth."

A monster with no body and no soul, but also sealed by the Dragon King himself, how did he leave the seal, and how did he cultivate the body?

This is absolutely something that no one wants to understand.

"In addition to smelling the sky, there are other big monsters. The top ten monsters headed by pythons are in a corner of the ridiculous hell. The whole world's mainland monsters are almost rushed here to exile. Xuantian There are still many people in the mainland and Shangshang mainland who don't know the details. They think that the ridiculous **** of the beast is succumbed to God and succumb to it." Murong Zhan said faintly, "Is it right?"

"Probably this is the case." Yan Xiu whispered.

Murong Zhan looked at the place where the front of the monsters lived together. "Go there and see."

He also thought so before, thinking that the ridiculous **** of the beast is only disgusted by God, never associated with things before 10,000 years ago.

It was not until later that he gradually heard about the python, he only wanted to understand, and later found a little record of the year in the space, although very few, but he has been able to guess.

Murong Zhan and Yan Xiu came to a tribe, and unlike the mortal city, the demon's factions were mainly tribes.

A few little monsters found their arrival and watched them curiously.

In ridiculous hell, there have never been mortals and practitioners. The little monsters only know that they look different, but they don’t know who they are.

"These monsters seem to be low-ranking fires." Yan Xiu said that the beasts are now divided into ethnic groups, but they are distinguished by cultivation attributes. The tribe's monsters should be dominated by the fire system.

When I finished the repairs, I saw that there was a fire beast in the cave not far away.

"Who is the person?" The fire beast fired a hot fire every step of the way, and a pair of red eyes looked at them fiercely.

This fire beast is different from Xuantian mainland. He looks taller and fierce.

In addition to him, there are many monsters out of the cave.

"Let's pass, ask you about one thing." Yan Xiu said with a smile, releasing the spirit to suppress the fire beast.

The fire beast felt overwhelmed by the overwhelming pressure, and he blinked slightly, the emperor!

"You are an emperor, come to our ridiculous **** to inquire about things?" The fire beast took a step back. They didn't want to keep up with the emperors on the mainland of God. It would not be a good thing for them to lead the gods for nine days.

"Do you know where the smell is sealed?" asked Xiu Xiu.

The face of the fire beast changed, and many of the monsters behind him retracted into the hole.

"What do you want to inquire about?" The fire beast asked again in disbelief. "The Lord has long disappeared for tens of thousands of years."

"I know how long he has disappeared, he is not in ridiculous hell?" asked Xiu Xiu.

The fire beast gasped and gasped. "I don't know, we never dare to mention the Lord."

“Does anyone know?” Yan Xiu continued to ask, in fact, he is not sure if Wentian is sealed here, but if it is not in ridiculous hell, where is it?

"Whoever killed the Lord, that person naturally knows." The Fire Beast said, "I was just a little demon who had just cultivated. I don't know so much."

"You don't know where Wen Tian was sealed, what the hell?" Murong Zhan asked quietly.

Referring to the name of Haotian, the fear in the eyes of the fire beast is not so obvious. "The sky has not appeared for a long time, and I don't know where she is."

“What is the relationship between Tiantian and Wentian...” He Xiu asked, he looked at Murong Zhan, “Will it be the same person?”

A monster that can rule the ridiculous hell, if it is not repaired to the level of super high-order, no monster will be convinced.

"They can't be the same person." The fire beast said, "You want to know more. You can only go to the Chiyan market to find out where the last place of Haotian is."

He repaired, "How come Chiyan Market?"

"Over there, the red mountain has always been seen." The fire beast said, he saw Yan Xiu and Murong Zhan, the two men's cultivation is above the emperor, actually in the absurd **** to inquire about the Lord.

Oh, I really don't know how to live and die.

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