Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 239: Did something happen?

Huangfu handled the wounds for Murong Cham, but he still didn't wake up. Ye Hao was forced to take a rest with the Queen Mother.

She washed the blood on her body, changed her clothes and wanted to come to the Qing Palace. Cheng Aunt sent her a bowl of Anshen soup. After she drank, she felt that she could not open her eyes and fell on the soft couch. I slept in a while.

Cheng Aunt looked at her with pity, and then turned to go back to the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother still presided over the overall situation in the Qing Palace, and Murong Yu was also sent back to the Emperor. The things that the Emperor was injured by the Tigers have been suppressed. No one knows it outside, but the Emperor of tomorrow must not be able to go to the early morning. How to find an excuse to declare it.

"First go to Xu Daren and Liu Daren to enter the palace." The Queen Mother whispered, the Emperor's injury can not lie in the cabinet, only Xu Xiang and Liu Zongyuan are among the cabinet ministers are the most trusted by the emperor, the injured must first with them Ventilation.

Ford went away, and now many things have to be done by others. Others are credible.

Cheng Aunt came in from the outside and went to the Queen Mother for a ceremony. "The Queen Mother, who had fallen asleep after drinking the Anshen Soup, has always been worried about the Emperor wanting to come."

Tang Yan, standing next to him, listened, his eyes narrowed his head.

The Queen sighed, "Poor child, was scared, and felt that the emperor was hurt because she was not happy. Let her rest first. Today is not the emperor... she may have died. It is."

"Yeah, fortunately, the emperor arrived in time to save the little prince and the princess." Cheng Aunt said.

In the beginning, Murong Zhan just wanted to go to Ye Hao. How could he let Ye Hao go hunting with Tang Yin? It didn’t take long for him to meet Tang Yan in the hunting forest. Tang Zhen found that there was a difference in the forest, which was somewhat different from the weekdays. Then I went to find Ye Hao with Murong Cham.

When I arrived halfway, I met the red scorpion that was injured by the assassin. She was going to come out with a ventilating letter. Murong Chong immediately rushed over and oversaw the assassins. Then they saw that Murong was crying and riding. This is what happened later.

"Jing Ninghou, today, you must find out, no matter who is behind the blasphemy, the mourner must pay him the price." The Queen Mother almost lost her two sons today, why she does not hate the people behind her. Into the bone.

Tang Yan took the lead and said, "Yes, Empress Dowager."

"You go, there is a mourning home here in the Qing Palace, no one dares to let go." The Queen Mother said to Tang Yan.

"The Queen Mother, or else, please Anyang Houjin Palace to protect the car?" Tang Yan whispered, in view of Lu Shuanger has just been abandoned, Tang Yan did not know whether the Queen Mother would not believe Lu Haozhi.

The Queen Mother had indulged for a moment and sighed. "If it is not Anyang Hou who is still recovering from injury, he should be invited to enter the palace. Now that he is not well injured, let him feel at ease."

Tang Hao knows that the Queen Mother does not want Lu Yizhi to know too much, "Chen is leading."

"Please Weiyou enter the palace to protect the car." The Queen Mother thought for a while and said a name.

"Wu You?" Tang Yan lived, how could the Queen Mother think of looking for Wei Youjin Palace? Weijia is a loyal supporter of the Emperor's dynasty. If he knows that the emperor is injured, he will not be disturbed.

The Queen Mother smiled faintly. "Since the emperor can make him a nine-door admiral, obviously trusting him, the safety of the palace should depend on him."

Tang Yin is following the ink with Zhan Rongzhan from the small soldiers. Naturally, everyone knows the emperor. If he is not very trustworthy, it is impossible to hand over the important position of the nine-door admiral to Weiyou.

"The Queen Mother, that Chen Chen people let go to the generals." Tang Yan said.

Wei You had already been outside the palace. After getting the order, he immediately went to the Qing Palace to see the Queen Mother, and quickly slammed the nine doors of the palace. He even secretly contacted the Mengda General of Xi Daying. He is always on standby.

Tang Yan left the palace and returned to the hunting forest. He still had to find out the truth. This is definitely not an accident.

The Queen Mother met Xu Xiang and Liu Zongyuan in the Imperial College and told them about the injury of the emperor. However, he did not say it in too much detail. He only said that he had been concealed and asked them to appease the ministers in the court on these two days.

Xu Xiang proposed to go to see the emperor, and was stopped by the Queen Mother. "...The emperor just woke up. When it is time to rest, you will see the emperor tomorrow."

Since the Queen Mother said this, Xu Xiang and Liu Zongyuan had to retreat even if they wanted to know the situation of the emperor.

For example, the highest position in the future is Xu Xiang’s daughter Xu Huiru, and Guifei’s loss of favor is abolished. This is a good opportunity for Xu Xianyu. Xu Xiang has already secretly told her daughter that she must be more pleased with the emperor. If she can be her queen That would be even better.

At this time, the harem was still calm, and the news of the injury of Murong Cham had been blocked, and nothing was leaked to the harem.

However, although it is not revealed, it does not mean that no one has found the same.

"Yin Yin Niangniang, it seems strange in today's palace. I heard that the princess went hunting with Xiao Wangye early in the morning, but I saw her in the Royal Garden and she was led by Cheng Aunt to the Cining Palace. The Queen Mother went again. Dry Qing Palace, I don’t know what happened."

Xu Huiru's eyes flashed. She didn't know the news of Ye Hao's return to the palace. Why did she go to the Qing Palace after the Queen Mother? She knew nothing about it. "Anzhen, the whereabouts of the Queen Mother is not something you can peep."

An Xiuzhen’s face changed slightly and smiled slyly. “I just happened to know it. I didn’t want to inquire about the whereabouts of the Queen Mother.”

Sitting on the other side of Hu Yueer is just laughing and not saying that she is just a small noble person. No matter what happens in the palace, she is not qualified to inquire and ask questions. Sometimes, silence is gold.

Xu Huiru glanced at An Xiuzhen. "You said something happened, what did you hear?"

"Where will I go to inquire, but I heard the story..." An Xiuzhen smiled. "I don't know the other."

Xu Huiru did not ask much. After paying an entertainment for An Xiuzhen and Hu Yueer, she called the palace lady Qianlan. "Come a quiet look, whether the princess is really going back to the palace, and the emperor there... forget it, the emperor must not ask ""

Thousands of orchids went away, and they returned to Xinhe Palace in half an hour.

"The Princess of the Princess is already in the Cining Palace, but the Queen Mother went to the Qing Palace." Qian Lan whispered.

Xu Huiru was shocked and subconsciously thought that the emperor had an accident.

"What about the little prince?" she asked in a hurry.

"I have already returned to the emperor's office." Qian Lan said.

"You take my waist card and send a message to my father. He may know what happened." Xu Huiru condensed and whispered.

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