The world is on earth.

Ye Hao didn't know more about the previous things in Vatican and Taboo. No matter how she asked, they only had one sentence, let her wait, and when she remembered, everything would be understood.

How could she think of it!

It was already more than 10,000 years ago. She didn't know how many times she had reincarnation. How could she think of such a long time?

"Sleeping and the beam are back." The sound of Yao Feng came in.

"Oh, let me go out and see." Vatican said in a hurry, afraid that Ye Hao would continue to ask her about her previous affairs.

Ye Hao reluctantly sighed, and seemed to want to know the story of Xiao Yan, except that she thought of it, otherwise no one would tell her, at least these Gorefiend would not tell her.

"How come you followed?" The scream of the unhappy phoenix came in.

Who is here? Ye Xie thought with suspicion, followed the door of the wing, and looked down to see the door they walked into the inn of the inn, followed by the ring and the beam, and the last thing was white.

The fire phoenix and the white tiger were in front of them, pointing to Bai Yi to ask, "How did you bring her?"

"From today, I want to walk with you. Where are you going, I will follow where I go." Bai Yi took a look at the fire phoenix, and his voice said with a charming voice, looking up and pointing at Ye Hao.

"Guan Guan, are you okay?" Ye Hao suppressed the doubts in his heart and looked at the warnings with concern.

"Hey!" Guan Guan heard Ye Hao's voice, his face showed a happy smile, and suddenly came to Ye Hao's face. "I'm fine, I am going to find you."

Ye Hao held his shoulder and checked, making sure he was not hurt before he was relieved. "Sorry, I forgot you are in the inn."

"I am fine." Guan Jie grinned.

Standing in the white below to see this scene, my eyes must be red.

As before, Wen Tian will see a different smile in peace every time he sees Xiao Yan.

Is it true that no one can compare with Xiao Yan in his mind?

"Fire, you will take the gate and go back to the house." Ye Hao said to the fire phoenix.

"Hey!" Fire phoenix, he wants to stay here to protect her.

Bai Hu said, "If I am there, I will not let Xiao Yan be hurt."

Fire Phoenix glanced at him. "If you let the stinky fox demon encounter a small cockroach, I will burn you."

"No." White Tiger said seriously.

Ye Hao walked down and looked at his sleep and beamed away. He fell his eyes on Bai Yi. "What does the white girl say about going with us?"

"It means this. Where are you going, I will follow where I go," Bai said.

"Small sly." Lying down, whispered, "She wants to follow us to find the Lord, follow her."

Ye Xie is more confused in his heart, Bai Yi wants to find Wen Tian can not find it by himself? Why do you fly with them, they are not looking for the smell of heaven.

"White girl, we are not looking for a respectable Lord, just want to go to the Jinguo Palace." Ye Hao said.

"When I wake up, I will definitely come to you. I will follow you, and I will not look for it." Bai said.

Ye Hao looked at the stranger, they actually agreed to follow the white?

"Big brother, what's the matter?" Vatican whispered in a whisper, Bai Yi and their past are not right, let her follow what is going on?

"No problem."

When I heard the answer from the rest of my life, Ye Hao no longer said more, "Since you want to follow, then you can, casually, the tiger, let us go."

The white tiger heard Ye Hao call him a tiger, and his eyes were pulled a few times, and his lips were behind her.

"Well, the treasurer, give me a room." Bai Yi's lips smiled with satisfaction, she didn't care if Ye Hao was unhappy, anyway, she was set.

Maybe when I wake up this time, the first thing I will see is her.

When Bai Yi left, Vatican walked around with his side, and glared at him and beamed away. "Big brother, what are you two?? I don't know, Bai Yi, she wanted to kill Xiaolu from the past. You let her follow us, what if it happened? In case she hurts Xiaoyan."

"She won't, don't dare." Lying in a low voice, "Do not worry, I will look at it."

"Can you drive her away, Xiaoxi is not happy." Taboo said, he does not care who Baiyi is, so Xiaoxiao is not happy.

Shuguang said faintly, "No, she wants to take away the ring."

"She..." The Vatican looked at him in a different place. "See it?"

"After even taboos can be found, do you think that Bai Yi will not see it?" Asked.

Vatican said anxiously, "That can't let her follow, what if she told Xiaoxuan?"

"If she is smart enough, she will not tell Xiao Yan." Shu left sneer, "Let Xiao Xiao know, what good for her?"

Although this is the case, Vatican still feels that it is not a good idea to let Baiyi follow them.

"Let's find another way on the road," said the layman. "You talk to Xiaoyan and let her not be angry."

"Why don't you say it yourself." Vatican, "I don't know what Bai meant to see her in the illusion, always asked me about my previous affairs, and asked her father, how can I answer this question? Nowadays, there is a misunderstanding about the Lord. If she let her know that Xuanyuan God will be the Lord... then I don’t even want to see the Lord."

Lying slightly frowning, "Don't tell her anything, Bai Yi gave her only a piece of context."

"Of course I know the mind of Bai Yi, but I don't know." Vatican said, "I don't care, you explain to yourself."

"Yeah." Lying softly beheaded, decided to go and talk to Ye Hao personally.

After Ye Hao returned to the room to sit still for a while, he was not angry. He wanted to let Bai Yi follow him. He must have his reasons. Bai Yi seems to like to smell the sky. She also said that it makes sense. If it smells innocent. Awakening or already on the mainland, will definitely come to find them.

Half of the eight Gorefiends are here, who will not go to find them?

The most important point is that Bai Yi should be the only person who might tell her about the previous things. She saw it in the illusion, and she still has a lot to ask.

"Little sly." The sound of lying outside came from outside.

"What?" Ye Hao opened the door and looked at the standing outside the door.

Suddenly looked at her silently, "Is it angry?"

"No." Ye Hao said, "I just don't understand why you did this."

"If she doesn't promise her, she won't let it go," said the layman.

Ye Hao chuckled. "This seems to be no reason."

They will not be able to save the joints.

"Small cockroach..." screamed at her in a low voice.

"Because the relationship between Bai Yi and Wen Tian is very shallow." Ye Hao smiled. "I saw it in the fantasy world. Wen Tian likes white."

"..." I was silent for a moment. "Oh, what did you see?"

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