Ye Hao has encountered a lot of monsters, and also killed a lot of monsters, and won a lot of the golden dragons of the beast, she was the first time she was completely unable to move by the demon power, even the practice seems to be unable to make it. .

The whiplash of the next day will not work. I can only watch a blurred figure appear, and then she disappears.

When Ye Hao regained consciousness, she felt that the surrounding area was cold. She suddenly opened her eyes and sat up. She looked around and looked around. It was dark everywhere. She couldn’t see the half-personal shadow.

She took out the night pearl from the space, and then she saw the surrounding scene.


Ye Hao looked at the scene in front of him, how could there be fish swimming, where is she?

"Oh, I am so uncomfortable." The voice of the fire phoenix came from her side weakly.

"What's wrong with you?" Ye Hao looked at the feathers in surprise, and the whole body couldn't help the fire phoenix beside her. He looked very wrong. "Is it hurt?"

The fire phoenix said weakly, "We are underwater, there is a water array here."

For the fire phoenix, although it is not afraid of water, in the water, it is naturally impossible to move freely like on land.

Ye Hao hurriedly helped him up. "In your advanced space, I look at what is here."

"Do you have any injuries?" Fire Phoenix asked nervously, and she was able to let her and Ye Hao lose consciousness at the same time. He could not imagine who it would be.

"Nothing." Ye Hao whispered, "I don't know who will catch us. It should be the person who knows the feather snake."

Fire Phoenix said, "There is a breath of the big monster."

Ye Hao’s face changed slightly, “What?”

"I don't know who it is, but before I lose consciousness, I feel the smell of the monster, and it is different from what we have encountered before." Fire Phoenix said, he looked around and said, "What monster is there? Living in the water?"

"Not going to be..." Wen Tian? Ye Xie flashed this suspicion in his heart, but he quickly denied it. If it was Wen Tian, ​​he would not catch her like this, maybe he would go straight to see him.

Who is that?

They are guessing, suddenly felt a turbulent approach, and Ye Hao can feel the behemoths approaching them in the water array.

"Hey..." The fire phoenix was close to Ye Hao's side, looking at the turbulent eyes with vigilance.

In the illumination of the night pearl, the turbulence is as fast as a vortex, stopping at less than two meters from them. Through the light, Ye Hao only sees a huge... rhinoceros?

"Hey!" Fire Phoenix blurted out and recognized who the monster was.

Ye Hao’s face changed. She knew that it was one of the top ten monsters in ancient times. It was once the opposite of Wen Tian, ​​and later it was allied to deal with the Protoss.

Have you already been sealed?

Are the big monsters already awake?

"What do you do for us?" Ye Hao calmed down, since they were only locked up here, proving that they didn't want to kill them.

"It's really you!" The voice was a bit dark and sorrowful. She took a step forward and turned into a middle-aged woman wearing a black cloak. Her eyes were sharp and her face was cold and indifferent. "Oh, you are still alive."

Ye Xie’s heart is another, and she thinks that she is a small sister.

Even now she even deny her identity, even she feels untrustworthy.

But when she came to the ancient times, she almost felt that she was a small sister.

"I don't know what you said." Ye Hao whispered, "You caught the wrong person."

Grinning, "Even if you turn into ash, I know you, how can you admit the wrong person."

"What do you want to do?" Ye Hao asked vigilantly.

When I walked into the water array, my eyes looked at Ye Hao with a cold and sharp look, and did not hide the killing of her. "You are destroying my business, whether it is before or now."

"The feather snake is called to attack the city. What do you want the demon to do?" Ye Hao frowned and asked, she knew that there must be someone behind the feather snake. I didn't expect it to be a big monster.

She is allied with Wen Tian, ​​at least it is an ally. What do you want to do to **** the sky?

"What else can the demon flag do?" He sneered and asked. "Oh, you are lucky, you are already flying away, you can reincarnate, and you have been looking for you?"

"Smell the sky?" Ye Hao frowned. "I don't know, isn't he even awake?"

If Wen Tian has unlocked the seal, he should come to look for a living, and he will definitely tell her.

However, they have never seen Wentian, and even she does not know what Wentian looks like.

Suddenly, I came to the front of Ye Hao, and said in a cold voice, "Wen Tian is not in a ridiculous hell, he is not sealed there."

"Where is that?" Ye said in a different place, is ridiculous **** not meant to seal the smell of the sky?

"The problem is that I want to ask him." He said coldly, "He betrayed us, but he escaped."

Ye Xie subconsciously wants to defend Wen Tian, ​​he can not sell other big monsters, "No one knows what happened at the beginning."

"Yeah, no one knows." He smiled and looked at Ye Wei with a pair of wrinkled eyes. "But I know how you used to be with my son."

"..." Ye Hao was shocked. Didn’t he have a deep hatred?

This is not easy! Should she not want to count hatred on her head?

"There are heads and debts to have the Lord, what are you going to find Xiaoyan, I am not her, my name is Lu Hao." Ye Hao said happily.

Looked at Ye Hao fiercely, "You are Xiaoyan! My son is dead in your hands."

"You are kidding, how can I kill your son." Ye Hao laughed a few times, he was a big monster, her son would definitely not go where to go, listen to the rest of his life, Xiao Xiao’s previous repairs If it is not high, at most it can protect itself, how could it kill the son of You.

"That's because you have calculated my son with shame and shamelessness," said the wrath. "There was a smell of Heaven and the Emperor who protected you. Now they are not there. I see who can protect you."

Ye Hao knows that he will definitely not be the opponent of the big monster. "Big sister, there is something to say, the old things in the past are so long, the **** people are dead, and Xiaoyan does not know how many times he died. Why are you still guilty?" Yu Huai."

"I am so vengeful." He admitted generously, "So, you don't have to think about leaving here."

"If you kill me, can you let me go?" Ye Hao asked.

Shouted, "You are dead, how does he know that I killed you?"

"Do you think that you can really be ignorant? They will definitely come to me when they are lying." Ye Hao said affirmatively.

"So, do you admit that you are a kid?" he asked coldly.

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