Xuantian mainland is indeed an accident.

When Mingxi listened to Ye Muxin’s words, he realized that it was not only the incident on the mainland, but even the Xuantian continent was now in the midst of a chaotic behemoth, and the Xuantian continent appeared to be super high-order monsters, and these demons on the mainland. The beast is totally different.

"... Suddenly there are a lot of monsters that I have never seen before, and the demon power can almost be comparable to the elders of our warriors. Not only the great saints, but also many disciples are worshipped by the beasts. Injury, the secrets of our cultivation have not dared to go anymore. There are too many monsters that I have never seen before. I thought that the mainland would send people to help, but after so long, there is still no news, Shengzong them. Going to God's mainland for help, but never came back, seeing the Xuantian continent will be encroached by the monsters... We want to find the city owner, now only the city owner can save the Xuantian continent, the Great Shengzong and the Shengzongmen The elders teamed up to push us to send us.” Ye Mu’s heart succinctly told Mingxi what happened in Xuantian mainland. Now he wants to find the city owner, only through Mingxi.

After Ming Xi listened silently, he frowned and said, "Is it the ridiculous **** of the beast that ran to the Xuantian continent?"

"The head says so, but..." Ye Muxin and Tang Hanyan glanced. "We have not found a gap that can go to the ridiculous hell. No one knows how the monsters appeared."

"A year ago, there were several disasters in Xuantian mainland. After that, there was no peaceful day. There were more and more monsters." Tang Hanyan said, "Ming Xi, the city owner and the aunt?"

Ming Xi said, "They are not here. Actually, I am not sure where they have gone. You have seen it. There are also monsters on the mainland. I am probably looking for him."

"Smell the sky?" Tang Hanyan, the three of them screamed at the same time. "You said the smell of heaven, is... the big monster in ancient times?"

"Yes, isn't it because he is awake, so is there any change?" Ming Xi asked.

Tang Hanyan’s face is gloomy, “It’s really...”

Mingxi frowned. "What is true?"

"I heard that Wen Tian was not sealed in a ridiculous hell, but sold out other big monsters. This allowed the dragons to agree that he would become a real dragon. In fact, Wen Tian has long been a monster, but a real dragon. With the dragons disappeared in nine days." Tang Hanyan whispered.

"Impossible!" The child blurted out. "Shen Tian can't be robbed into a real dragon."

It is so easy to become a real dragon. Wen Tian is already a big monster, and it is against the Protoss. It is impossible for the Dragon to accept him.

"But he is not in a ridiculous hell, no one knows where his seal is, or he has not been sealed at all." Ye Muxin said.

Mingxi looked at the child with a strange look. He turned his head and said to Ye Muxin. "Where did you hear the rumors? Who saw the singer of the heavens become a real dragon?"

Ye Muxin said, "Everyone said this."

“It’s true that it’s not true to say this.” Ming Xi said, “When the weather appears, I know what the truth is.”

"That..." Ye Muxin looked at Tang Hanyan. "How do we find aunt?"

Ming Xi said, "I have already sent her to her, but I haven’t answered it yet. As for me... I’m afraid I can’t find it for a while. I sent him a note half a month ago and I have never received him. The return."

The faces of Tang Hanyan and Ye Muxin have become more heavy, and no one can think of the same scene in the human world today.

"That... what should I do?" Ye Muxin looked at Tang Hanyan with a blank look.

"Ming Xi, then how can you bring troops to fight here? Since there are monsters on the mainland, how do you still fight in the civil war?" Even they have joined forces with the holy Zongmen to deal with the monsters, how can the mortal people fight the mortal world? .

"I don't want to fight either." Ming Xi waved his hand. "I hope Zhao can regain his will."

Tang Hanyan said, "Then tell us how to find an aunt, let's go find her."

"She should have been to Kyoto City at this time." Ming Xi said that he knew that they did not find the demon flag in Qi, and should go to Jinguo.

When Ming Xi’s words were finished, he received a voice, thinking that his mother had sent him, and when he opened it, he knew it was a fire phoenix.

After listening to the fire phoenix, Ming Xi’s face suddenly changed.

"What happened?" asked Tang Hanyan.

"Ming Xi?" The nephew looked at him.

"The feather snake took hundreds of monsters to attack the city of Kyoto." Ming Xi whispered.

The nephew rounded his eyes slightly, and his black eyes were full of surprises. "Does the feather snake dare to attack the city of Kyoto?"

Is that... Kyoto City has lost its purple guardian?

how is this possible!

"My mother must have arrived in Kyoto City. The fire phoenix was sent by emergency. It was not clear at all." Ming Xidao.

"Master Mingxi..." The voice of the spy was heard outside.

Don Juan let him go back and forth.

"General Tang, Master Mingxi, is not good." The spy squatted on one knee. "Now the Qi State is a rumor, saying that there is a monster in the world, because Qin Wang sneaked, saying that she is born. The demon, the world's monsters are born for her..."

"Nonsense!" Tang Yan angered, "Whoever rumors like this!"

Ming Xi’s face is not talking, still need to ask? Obviously this is what Zhao Wei has sent out to the wounded leafhopper.

"General Tang, not only is Qi’s rumors circulating everywhere, even... even the people in Jingzhou City have privately talked about it. If this continues, I am afraid that the whole world will be in the conference,” said the spy.

The rumor itself is not terrible. The terrible thing is that there are more people, and everyone will take it seriously.

If the people in the world think that Ye Hao has provoked the monster, then when...

Tang Yan couldn't imagine the consequences. His face looked gloomy to Ming Xi, "Ming Xi?"

"Zhao Wei has to look for bitterness." Mingxi said coldly, "Since her emperor is so uncomfortable, then don't be an emperor."

"What do you mean?" Tang Yan looked at Mingxi with doubt.

Mingxi smiled faintly. "I will fight Qi State tomorrow. Doesn't it mean that my mother has provoked the beast? Isn't it that my mother is harming the world? Then it will harm them Qi."

Tang Wei said, "Ming Xi, our troops may not be able to win Qi."

"The strength is naturally impossible to win." Ming Xi said with a smile, he did not intend to fight in the open, "but I still have to win."

"Ming Xi, do you need any help?" Ye Muxin said with pride.

"Mu Xin!" Tang Hanyan frowned.

Ye Muxin cried, "I am also trying to help my aunt... son."

Isn't that the same as helping aunt?

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