Ye Hao had only known that Murong Zhan was not favored, but he did not know what kind of suffering he had suffered. When she wiped his sweat for him, he discovered that his body was not covered with white cloth, and the color looked dark. First, obviously not injured at the same time.

If at the beginning, Murong Cham did not become a emperor... What kind of end would it be?

At that time, he already had the military power of the border. The first thing that the new emperor enthroned was to ask him to surrender his military power. Even if Murong Zhan, who was still resisting foreign enemies at the time, needed military power to continue fighting, the new emperor... Prince, is a favored one. Bad, and the person who is taught bad.

Ye Hao thought of the imperial emperor who was now under house arrest. She shook her head gently. When she was still young, she saw him. At that time, one of her cousins ​​was his good wife. The prince was in her. It seems to be a very gentle and kind person, how could it become like that?

Huh? Ye Hao looked puzzled at the hand in his hand. The white scorpion didn't know when it was a little black. This is... the sweat of the ink bottle?

She soon remembered. When she first drank Lingquan, she also had a layer of black sweat. Later, the whole person was reborn. Isn’t Murong Zhan still awake because she was in his morning? I used too many spirits on my body?

Ye Hao hurriedly wiped the sweat off his body, lest he be seen to have doubts.

"Isn't you still awake?" Huangfu came in from the outside with a bowl of medicine and saw Ye Hao brushing his sweat at the ink, and asked in a low voice.

"No." Ye Hao shook his head and took some of the blackened water out of the basin.

Huangfu feeds the medicine into the mouth of Mo Rongzhan, confirming that he has taken the medicine down, only to gently lie down and look at Ye Hao who seems to continue the vigil. "Here, let me go back." ""

Ye Hao shook his head firmly. "I want to watch him wake up and feel at ease."

"You are very concerned about Azhan." Huangfu smiled and thought she didn't feel anything about Azhan. It seems that this is not the case.

"He was because I was injured. If there are three long and two short, I can't feel at ease." Ye Hao whispered, she just didn't want to owe him, so she had to take care of him until he woke up.

The emperor said, "You just don't want to be yourself?"

Ye Hao had nothing to look at in front of Huangfu, and he could see everything he could see. She sighed, "I owe anyone, I just don't want to owe him."

Huangfu looked at her meaningfully. He knew that she knew her life, but now it seems that she still knows more.

"Then you look at A Zhan, I went to the library to see if there was such a situation in the medical book." Huangfu said in a low voice.

"Without the Emperor's handcuffs, can you go to the library?" Ye said in a strange way, she tried to go to the library without the handcuffs of Murong Chong, and could not enter.

Huangfu smiled, "The book of the library is belonging to the Huangfu family."

Oh, yes, Huangfu is the surname of Emperor, and the guardian of Jiang’s old man is the emperor’s family. How could he stop the imperial concubine?

After Huangfu’s departure, only the Ye Hao stayed here in the dormitory. She sat next to the dragon couch and looked at the ink-filled ink-filled Zhan Zhan, and she was worried. In case, the role of Lingquan was too great. What if he can't wake up?

"Really, why should I save me? How can I achieve my goal now..." Ye Hao whispered, and finally sighed softly. "You wake up soon."

Mo Rongzhan did not hear her words, still sleeping and not waking up.

He is dreaming, a real dream.

In the dream, he seems to have returned to the time when he was just ascended to the throne, but it seems that there is a difference in his dreams. Whether he was in the early morning or in the royal study, he always felt that someone was watching him silently around him. At first he felt very surprised. Later, I felt that I had a sense of security.

The difference is that he did not abandon Lu Shuanger in his dreams, but he was very fond of her, but... He did not encounter embarrassment, and the three girls of Lujia did not appear in his dreams.

His dreams are long, and it seems that the past two years, suddenly one day, his heart trembled as if something had been cut from his heart.

Murong Zhan did not know what it felt like. He just thought that there was something important missing in his life...

This dream is very vague, and Murong Chan wants to know exactly what is going on, but many things are vague, and the only feeling that has been silently watched is the clearest.

However, after he had a angina, this feeling disappeared.

He began to become unaccustomed. When he was in the dream of landing the double child, the feeling of disgust in his heart became clearer and clearer. He missed more and more people... But who is that person?

Murong Chong felt that he seemed to have overlooked something or missed something, but he couldn't remember it. He later went to Qin Wangfu, and then...

He was scared to wake up.

Murong Zhan opened his eyes. He was sweaty, but the sweat was no longer black. He was not sure where he was. He opened his eyes to the familiar hall. He only woke up and understood himself. Just had a dream.

He turned his head and asked Forford to come in, but he saw the leafhopper sleeping on his bed.

The little man put his hands on his face, his face looked a little pale, she slept a little quietly, and her eyelashes were trembled.

The small shoulders are slender and fragile, and it makes people want to hold her in her arms.

Murong Zhan’s heart was as soft as boiling water, reaching out to touch her cheeks, just moving, the tears in his wounds hurt, which reminded him of his injuries to the tiger. .

When Ye Hao heard the movement, she immediately woke up and looked up to see the expression of Murong Chan's frown. She snorted and immediately screamed, "Are you awake?"

“How long have you been asleep?” Murong Zhan whispered.

"Two days." Ye Hao said that the Queen Mother is worried that she can't eat and sleep well. If his pulse has not been a problem, everyone will almost always think that he is going to die.

Huangfu also watched the book for two days in the library. He wanted to find out why he was unconscious. Fortunately, he had already woken up.

"Do you have any injuries?" Murong asked, and his eyes kept looking at her.

Ye Hao shook his head. "No." She paused. "What do you think? The back still hurts?"

Ink Murray's thin lips bent and smirked. "Come here, let you see you."

"I went to talk to the Queen Mother, she is very worried about you." Ye Hao slightly lowered his head, did not dare to look directly into his eyes, turned and ran out.

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