Ming Xi and Ming Yu talked about the situation in Qi State. Zhao Wei was already crazy. People sent her to the palace. As long as they were not killed by the monsters, they could be raised in the palace. As for her children, it should be He was taken away by Zhao Xiang, and the people who accompanied the Song family’s second house also left the Imperial City.

"They walked away, and they went all the same everywhere." Ming Yu said generously, "I didn't think that Zhao Wei was like this. She made such a rumor that hurt her mother. She still hasn't punish her. Cheaper for her."

"You don't have to pay attention to Zhao Wei." Ming Xi said, "The six uncles have now announced their abdication. Now that the three countries are merged, what are your plans for the next time?"

Ming Yu's little face wrinkled into a group, and she thought that her future days would have to be very busy. Like her former father, her heart felt so tired and tired. "I plan to return to Kyoto City after a while."

There is a place where she used to live from a small to a big place, and there is also a father. He can help her. I don’t feel used to it in Wangdu.

"This is the best, there are six uncles in Kyoto City to help you." Mingxi agreed.

"Ming Xi, Ming Yu..." The voice of the fire and phoenix came from afar.

They looked back, in addition to the fire phoenix, he was followed by a young man with elegant temperament.

White Tiger finally saw a pair of children of Ye Hao.

When he saw Ming Xi, he had a moment of embarrassment, staring at it for a while, and was slammed by the fire and phoenix before he returned to God.

"What are you thinking about! I warn you, don't think that there is nothing." Mingxi stunned the white tiger, thinking that he had to say something about the emperor, then what the ghost God had died before he could die, even before What is the relationship with Ye Hao, that can not count, now Ye Hao is the wife of their city owner!

"Do I have to talk? How do you know what I am thinking?" The white tiger looked at the fire phoenix faintly. He didn't care about this naive guy. He smiled at Mingxi. "Young master, I am the little white tiger." If you have any instructions in the future, you can let me do it."

Fire Phoenix wowed, "You are not a beast, I am!"

The white tiger is too lazy to argue with the fire phoenix. "Are you called Ming Xi? Xiao Xiao told me about you."

"My mother also told me about you." Ming Xi said, he was the first time to see the white beast of the spirit beast. The beasts that can be tied with the fire phoenix are almost rare in the three continents, let alone live from the ancient times. Down, "How did you become my mother's beast?"

"Small scorpion saved me, healed me, raised me." White Tiger said that although many years have passed, his memory of Xiaoyan is still profound.

He really thought that he would never see a small beggar again.

Although today's Xiaoyan has forgotten everything in the past, it is not easy to be able to reincarnate and return.

Mingxi sighed.

White Tiger looked down at Ming Xi. "You look like a person."

"Who?" Ming Xi asked.

"One...the old man." White Tiger bowed his head and thought that Xiaoxiao had become a biological child. He could no longer hold other hopes.

Ming Xi picked up his eyebrows and looked at him.

"Do you become a tiger?" Ming Xi smashed his big eyes and looked at the white tiger with curiosity.

Fire Phoenix is ​​also a beast, he can become a phoenix, can the white tiger also become a white tiger?

The white tiger looked down at the little girl who was very detailed with Xiao Xiao, as if she saw the little sister who had just arrived at him more than 10,000 years ago.

"Yes." The white tiger unconsciously puts a soft voice into the original shape in front of Mingyu. The tiger is white, and it is like snow, no hair, and heads up against the sky, and the wind rises.

The tiger whistling sounded through the four fields, and almost everyone in the capital city heard it.

Lu Shiming, who is in the house, suddenly stood up. "The Holy King feels excited, but there are white tigers in the morning, thunder in the four wild... This is the tiger's howling, because the king of the world will have such a phenomenon. ”

Ye Hao knows that this is definitely the voice of the white tiger. She laughs. "Oh, it is the voice of the white tiger."

"When the king is not harmless, then the white tiger sees." Lu Shiming said excitedly, "Hey, Mingyu is the benevolent of this world, and even God thinks she is the king."

"Let's go out and see." Ye Xiao smiled, and Lu Shiming explained that the origin of the white tiger is too complicated.

It is better to let all the people in the world think that Ming Yu is the king of the king.

Ye Hao and Lu Shiming walked out of the yard and turned to several cloisters to come to the small courtyard where Mingxi lived. In the small garden outside the door, they saw Mingyu sitting on the back of a huge white tiger and jumped onto the roof, in the air. Leaving up and down, I saw Lu Shiming flying out of a heart.

"This...this..." Lu Shiming looked back at Ye Hao, and there really was a white tiger. How did it play with Ming Yu?

"It's okay, it's a tiger." Ye Yan said with a smile, but he didn't expect the white tiger to be close to Mingyu. He always has a lot of respect for him. He only has to say a few words to her, sometimes fire. Phoenix angered him, he just blacked his face and did not speak.

It was the first time I saw him being close to others.

"Mother, it’s fun." Ming Yu saw Ye Hao and waved happily.

Lu Shiming looked at this scene with sorrow. "This is really... If the people of the whole world see Mingyu riding a white tiger, the reputation of Wang Zhiren will be completely settled."

I don't know if the white tiger heard Lu Shiming's words, so he flew out in the direction of the palace. They flew in the direction of the palace.

"Don't I be a beast?" Fire Phoenix grievously asked Ye Hao, he is also an auspicious spirit beast.

"Of course you are." Ye Hao smiled. "Phoenix is ​​a beast in the eyes of the people."

Fire Phoenix is ​​a bit jealous, and Mingyu is not so close to him.

"You can't go with you. You don't take the initiative to get close to Mingyu. How can Mingyu know about you?" Mingxi said with a smile. "You see that the white tiger will be a beast and hear the grandfather said that he can help Mingyu." He immediately took the Mingyu to the world."

"Hey, where is the white tiger? It is an old fox!" The fire screamed and screamed, slamming into the sky, like a red flame, shining like a fireworks in the air.

Lu Shiming saw the real body of the fire phoenix for the first time, and he said nothing.

It is the white tiger and the phoenix. He thinks he is dreaming.

"Hey, let's go back to the house." Ye Hao smiled. "Let Mingxi follow."

Ming Xi took the nephew and went to the palace.

"This world... is even more magical than what is said in the book." Lu Shiming whispered.

If Lu Shiming knows that there is still a nine-tailed fox in the house, I don't know if I will be scared to sleep.

Ye Hao said, "It has changed. It is only that God did not save the world. Only the mortal himself saved himself."

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