Ye Wei was hiding from the jade cloud before he ran to the Yuan Dynasty for help.

She was seriously injured by Ming Xi, and Fan Luo selected Yan Xiaoliu. She ignored her and left her as a waste chess. She escaped from hiding everywhere, just to have time to practice, so that she could deal with Yu Yun.

Yu Yun fell to her hate, if this time she was found, she may not be able to retreat.

She knows the jade cloud more than anyone else. The old woman can cultivate from the blood worms. It shows how strong the mind is. If she is really found by her, she may not be as good as Yu Yunsheng.

Now, the jade cloud should be back to the cloud, and it will definitely come to her.

If... If the jade is gone, Yu Yun will definitely look for her like crazy until she kills her.

Although he is not a Gorefiend, he is at least a man of understanding, and he has always been interested in cultivation. She only has this point to attract him, and only he can temporarily give her a place to hide.

Yu Yun fell so badly that she could not rival the king of a country.

The water still hesitated.

He has seen people who have been smothered by blood worms, knowing how difficult it is to become a Gorefiend.

If he can't stand it, then he is walking dead, and will always be dominated by Ye Wei, and the entire Yuan Dynasty will also perish.

This is the Yuan Dynasty that Lu Hao gave him, and he can't leave it alone.

Ye Wei is aware of the water and knows the fear in his heart. This is also good. As long as she practices for a while, she will be able to restore her magic. When she is not afraid, the cloud will fall.

"Emperor, urgent!" The voice of the palace was heard outside.

Water glanced at Ye Wei and let the people outside go back and forth.

The urgent report was from the Ningguo side, and Mo Mingyu ordered the merger of the three countries, and has already set off for Kyoto City, Ningguo Dingdu Kyoto City.

"A little girl wants to unify the world." Ye Wei chuckled. "It's more like preparing for you."

"Mu Mingyu has Murong Zhan and Lu Yan behind him, and Gorefiend. Besides her, who has such luck?" Water is not an accident. Mingyu will unify the world. This Yuanguo will be merged sooner or later. Ningguo's.

It’s just a matter of time.

Ye Wei heard Lu Xi of the Lu Yi, and grinned disdainfully. "Are you willing to be willing?"

"There is nothing unwilling, this is not awkward." Water said, he did not even dare to practice the Gorefiend, and what qualifications to compete with Ming Yu for this world.

"I heard that Mo Mingxi used the monster to fight, you can also." Ye Wei's tone is tempting. She knows the ambition of water more than anyone else. How can he be willing to give up the Yuanguo.

Upon hearing this, the water looked at Ye Wei at a glance. "Those monsters are murderous, and it is impossible to listen to the rule of mortals."

Ye Wei said with a smile, "It is not rule, it is cooperation."

A glimpse of the water, looking at her thoughtfully, and working with the monster? That is... and the mortal is right.

"Think about it." The water whispered.



In Kyoto City, Murong Yu, who has already given up his abdication, feels very relaxed. Although the Kyoto City, which has been ravaged by the monsters, has not been completely repaired, the people who have escaped have not come back, and the city looks very depressed.

The rumor that Ye Hao is a demon girl is still circulating. Although the news of Qi Yu’s madness has come to the fore, and some people have seen the truth, there are still many people who are ignorant.

Even the court has ministers who hope that Murong will be able to send troops to kill Qin Wang.

Murong Yu took the man back.

"Qin Wang Hao has already been to Ming Yu?" Lei Bingfu walked in with the food box and looked at Murong Yu, who was reviewing the memorial, and asked in a low voice.

"Well, it’s over." Murong nodded faintly. "Mingyu will come back in a few days."

Lei Bingfu’s eyes lit up. “Really? That’s good, Mingyu is here, you can rest assured.”

Murong looked at her and said, "You will not be bored."

"Chen Chen did not say that it would be boring." Lei Bingfu said with a smile, took the stew from the food box, "You have a bad appetite these days, I will cook the soup for you."

"Let's let me drink for a while." Murong said.

Lei Bingfu said, "You said so yesterday, the result is still not drinking."

"Get it." Murong smirked helplessly, took the soup from Lei Bingfu, and drank the soup.

"Although you are abdicating, you can't have a relaxed time." Lei Bingfu said.

"Is it not the emperor, will you be disappointed?" Murong asked faintly, his abdication was suddenly decided, and even gave her a position.

Lei Bingfu smiled. "Why do you think the courtiers are disappointed?"

Murong Yu thought carefully, Lei Bingfu never cares about the position, how can he care if he is emperor or too emperor.

She has been very comfortable in the palace, and this kind of arbitrariness has nothing to do with her position. Even if she used to be a jealousy, she can be safe, as if she had already used this kind of life in the palace.

"I will take you overseas in the future, you will love it." Murong said.

Lei Bingfu laughed and said nothing. This is the second time that Murong Yu said that she would take her to the sea. Although she has not realized it, she is really happy in her heart.

And Murong Yu experienced several life and death, the tacit understanding between them is getting better and better, and they get along much more naturally than before. In front of Murong Yu, Lei Bingfu no longer wears a dignified and cautious mask, and the two seem to find it now. The best way to get along.

If you have been with you for a lifetime, it is actually quite good.

"The emperor ... too upper emperor, Shen Guiren to see outside." Ford came in and said, it is difficult to change the name of Murong Yu.

Murong frowned and said, "Don't you let her go out of the palace?"

"I forgot to tell you about this matter. Shen Guiren and Su Shi are not willing to go out to the palace, saying yes... I want to stay with you." Lei Bingfu whispered.

Yesterday they went to her to have trouble. They had to see Murong Yu. They thought that she was behind the ghosts, and Murong did not want to leave them.

Murong screamed and frowned. "You don't need them to accompany them, let them go home."

Ford said, "Shen Guiren said that if the emperor refused to see her, she would have to look down."

"Or, you will see you, after all, I am deeply in love with you." Lei Bingfu said with a smile.

Murong Yan raised his eyebrows and swept Lei Bingfu, how he heard that she was gloating.

"Let her come in." Murong said faintly.

"The courtiers retire first." Lei Bingfu smiled, she was too aware that Murong Yu was a lonely person, and the woman who wanted him to really care, probably only Qin Wangxi.

She has not dared to explore his feelings about himself until now.

Some things don't have to be too clear to understand, life is just a few decades, and it is enough to calmly pass.

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