No one knows who the sky is, even the ridiculous **** of the monsters can not tell why, have seen his real face monster, probably few besides those big monsters.

The prisoner's sea is not a sea area, but a small island above the Dead Sea. I live on that island in the sky. This is the news that the double-headed eagle has inquired. No amount has been inaudible.

They went smoothly on this road. They didn't encounter the monsters. Even if there were a few who wanted to stop them deliberately, they were not Murong Zhan's opponents. They would come to a dark sea in a few days.

"This is the Dead Sea." The double-headed eagle hid behind the repair, pointing to the black water there. "This water is black, and I don't know where the source is. Whoever wants to enter the sea, don't want to live."

"Have you ever been there?" asked Xiu Xiu.

The two-headed eagle said, "If I go in, can I still be here now?"

"That said, what you said is not necessarily right." Yan Xiu said with a smile. "No matter what, there must be personal experience in this world."

"What?" The eyes of the two-headed eagle were frightened. When they were about to escape, they were repaired and thrown into a small boat suddenly coming out of the Dead Sea.

The two-headed eagle was scared and shouted. "Help, I am going to die, I am going to die!"

Murong Zhan and Yan Xiu went to the small boat one after the other. This small boat is unusual. It is a treasure of the top grade. It can swim in the sky and can swim. When encountering the monster, it can also have a defensive effect. It is just right in the Dead Sea.

"Do we really want to go to the prison? It's too dangerous!" The double-headed eagle squatted behind the boat, and closed his eyes and dared not look around. He felt that he was not far from death.

"Noisy!" Murong Chan faintly opened.

The two-headed eagle is afraid of the prestige of the ink, and the two claws are holding their mouths. He does not have Jin Dan now. Even the adult form will not work. My heart is really bitter. How can he be so unlucky, just come out and find some teeth to eat? How come you meet these two great gods, and if he doesn't come out, he is still enjoying the food.

I blame him for being too embarrassed!

It’s dead!

"You still." Murong Zhan threw a golden dan to the side of the double-headed eagle. Since it has already reached the Dead Sea, it is meaningless to hold the golden eagle with the double-headed eagle.

"My Golden Dan!" The double-headed eagle was overjoyed. He hurriedly picked up Jin Dan and swallowed it. He soon became a young man with a sharp-nosed monkey. He looked at the backs of Murong Cham and Yan Xiu and saw that they didn’t even see them. Care about him, turn around and want to escape.

As a result, his feet have not left the boat, only to find that their boat has a long distance from the shore, he has no confidence in leaving the Dead Sea.

"..." It is no wonder that the cold-faced **** will return Jindan to him. It is expected that he will not leave the Dead Sea!

Hey, he is really a bitter!

"What is the front?" asked the frowning eyebrows. The sea that had been calm and waveless suddenly turned up a huge wave and was rolling in their direction.

Murong Chong blinked at the front, it was not an ordinary wave, but it was like hiding in the water.

The double-headed eagle glanced at it, and his face was white and scared. "There must be a sea monster!"

The most terrible thing in the Dead Sea is the Kraken! Their land monsters come to the Dead Sea and seem to lose their demon power. They are not the opponents of the Kraken.

"Be careful!" said Xiu Xiu, laying an enchantment in front of the boat.

The waves are getting bigger and bigger, their boats are swaying, and people are turned over several times.

The double-headed eagle's hand gripped the edge and scared him.

钰修御剑 stayed in the air, looking at the bottom of the water, screaming in amazement, "Jellyfish?"

Under the water is a red jellyfish that is bigger than an elephant. The tentacles are long and big, and the waves are those tentacles that roll out.

"This big jellyfish!" cried the double-headed eagle. "I told you that the Dead Sea is a sea monster. This is where the jellyfish is..."

The words of the double-headed eagle have not been finished yet. The jellyfish floated out of the water, and a pair of weird eyes looked at the ink and coldly.

"It hasn't opened its mind yet." Murong Zhan whispered that he did not feel Jin Dan in the jellyfish.

Yan Xiu said, "This jellyfish is poisonous and careful."

Murong Zhan gently daggers, holding a black sword in his hand.

Although the red jellyfish has not yet cultivated Jindan, it has its own domain consciousness. No one has ever dared to appear on its territory. Even if it appeared before, it will be eaten by it, and it will become full body after eating. Comfortable, but unfortunately, no other creature has been here for a long time.

Therefore, it felt like the arrival of Murong Cham, and immediately came.

There are three foods, it can be a full meal.

The long shots are to be wrapped around the ink, and the water around the jellyfish spreads a layer of red gas.

Murong Zhan took the sword and cut the tentacles into several segments.

The jellyfish screamed painfully, and the waves on the water surface became more intense. If there was no ink to hold the boat, the boat was already wounded by the waves.

The paddles on both sides of the boat turned into the shape of a windmill. Under the action of Lingshi, they gradually left the water and stayed in the air.

"It's coming again, flocks of jellyfish, look!" the double-headed eagle shouted loudly, and more and more jellyfish appeared around the red jellyfish, both of which were larger than the red jellyfish.

The faces of Murong Cham and Yan Xiu became heavy. They couldn’t kill these jellyfish. These jellyfish didn’t leave much, but the amount was too much and they would waste their time.

He said, "Let me come."

The double-headed eagle hid in the small boat. He didn't say to fight with the jellyfish. A tentacle could kill him.

Murong Zhan raised the boat again.

In the sea of ​​black water, the group of jellyfish exudes a faint glow, and it looks very beautiful from a height. However, these beautiful giant jellyfish are all poisonous, and it is fatal to be beaten.

Xiu Xiu held a jade sword in his hand and flew into the jellyfish group like a lightning bolt.

"He doesn't want to die!" The double-headed eagle shouted, so that he jumped into the sea, and even if he was not eaten by the jellyfish, it was poisoned.

"Do you have no demon power at all?" Murong Zhan looked at the double-headed eagle.

The two-headed eagle reached out and held a palm, and there wasn't even a little wind. "Yes...a little bit of demon power, this is the power of the Dead Sea."

Murong Chan slightly frowns, the double-headed eagle has no demon power, but the spiritual power of him and Xiu Xiu is not affected.

It seems that the Dead Sea is only a monster.


A loud noise was heard from the bottom of the sea, and several jellyfish were shaken out of the sea.

In a short while, the sea surface floated countless jellyfish corpses.

He did not touch a drop of water on the boat.

The two-headed eagle stared at him with a stunned look.

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