Kyoto City.

Lei Bingfu feels that he understands Murong Yu, and he knows that his heart belongs. She lived for two. The harem life that she had experienced before is more complicated than it is today. The emperor she used to serve is not incompetent, but for beauty. Color never refuses, she took a lot of thoughts to go to the last step to become the Queen Mother.

In the face of the emperor of the last world, she was good at using the means and mind to seek the rights and interests she needed. At the beginning, she intended to treat Murong Yu with the same means, but found that the man was different from what she had known before.

Although she used to serve a man before.

She really didn't understand what Murong Yu was thinking.

He obviously doesn't like her, and she is very picky about her. Sometimes she says something, he will stink, even she doesn't know what she is doing wrong.

Just like a few days ago, Lei Jieting deliberately sent a hug to him. She only saw it when she saw it. She did not expect to anger the Murong.

Isn’t Lei Jieting unsmiling? She is not the first time she wants to seduce Murong, and every time she is gray-faced, she has repeatedly lost her battles, and she has become more and more brave.

This time, it was directly sent to Murray by Murong Yu, and it really angered him.

However, what is it about her? She just snickered in her heart, but her face didn't have any expression on her face. So, did he see it?

He has not seen her for a few days!

"Anniling, don't you go find your majesty today?" The palace lady handed a cup of tea to Lei Bingfu and asked carefully.

"Don't go!" Lei Bingfu said with a sigh of relief, she gave him a smile for a few days, and he still had a face on his face, as if she said anything was wrong. If this is the case, then she will have nothing. said.

The palace girl glanced at her. "You are awkward with your majesty..."

Lei Bingfu bowed to his own palace girl. "Where is this palace awkward?"

It’s also that Murong is in trouble.

"You, more and more like a little girl." The palace girl covered her mouth and smiled.

"This palace...where..." Lei Bingfu rounded her eyes. She never had a little girl. How was she like a little girl, but she was said by the palace lady, she suddenly felt like it was really a bit like .

The maid said with a smile, "Your Majesty is getting better and better for you. Now the whole harem is only where you are still here. Isn't it just going to be sent out of the palace or going to the palace? Isn't it yours alone? The slaves listen to the palace. The old man said that a woman is only like a little girl if she is pampered, just like the former Queen."

There is only one queen of the empress in the palace of the harem, that is Lu Hao.

Lu Hao used to be a unique pet in the palace. Murong Zhan dismissed her harem for her. Apart from her queen, she didn’t even have a donkey.

She also heard that since Murong Chan had seen Lu Hao at the Women’s College, he had never been fortunate enough to have any scorpion.

What kind of affection can make an emperor do this? When she was not in the palace, she felt funny when she heard such a thing, because she didn't think that any man could do this to a woman.

Now the palace girl actually compares her with Lu Hao...

Lei Bingfu laughed softly, how did she compare with Lu Wei, let alone Murong Chong to her single-mindedness, even Murong Yu was equally affectionate to her.

She still remembers the pain of Murong when he was drunk.

He likes Lu Hao so much... For her years, she has never settled down. Even if she is abdicated now, the position of the Queen in his heart is probably only Lu Yu.

Forget it, don't want to.

Lei Bingfu felt that there was a sour vinegar in his heart, which was the feeling she had never had before.

"The maiden, the maiden..." The voice of the little palace lady eagerly came outside.

"What is it?" Lei Bingfu asked.

The little palace lady stepped in, excited and happy to say, "The goddess, Princess Mingyu is back, no, it is Tianzhu, and Tianzhu is back."

Mingyu arrived? Lei Bingfu stood up suddenly. "Where is Mingyu?"

"I have already entered the city and will soon enter the palace. Your Majesty will let you go to the Qing Palace to wait for the Scorpio." said the little palace girl. "It is the husband of Fude."

Lei Bingfu has not seen Mingyu for a long time, and my heart really misses the little girl. "This is the way to go to this palace."

When I came to the Qing Palace, there were already many people here. Xiao Wangye and Wang Hao were here. She had never seen Murong Yu and Zhao Ning for a long time. I also missed Ming Yu when I wanted to come.

Murong Yan stood at the forefront, and looked up and saw her coming over. The thin lips licked, obviously it was still not very happy.

Lei Bingfu thought that she came to see Mingyu, not to swear with Murong, just to see a piece of wood, ignore his face.

"Chen Chen has seen His Majesty." She gave Murong a good manner, and the dignity and virtuousness made people unable to pick up a little problem.

"Flat." Murong said with a blank expression. He hated to see Lei Bingfu's pretense.

Lei Bingfu smiled and stood up, and met with Murong and Zhao Ning.

"Hui 妃 娘." Inkor 沂 的 的 的 沂 沂 沂 沂 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨The two seem to be not quite right.

Zhao Ning gently tweeted Murong, let him not do anything.

Since Murong Yu only stayed in Lei Bingfu in the palace, it must be different for her.

"Look at the sky!" Suddenly someone exclaimed.

Everyone looked up and looked at the air, only to see a huge white tiger foot on the white clouds, step by step to their side.

"Ming Yu..." Lei Bingfu saw the bright jade sitting on the back of the white tiger. She suppressed the shock in her heart. "When the king is not harmless, then the white tiger sees... it turns out to be true."

Not long ago, there were rumors that a white tiger appeared in the side of Mingyu. She thought that it was because she made a gimmick for Mingyu.

"Father and Emperor!" Ming Yu happily waved to Murong.

Murong took a deep breath, "Go down!"

Ming Yu touched the body of the white tiger. "Tiger, let's go down."

"..." The white tiger body stiffened. "Don't learn your mother, call me."

He is a good elder of Mingyu! It is an elder!

"Uncle Hu's." Ming Yu shouted with a smile.

White tiger silence should not be her.

"That is... white tiger?" someone whispered.

"How can Princess Mingyu... come back with a white tiger?"

Murong said loudly, "Ming Yu is the benevolent of the king, and even the white tiger is willing to be her mount."

"Yes, Mingyu is the king of righteousness, and will definitely dominate the world in the future." Lei Bingfu continued, looking at the Mingyu who had come to them.

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