Ye Hao made a medicated diet. She looked at it silently for a while, and let the palace lady call for the fort. She didn't want to go to the dormitory. Anyway, Murong Zhan didn't want to see her. He should be enjoying Xu Huiru's service at this time. She will not let him break his mood.

"Fu Gonggong, these will trouble you to send to the emperor." Ye Yan said with a smile, "I want to go to the Cining Palace."

Ford remembered the strange atmosphere inside, and knew that the emperor and the princess were still awkward, and they agreed, "Princess, the slave will take it for you."

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "There is a father-in-law."

Watching Ford take the medicinal diet, Ye Hao is relieved to leave.

Murong Chan saw that Ford sent dinner, and his face was more gloomy. "What about Lu Yan? How come you sent it?"

Ford thought that you didn't just stink a face like you really don't want to see the princess? Did he do something wrong? "Your Majesty, Princess Her Royal Highness said that she would go to the Cining Palace."

Murong Zhan snorted, "put down the meal, roll!"

"Yes, the emperor." Ford was so scared by the inexplicable anger of Murong Cham, and hurriedly went out after the dinner was put down.

Xu Huiru looked at Murong Zhan with a puzzled look. He didn't understand how he was angry at once.

Is it because... did Lu Yan not personally send the dinner? There was such a speculation in my heart, and Xu Huiru suddenly felt inexplicably confused.

"Love you, take a meal with you." Murong Zhan said with a sigh of relief, he just want to prove with Lu Hao, even if she disdains to ask him, his woman in the harem is not asking for his favor.

Xu Huiru suppressed the uneasiness of his heart, and more and more gentlely served with Murong Cham.

Ye Hao also used the dinner in the Cining Palace.

"You want to go out of the palace?" The Queen Mother looked at Ye Hao suspiciously. Why did she want to go out of the palace at this time? The emperor couldn't miss her.

"After the mother, I heard that my brother was poisoned today. The seven grasses can no longer control his pain. I... I want to go home and see." This is the only excuse she can find, although she can’t wait for Lu’s death. dead.

The Queen Mother hesitated a bit, and she was in love with her. She should let her go home. After all, she stayed in the palace for a long time. Lu family must be worried about her.

"The emperor is over there... There is Xu Xianzhen looking at it, probably I don't need me tonight." Ye Hao whispered.

"The emperor let Xu Xianyu enter the Qing Dynasty?" the Queen Mother asked with some surprises.

Ye Hao nodded. "When I came over, Yin Xian Niang was still in the dormitory to accompany the emperor."

The Queen Mother laughed. "It seems that the emperor is open. Xu Xianyu is a good person. If he can be with the emperor, he is also a good thing."

"Yeah." Ye Hao smiled and perfunctory, and there was some inexplicable bitterness in his heart.

"Then go home, Mr. Yu said, he will enter the palace at night, there is nothing to worry about here," said the Queen Mother.

Ye Hao breathed a sigh of relief. She really wanted to leave the palace. It took a while to feel suffocated.

The Queen Mother sent Cheng Aunt to arrange the palace man carriage and sent Ye Hao back to Lu Jia.

Ye Hao didn't go back to the house to go to the house to wash, and quickly went to the room to find Mrs. Lu.

“Hey?” Lu Lao’s wife saw that she was very surprised, and immediately she was red-eyed. “Come on, my heart and soul, I can rest assured that I can see you well.”

Although the things happening in the hunting forest are still hidden for a while, the Lu family can't hide it. Ye Hao almost killed his mouth. Mrs. Lu, they knew it the next day. The family was worried for two days, if it was not today. The poisonous hair of the cockroach shifted its attention, and Mrs. Lu wanted to go to the palace to see a leaf scorpion.

He was excitedly watching Ye Hao, and he had just robbed his daughter from the old lady's arms. "How come you go home and worry about us all."

Ye Hao said, "I also want to go home early, but sometimes the court is delayed."

Mrs. Lu touched her cheek. "It’s all a lot of thin, poor, just fine, nothing. Just fine."

"Grandma, is there anything wrong at home?" Ye Hao whispered, she wanted to know Lu Yizhi's end. If he couldn't die this time, then she would have to let him suffer.

She now feels that it is cheap to let him die.

Mrs. Lu’s wife showed a sad look. “Your big brother died today for a lifetime. Fortunately, Qi’s doctor is bringing Mr. Qi to come, and finally the pain of your older brother is alleviated.”

Mr. Yu? Ye Hao’s face changed slightly. She is clear about the medical skills of Huangfu. Is it difficult for Huangfu to detoxify Lu Hao?

"Hey, your big brother is very worried about you, you will go see him later."

Ye Hao is a thousand unwilling, but she would like to know if Lu Yuzhi is cured by the Emperor. "Well, I also want to see him."

"Hey, what is the fate of our Lu family recently, why is it so unsatisfactory?" Lu Lao sighed with a lament.

First, Lu Yan was poisoned on the way back, and then Lu Shuanger was abolished as a guar, and then he was almost killed by the tiger. This piece of things makes people think that they are chilling.

"Grandmother, what is the big sister doing now?" Ye Hao's pretense cares about the recent situation of Lu Shuanger. She should be very reluctant to go to the temple. It should have been a lifelong person, but now she has to wear a blue light. No one can accept this fact.

Mrs. Lu said, "The Queen Mother, let me go to see your big sister once. She is not as capricious as she used to be. She has already slammed her hair, no crying, just wanting your older brother to see her some days. ""

This is not the **** of Lu Shuanger! Ye Hao immediately alerted him. According to Lu Shuanger’s past practice, this time it must be crying and yelling that Lu Jia would help her to leave Nianci Temple. It would not be so calm.

If something is abnormal, it must be a demon! What do Lu Shuanger want to do? Why do you have to see Lu Yizhi?

Because Lu Shuanger once wanted to frame her daughter, she was not very concerned about her. Anyway, Lu Shuanger was a rich and wealthy person or was ruined. It has nothing to do with them.

"Grandma, then let me go to see Big Brother first." Ye Hao said that now she is more disgusted with Lu Hao than before, but she is also very clear that it is more difficult to deal with Lu Yizhi than to deal with Lu Shuanger.

Mrs. Lu’s lady nodded with a smile. “Go.”

Yan stood up and said to Ye Hao, "I am going with you, just to give the medicine to the extension."

"Let's go." Mrs. Lu said tiredly, "I will go to Huguo Temple to pray tomorrow, let's change our fortune."

Lu Shiming next to him smiled, "Mother, this is all a vain thing..."

Lu Lao’s wife gave him a look. “How do you know if you have not asked for a blessing?”

"Grandma, I will accompany you." Ye Hao said with a smile, she has no hatred for Mrs. Lu, and she is willing to replace her sister with her filial piety. Her only revenge is Lu Shuanger and Lu Yizhi.

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