The mountain of cool breeze, not to die.

In the countless mountain peaks above the nine days, the mountain where the Emperor lives is called Liangshan. In addition to the Lingbi Palace, there is the Mi Luo Palace that summons the spirits. Behind the Lingbi Palace is the Yunxiao Temple. Here.

Murong Zhanmu followed the two prostitutes without squinting. Although these two were dressed as prostitutes, they were all above the saints. They were able to serve at the side of the mother. They were naturally descendants of the Protoss. Nine days of fairy.

He is familiar with this place, but still can't think of living here.

Except for the familiarity, there is no memory at all.

"Please come in." They have already arrived at Yunxiao Temple, and the two prostitutes stopped at the door, and asked Murong Zhan to go in.

Murong Zhan glanced at them and stepped into the hall.

In the center of the main hall, there is a double phoenix seat. A woman wearing a golden embroidered silver brocade is facing him. The woman has a silver thread. She is soft and docile behind her. She hears the footsteps and slowly turns her head back. A pair of dark red The eyes fell on the body of Murong Cham.

This woman...

He thought that the mother was an old man.

However, although the woman in front of her eyes has a silver thread, she is born with a bright and dignified appearance. She is the only one who can’t see her age.

And, most importantly, her eyebrows are exactly the same as Mingxi.

No, no, Ming Xisheng is like him, then he should look very similar to the woman in front of him, especially those eyes.

"Azhan." The woman's thin lips are light, and her eyes naturally reveal a majestic look.

"The mother of the king..." Murong Chan was slightly coveted, and he bowed down on one knee. I don’t know why. In the moment when she called him, there was an inexplicable embarrassment in his heart, as if he had done something very wrong. Disappointing her.

He has never had such an emotion in front of anyone.

The mother slowly walked down the steps and came to the face of Murong Cham. "The time has not arrived, what are you doing back?"

"The ancient Gorefiends wake up, the big monsters are rampant, the Protoss ignore them, I will come." Murong Zhan whispered.

"Is the emperor and the exquisite an accident?" The mother raised her eyebrows. If it weren't for them, Murong Chan could not come to nine days.

Murong Zhan looked up at her. "You know everything, and Wen Tian is about to wake up. Do you know?"

"How about that?" The mother's calm eyes did not see a trace of emotion. "There is a reincarnation in this world. He wakes up and resurrects. You also return to nine days. This is a robbery."

"For this reason, the Protoss ignores what happened on the three continents?" Murong Cham's tone was somewhat unpleasant.

The mother looked at him faintly. "You got up and talked. I didn't see you giving me such a big gift before."

Murong Chan stood up and looked at her with deep gaze.

"It’s been a long time since I lived in the mortal world, but I have brought you a heart." The mother turned and walked down to the double phoenix chair and sat down slowly. She looked up at Murong Zhan. "You said the big demon." The beast is in chaos in the mortal world. It is not the Protoss who ignore it and cannot ignore it."

"Because the **** of reincarnation will return to nine days?" asked Murong Zhan.

The mother raised her eyebrow slightly. "What about frost-free?"

Murong Zhan is silent.

"They will die because of you, those gods who are in the mortal world, most of them are your old department." Wang mother whispered, "A catastrophe, a lifetime, the dragon of the old black dragon disappeared. All seals will disappear, unless the dragons reappear, it is impossible to rely on the Protoss to stop the wake of Wen Tian and the Big Wicked."

Old black dragon? Murong Zhan remembered seeing Heilongjiang in the Yan domain. Is the mother talking about him?

"It’s all awakened. If you haven’t liquidated before, you can make it clear.” Wang said.

Murong Chong looked at her. "The mother wants me to come, not just to say this."

"Of course not." Wang Mu took a look at him. Although he became a mortal, his temper was not changed at all. The other mother and son were hot and hot. Her son, who was a child from a young age, was completely inferior to her mother. "You don't have memories of the past, don't trust others, memories are your own, and you have to find them yourself."

“Who is Xiaoxuan?” Murong Zhan whispered.

The mother has been calm and waveless, and finally she has a sigh of relief. She sighed. "Even if you fall into the undead domain, you can't erase her from the depths of your memory. Xiao Yan is the **** dear sister. If it weren't for you, she would probably marry Wentian."

Murong Chan clenched his fist. "Wang Ma, who is she?"

"She is going to save you and smell the soul, you fall into the undead domain for her, she is your wife." Wang mother said it in a few words. "Tai emperor gave you a marriage and no frost, you are not resistant." Respected to the mortal, and later insisted on squatting, the Emperor disagreed, I nodded to let you and Xiao Yan become a relative, said that Xiao Yan is the most pitiful, you and Wen Tian’s grudges have a thousand years Deep, if you are a little good, don't go find her in this world, let her practice smoothly and go to nine days."

I am afraid it is too late!

Murong Chan thinks that Ye Hao is definitely a small sister.

“How can I get back my previous memories?” asked Murong Chan.

"In addition to memory, you should find the godhead!" said Wang Guosheng. "Without the godhead, you can do it by yourself. You can't get rid of it without frost."

Murong Chong thinks that the restoration of memory is dispensable, but if he restores the godhead, he is willing. With his current cultivation, it is not the opponent of any big monster, let alone the smell of heaven.

The mother said, "Go to the undead domain, your godhead and memory are there."

"Undead domain?" Murong Zhan frowned, that place survived in the depths of the world, no one knows where.

"The Taidi went to the undead domain and wanted to find your godhead, but no one but you can open the seal. As for your memory... probably only you know where it was."

Murong Chong faintly felt that Wang did not want him to see the emperor. "Wang Ma, can I reincarnate because the Emperor went to the undead domain?"

The mother smiled lightly. "Maybe, probably only the emperor knows."

It seems that the relationship between Wang Mu and Tai Tai is not so good.

"Go, you should know that you are coming back, and you will soon be out."

Murong Zhan looked at Wang Mu, "I will retire first."

"Since I came back, why didn't I see you?" A bright yellow appeared on the doorstep, a handsome middle-aged man strode in, his eyes sharply looking at Murong Chan, a powerful pressure shrouded The surrounding air is pressed as if it is normal, and even breathing is difficult.

For the first time, Murong Chong met someone who had such a strong pressure.

"Tai Emperor." The mother faintly took a gift. "You finally got out."

"I haven't seen it for many years, the queen's grace is better than before." Taidi looked at Wangmu and went to the double phoenix chair and sat down against the ink-filled man. "Mixed things, just returned to the nine days and have not restored the godhead, you again What is the mess?"

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