The peach tree is filled with peach trees, peach trees and flowers, and thanks to the millennium, Murong Zhan frowns at the peach blossoms that are all withered, and the eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. However, at the moment of his landing, all the peach blossoms bloom instantly. The whole palace is bright, and all the creatures of the spirit seem to re-inject their vitality and begin to sway.

In front of the palace, two peach trees gleamed and became two young women. They were dressed as prostitutes, and they had a happy smile on their cheeky and lovely faces.

The Taoyuan Palace, which was originally empty, was so busy that from time to time there was a illusion of being a fairy virgin, and came to the face of Murong Cham, and after getting his dagger, he retired and did things.

The broken stone said to Mo Rongzhan, "The Shaodi is the master of the Taoyuan Palace. When you come back, it has meaning here."

Murong Chan came to the main hall, and there was a large white tiger chair on the top of the center. He went up, as if he had experienced countless times of general familiarity. After entering the Taotao Palace, his movements had guidance, even There is no memory in his mind, but the body is familiar with it.

He sat down and looked up at the gods who would follow him to the main hall and the gods.

"I don't remember you, you report your name and let me remember." Murong Zhan looked around the dozens of people in the hall. Apart from breaking the stone, others did not remember.

"The Shaodi, we used to be your gods, and the last will be the left striker."

Standing behind the broken stone, a **** will stand up. "The Shaodi, the end will be the heart, your right forward."

"The Shaodi, the end will be the fight, the center of the battle."

"...the end will be the wall."

"The last willow will..."

Murong Chong silently remembered their names. These gods will all be born and died with him. After his reincarnation, he still respects him and shows his loyalty to him.

They are now all above him.

In addition to the eight gods, there are four gods, his civil servants, one of them is a woman, called the celestial woman.

"The young emperor, you have twelve gods under your arm, and four gods will be killed by the monsters, and now the godhead has not been restored."

Murong Zhan gently decapitated and carefully looked at everyone. "I haven't restored my memory. I don't have a deity to be a real Shaodi. You should have been my confidant before. I know that my godhead and memory are in the undead domain. The Gorefiends have awakened in the human world. They will surely find Wentian. The mortal faces the danger of being ruled by the monsters. Now we don't have the dragons to help each other. We can only rely on us to fight the big monsters. If the Protoss did not have the dragons. Definitely defeated, the same thing can't happen again."

"The Emperor, when you went to the undead domain, told us to wait for your return." Russell whispered, "Wherever you go, we are willing to follow."

Going to the undead domain to find the godhead is also good, fighting with the monsters, they are the gods of the younger brothers.

They are the swords of the Emperor.

Murong Zhan nodded. "Do you know how to go to the undead domain?"

"The emperor, the undead domain is extremely consuming spiritual power, even the emperor is hurt by the ghost king, we are worried about you..." Cangjie stood up, they did not prevent the emperor from entering the undead domain again, after all, only in person can have a chance Get back memories and godheads.

However, the Emperor did not have a gods protector, and did not know what would happen if he entered the undead domain.

Ink Murray said softly, "After that, do you think there is any other way?"

"If the Emperor is willing to promise..." Liu Yi’s words have stopped before he has finished speaking, and his heart sighs reluctantly. If the Emperor cares about the son of the Emperor, he would not do anything at first.

They are most aware of what the Emperor had done, but they do not believe the legends that have been circulated outside. The Emperor, in order to save the Emperor, went to the undead domain in person, and fought a battle with the Ghost King. The result was seriously injured and he was retired for thousands of years.

Oh, if the Emperor really wants to save the Emperor, how can he use Xiaoyan...

Murong Zhan said with a deep voice, "I don't need other people, I will go to the undead domain in person."

"Small Emperor, let's go with you." The broken stone immediately said.

"Many people may not be useful." Murong Zhan looked at them. "Two of you are going with me. Others go to the mainland and the heavens. I am worried that the big monsters that wake up may not all go to the mainland. Also went to Xuantian mainland, I want to know the bottom of those big monsters."

Broken stone said, "We listen to the Emperor's dispatch."

"Good." Murong Zhan nodded. He was not familiar with these gods, so he did not immediately arrange to follow the staff, just let them go back to prepare.

After a while, Murong Chan did not go through the Taoyuan Palace, and there were Fairchildren who came to talk, and the Tao was asked by the Eight Immortals.

"Don't see." Murong Zhan said, let Fairchild go and send the people outside.

Fairchild hesitated, "Yes."

Murong Chan continued to walk slowly in Taoyuan Palace. Apart from his familiarity, he could not find a little memory. If Ye Hao lived here, he could not have no memory for her. It seems that he fell into the undead domain. At the time, the memory is completely eliminated.

"The Little Emperor..." Fairchild went back and came to Murong Cham.

"What is it?" Murong Cham asked faintly.

Fairy said cautiously, "The Eight Immortals said that if you don't see him, you can't find memories if you go to the undead domain."

Murong Zhan was so dark, "Let him come in."

"Yes." Fairchild’s face was a joy, and he was most afraid of the Eight Immortals. He did not know how to deal with it.

Looking at the happy look of Fairchild, Murong Zhan thought that this is the way to go, actually dare to say so.

Murong Chong returned to the main hall and waited for the arrival of the Eight Immortals.

At the door, a young man wearing a blue robe walked slowly and watched how he walked. It looked like a fairy. It looked like a romantic boy.

"I have seen the Emperor."

Murong Zhan glanced at him. "I have seen you, can you go back to the undead domain to find memories?"

On the Eight Ways, Xianxian said with a smile. "In the past, before the Emperor went to the undead domain, he asked me for something, so that I would return it to you when you have a chance to return to the nine days."

"What?" asked Murong Cham.

"Xiaoxian does not know what it is." Eight said, the palm of the light flashed, a black box appeared, the pattern outside the box was complicated, and a powerful force was transmitted from the box.

The brocade box was shaken vigorously in the palm of the Eight Immortals, as if he had seen the real master, and he could not wait to return to the side of Murong Cham immediately.

Murong Chan reached out and did nothing, and the box had returned to his hand.

Eight smiles on the fairy, "it seems to recognize the Lord."

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