The world is on earth.

The warning is the matter of Wen Tian. Ye Hao did not tell Ming Xi them, she still can hardly believe that the child who is so simple and stupid is actually smelling the sky...

She could hardly imagine what it was like after he woke up.

Will it rule the world, will it hurt other people?

"Mother!" Ming Xi came over. He had long wanted to come to Ye Hao. Since she had talked with her, she stood alone on the deck and looked at the sea. She said nothing, just let them continue to the ocean. island.

It seems that I am not very worried about the death and death of Guan.

“Yeah?” Ye Hao returned to God and turned to look at Mingxi. “What happened?”

"Ah, why don't you take the gate?" Ming Xi asked, after all, is his mother, he does not need to say too much.

Ye Hao whispered, "I don't know."

Why don't you know! Ming Xi felt that his mother was lying.

"Mother..." Mingxi frowned, want to ask more clearly.

"Don't ask, I don't know how to explain it to you now. I have to wait until the ocean island has an answer." Ye Hao said.

Mingxi asked, "Is there a relationship between Guanjie and Wentian?"

Ye looked at him blankly. "How do you think so?"

"They are very concerned about him, and they are white..." Ming Xi thought about it. He had doubts before, and they were too unusual for the ring to be closed. Even if the ring seemed silly, They are gossip, and they will pay special attention to protecting mortals.

"Well, don't think so much, it will be clear when you wait for the ocean." Ye Hao said that he did not immediately tell the truth to Mingxi.

When Ming Xi saw Ye Hao and did not refute, he knew that his guess was inseparable.

After the arrest was taken, they did not encounter any obstacles at sea. What the Kraken did not appear, and they did not see the iceberg again. After a whole day, they were close to the island.

“The front is the ocean island.” Ye Yidong said, “This is just a small fishing island in the country. There are not many people on the island. There are more than 200 people in the whole island. I live on fishing for a week. I have lived a few times. Heaven, the people are very simple and kind, and the island is very quiet and beautiful."

It should be very quiet here, otherwise Huangfu will not stay.

Huangfu liked the days of isolation.

"First landing, do you know how to find Huangfu?" asked Ye Hao.

"Know, they live by the sea." Ye Yidong said, "But now I don't know if I can't live there."

Ye Hao also worried that Ah did not leave the island with the emperor. They could not find anyone when they came over.

Their boat slowly approached the sea, and the fire phoenix threw the anchor into the sea. On the beach, fishermen were drying the fishing nets and saw the strange ships approaching. They stood up curiously and looked at the big ship.

In order not to scare the fishermen, Ye Hao chose to use the boat to go ashore, lest they fly directly to scare them.

"How come?" Fire Phoenix asked Ye Yudong.

Ye Yidong pointed to the beach on the other side. "From there, they lived on the hillside by the sea."

"Ah did not hurt the mortal here." Ye Hao whispered that the fishermen on this island seemed to live and work in peace, not like knowing that there were big monsters on the island.

Lying in a low voice, "Ah is not just a singularity, but it is not fierce."

Ye Hao did not answer, and everything else must find the mermaid.

“What did she take the customs off?” Fire Phoenix asked. “Would she want to use the warning to threaten us?”

How can you threaten them with a warning?

"It's not a threat." He said, he looked deep into a mountain, the mountain is at the seaside, the other side of the mountain is a cliff, and the boat can't land from here.

On the mountainside, there is a bamboo house.

"That is the place where Huangfu lived, but I only passed it last time. I didn't go up. It was Mr. Huangfu who went down the mountain and met me. I left." Ye Yidong said.

"You don't go up, stay here." Ye Hao said, "Let's go up."

Ye Yidong thought of the python that he saw not long ago. He was afraid that he would only have trouble when he followed him. "Then I will wait for you."

"There is no breath of Ah," said the whispering to Ye Hao.

"That's a look." Ye Hao said, she looked at her. "Hey, have you seen Ah, you know where she is?"

The slender fingers pointed at the mountain, "Here."

The mermaid is even more powerful than the real dragon.

Ye Hao no longer hesitates, runs the spiritual power, and gallops on the mountain.

Vatican and the layman looked at each other and the two hurried to keep up.

In a flash, I came to the outside of the bamboo house. There were rows of purple bamboos outside the bamboo house. Ye Hao almost thought that this was the ten-mile **** where Huangfu lived before.

Ah did not lie on the door, is drying the dried shrimps, she and the previous Ye Hao saw no different, or fifteen or six-year-old fresh and lovely look, looks weak and soft, people look at the heart and pity.

If she had not confirmed her identity, Ye Hao could not associate the little girl with the big monster.

"Ah!" Van Gogh blurted out, "It's really you!"

Relative to the excitement of Vatican, Aber did not react at all, but looked at them with fear and retired.

"What happened to her?" Van Gogh said, this is not exactly the same as her impression of Ah.

"Don't go in." Lying in Vatican, he has determined that Ah is not the old person they know, but why she pretends to look like this, probably only she knows, "wait a minute!"

The nephew looked at them with a puzzled look. "Wait, what is she, she is Ah."

Not waiting to talk, the nephew has pushed the door of the fence, "Ah, Ah!"

After Ming Xihe was behind the nephew, he did not worry that Ah would not hurt his nephew. After all, when he was in the Yuan Dynasty, he did not see the nephew and he was sincere and fearful.

The door inside the bamboo house opened, and a long, shadowy figure came out. He looked at the suddenly appearing person, especially when he saw Ming Xi, he was even more surprised. "Ming Xi, how are you..."

"Master, you are fine." Ye Hao saw the emperor's good look, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She has been worried that Ah will not hurt him.

The Emperor’s voice was also stunned when he heard Ye Hao’s voice. He looked up and said, “Hey, how come you?”

"Sir, let's find Abu." Mingxi pointed at the little girl behind him. "She is not simple, she is a big monster."

"Ming Xi, what are you talking about?" Huangfu laughed and thought that Mingxi was joking.

Ye Hao came over. "We really came to Ah."

Huangfu was slightly frowning. He knew Ye Hao and knew that she had no important things that would not appear here. "What happened?"

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