It was already dark when the ship was opened, but it did not affect them. They were able to follow the route to the North City.

A person is sitting alone in the corner of the deck. I don’t know if I’m being **** with the emperor or I’m afraid of being asked about it.

When I came to Abe, I used to be the confidant of the Lord. But he and I were never familiar. In the impression, he did not seem to have heard her speak.

But she is the most loyal to the Lord, no one.

Therefore, the suspicion of the identity of the emperor, when they were sealed, what happened to the Lord, probably only the one who has always been with the Lord is not clear.

Ah did not suddenly look back, his eyes coldly looked at his life, the whole body exuded the indifference of refusing people, and the eyes were obviously called the lying roll.

"You don't want us to see Huangfu, is it because of Xiaoxi?" asked the whisperingly, and they had an enchantment between them, even if Mingxi in the cabin could not hear.

Although Mingxi, they are now erecting their ears to listen.

Ah did not look back and ignored the situation, but she knew that her reaction was correct.

"He said that the Lord does not have a heart, so he can't wake up, so he becomes a foolish look. You know where the soul of the Lord is, right? You just don't want the Lord to wake up and see Xiao Xiao, afraid. Xiao Yan will become the knot that the Lord can't let go." The continuation continued.

"You never thought about it, even if you prevent Otaru from appearing in front of the Lord, and then the Lord will wake up, he will also know that Otaru has been reborn and he will go to her," said the layman.

Auntie does not look at him coldly, she does not like Xiaoyan, this woman will only be a burden at any time.

"Our wake, ridiculous hell, the wake of the big monsters, are they all related to you?" asked the layman.

A not only raised an eyebrow, but admitted it.

"It turns out that you are awkward..." The sorrowful smile shook his head. "Mo Rongzhan went to find a ridiculous hell. He is looking for you. You should not know, Murong Cham...maybe the reincarnation of the Emperor, he is now a small scorpion. Husband, and there are two children."

I thought that he would say that this would make A not shocked, but her look was ordinary, as if she had known it.

"I almost forgot, you have seen Xiaoyan and Mo Rongzhan before, you know everything." Lying in a bitter smile, Ah knows nothing, but hides it very well, dripping water does not leak, no one can see it. .

"You are not afraid... Did the Emperor restore his memory in the ridiculous hell?" asked the layman.

Ah did not ridiculously pick the lips and sneered in disapproval.

"You won't say anything," said the faint sigh. "Now the little sister is no longer a small beggar. It is impossible for you to keep the Lord away from her. Whether it is Huangfu or Guanyin, they are all I like Xiaoyan."

Aber's face changed. I remembered that Huangfu really liked Ye Hao. Ye Hao was only a word. He actually promised to go to Beichengcheng with her.

"Take her, leave." Aber's lips fretting, making a sound like a singer.

The first time I heard the voice of Abu, he was stunned by the whole person. This voice... It turned out to be Abu!

When I was fighting with the Protoss, sometimes there was a singer that made people scream and numb. Every time a singer came, the Protoss would freeze for a moment and give them plenty of opportunities.

He thought it was the practice of which monster.

It turned out to be the voice of Abu.

Ah, after saying this, I have already stood up and went to the cabin to find the emperor.

I was chased up, "Ah, you want me to take a small leave, there is always a reason, what is the relationship between Huangfu and the Lord?"

"No!" Ah did not stop, cold-eyed at him.

"Impossible!" He shook his head affirmatively, and he believed in his instincts and judgments.

A sneer, no longer speak.

As you said, "You can't stop the Lord and Xiaoxiao from meeting. You know very well that there are still many complaints between them that have not been resolved."

"She will only make the Lord sad." Ah said with no expression.

"Even so, it is also the choice of the Lord."

A did not ignore him and bowed into the cabin.



Ye Hao and Huangfu are still talking. About the monsters, about the Central Plains, and about Gorefiend and Wentian, Ye Hao explained to Huangfu.

Rao is the person who is calm and calm, and they are all shocked by Ye Hao’s words.

It turned out that the place where he lived in the past few years was like a paradise. What happened outside was not passed to his ear. It seems that he was too occluded.

"... Ming Yu is still too small." Huangfu whispered that he had seen Ming Yu, that is a spoiled, little girl who was raised in the palm of her hand, and she was able to dominate the world.

Huangfu was so distressed that Mingyu had to bear such a major responsibility.

"There is no way." Ye Hao smiled bitterly, and she was reluctant to bear the responsibility of the whole world at the age of Ming Yu, but only she was purple, and only her purple gas could protect the people.

"You said that Yan Xiaoliu was taken away. Who is that person?" Huangfu asked.

Ye Hao gently shook his head. "I only know that he is the emperor of God on the mainland. Others are not aware of it. However, it is definitely not a good person. Otherwise, Ye Wei will not become a Gorefiend, and will not take Yan Xiaoliu. Also challenge the monster to attack Kyoto City."

She is not an opponent of Vatican, otherwise she will see Van Gogh and must teach him a meal.

There was a sudden sense of powerlessness in the heart of Huangfu. Even if he wanted to help Ye Hao, he did not know how to help her.

"You don't want to see the water? I will take you to see him." Ye Hao said.

"Okay." Huangfu nodded. At the beginning, Ye Hao was inexplicably missing. When he started with water, he could do anything to do business. Later, he discovered that water is not really trying to discuss with him. He has Your own ideas, and no one is allowed to change.

He thought that after the water became the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, his ambition was satisfied.

It seems that he still underestimated the water.

The water was still locked in the bottom of the cabin. He sat up straight back and did not try to escape. He knew that he could not run.

Ye Hao is still very vigilant to him, and he is not allowed to be close to him outside his life and outside the Vatican.

"You can talk to him outside, just don't go in." Ye Hao said to Huangfu, "I don't want him to hurt you."

The emperor smiled bitterly, and he was not so easily injured by the water.

When the water heard the movement, he turned back and saw Ye Hao and Huang Fu, who stood outside the door.

"It turned out to be an old acquaintance." Water fainted and smiled, his eyes more gloomy and melancholy.

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