If he can, Ye Hao wants to use various methods to force A not to say the relationship between Huangfu and Wentian, but she is afraid that the answer is the last thing she wants to know.

Sometimes people are so contradictory, obviously want to know the truth of this matter, but because of their timidity, they dare not touch the most real answer.

She did not know that she was hoping that Ah did not say or not.

But she is very clear that it is useless to escape.

Huangfu looked at Abu, and he hoped that Ah could not tell the truth.

A faceless expression, "It doesn't matter."

"Then why do you want to catch the ring?" Ye Hao did not believe in Abu, she did not tell the truth, the ring is only the most common mortal, and stupid and stupid is not eye-catching, Ah do not arrest him for doing?

"I don't have it!" A did not deny that she refused to admit that the warning was taken by her.

"Since you said no, then I will believe you. If I find out in the future that you have caught the ring..." Huangfu looked at Aunt's eyes. "Then you will leave."

When I heard this, Aber’s face turned white.

Ye Hao is more certain that A is not something to hide, but it is not so easy to ask her to speak out.

Anyway, they have to continue to get along, always let her tell the truth.

"Master, I am going to find Mingxi." Ye Hao said, anyway, no matter how hard it is to force Ah, she will not say it. In fact, it is definitely not the time to tell the truth.

Then she waited patiently to see when she was willing to tell the truth.

Probably because Ah is not on board, they went to the North City for a smooth ride. Not to mention the encounter with the Kraken, even the big winds and waves have not met. It is obvious that all the people they encountered at sea were deliberately behind the scenes. of.

Ye Hao observes that Abu is getting along with other people. In front of Huangfu, she is low-browed, and she is willing to listen to the teachings of Huangfu. It seems to be the cowardly and timid little girl, but as long as the emperor is not there, she is in her eyes. Obedience will be replaced by indifference, even if Vatican speaks to her, she is indifferent and right, often does not say a word, indifferent like ice.

Vatican does not care, but when it was ancient, Abe was like this, only a little better in front of the Lord.

But Huang Wei is not smelling heaven. Why don’t you want to be so obedient to him?

"You used to live in the palace..." It was rare to have such a calm weather. Ye Hao couldn't contact Murong Zhan. In order not to let his uneasiness cover himself, he had to find some topic to distract.

"We didn't have a palace that looked so good now. It's simpler, but it's very strong. The walls are filled with black iron. It's much stronger than the walls of Kyoto. The Lord likes to live in the mountains. We opened up a mountain. Base Camp, when you say it, I really miss it in Tianbao."

"At Tianbao?" Ye Hao’s apex was hearing the slight decline of these three words.

The explanation explained, "It is our former place, because it will open up as a castle in the Tianshan Mountains, and it will be named in Tianbao. It has been in the past for many years, and it is not known in Tianbao."

"Definitely yes." Vatican screamed. "In Tianbao, even God will not attack, how could it be destroyed by mortals, but it seems that the Central Plains is not in Tianbao."

Ye Hao suddenly remembered the palace that suddenly appeared in the northern city. They said that in Tianbao, they would not be sunk to the bottom of the sea, and then suddenly appeared in the palace of China...

“Is it at the seaside in Tianbao?” Ye Hao asked without leaving a trace.

"No, but it is not far from the beach." Van Gogh sighed. "After all, in the past, who knows where to go in Tianbao."

Ye Hao looked at Abu, who was sitting in the corner and didn't talk. She faintly felt that Ah did not know that she was in Tianbao.

And she didn't want them to go to Tianbao these days.

"Sir, do you know that the country of China has expanded several times?" Ming Xi is still a good question to ask the students, and he is asked by the side of Huangfu.

"I know that there was an earthquake and tsunami in China, but I don't know that the island moved up." Huangfu said helplessly.

As the island moves up, the land area is naturally much larger.

Ming Xi thought that Mr. Huang Wei was really protected by the mermaid, and even this matter was hidden.

"It's no wonder that you haven't even seen the palace that emerged from the bottom of the sea. I heard that the mystery is very good, and the emperor of China has ordered the blockade." Ming Xi said.

Ange glanced at Mingxi. "Even if it is blocked, you don't want to go in and tour a circle."

Ang, who had been left on the boat to guard the water, is now a bit uncomfortable. He already knows the identity of Abe. Naturally, she guessed that she was trapping him on the turtle island. However, although he is a saint, he is still not a big monster. The opponent, he can't do anything, but also want to sit on a boat, how to think about how uncomfortable.

Therefore, it is difficult for Huangfu to have a good face.

A did not feel Anzai’s disrespect for the emperor, and he looked over.

Ange did not care at all, he still wished the mermaid came to kill him, so that he could know her details.

"What you said is that if I want to go in, Qi Qi will agree." Huang Fu said that he did not put An Song’s words in his heart. He heard that An Ge was trapped at sea for more than a year, probably If you don't do it, he is a bit embarrassed about it.

"Second brother, have you not seen it? Can the sea palace have special?" Ye Hao asked Ye Yidong.

Ye Yidong scratched his forehead. He went to see it with Ye Yiqing, but it was just a palace that emerged from the bottom of the sea. Although it was a palace, it did not look like it, and it was already covered with water and grass. He smelled the smell, he just looked at it from a distance, and he didn’t see it before.

Is there anything special?

"It seems that... it was built on a mountain. Very strange building. If I change it, I am afraid I don’t know how much manpower I have to spend. No, I’m afraid I can’t finish it.” Ye Yidong said, “The strangest thing is that we all go in. If you don't go, the door lock seems to be bad. No one can open it. No way can be done. I wanted to climb in from the window. If I didn't get to the window, I fell. It was because of this."

Sounds very suspenseful! Ye Hao looked at him and saw him face ordinary, as if he didn't feel surprising, thinking that he might know what palace it was.

"There is still such a magical palace, it is really going to be long-sighted." Ming Xi said.

"That's going to go in." Ye Yidong said, "Ming Xi, you should never take risks."

Mingxi grinned. "I just like to take risks."

Ye Hao looked at the front, they soon went to the North City, I do not know whether there is a palace in the palace of the North City.

There is also a response... This ancient **** devil whose whereabouts are unknown, where is he? Was waking up, or still sleeping in which corner.

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