Seeing the appearance of the sword elf, Murong frowned and frowned. He was a little annoyed with this sword elf. He couldn’t keep going. Every time he encountered the sword spirit, he could easily enter the black sword. This is really a trouble.

"Roll!" Murong Zhan said coldly, do not want this group of things to continue to follow him.

"Don't you, I haven't eaten such a good aura for a long time, your sword is really suitable for me." The sword elf cried, it decided not to leave the master.

Murong Zhan said faintly, "I have a sword soul, I don't need you."

"Cheat!" cried the sword elf. "There is no sword in your sword."

"So I came to find it." Murong Cham said.

The sword elf smiled and said, "You don't have to look for it. I will be your swordsman. You can rest assured that I will become very powerful soon."

Ink Murray glanced at it with a faint look, looking at it like this, I can't imagine what it is like.

"Hey, what is your look, you have to believe me, you are my master, we must trust each other." The sword elf flew to the shoulders of Murong Chong with a round belly. "You Look, with my help, you can enter Jianshan."

"..." Murong Zhan didn't even want to look at it, just open it from his shoulder.

The sword elf holds his calf. "It is Jianshan from the mountain gate. There are swords and spirits in it. There are good and bad, and it is different from the black and white swordsman."

"Have you ever been there?" asked Murong Zhan.

"No." The sword elf said without blushing, "but I know, you believe me."

Murong Zhan did not speak, he has entered Jianshan, and he can feel a few fierce breaths around him.

The sword elf climbed up from his calf and squatted on his shoulder, whispering in his ear. "A bad swordsman will take your sword for yourself and eat your aura. You must be careful." ""

This has been heard, if the master can not suppress the soul of the sword, the soul of the sword will control the willpower of the master, and he becomes the master's consciousness of manipulating the sword.

It seems that this sword elf does not understand anything.

"A big suffocation!" The sword elf shook. "The swordsmen here are all fed blood."

Murong Zhan also feels that the atmosphere here is different from other places. It is full of murderous murder. The quality of the sword soul is actually related to the owner of the sword. If the owner is a murderous madman, he will continue to kill with a sword. The sword spirit has been nourished by the blood for a long time, and it will lose its original nature. Like the master, it becomes a scorpion sword soul. Only blood can make them cultivate more powerfully.

This sword soul is called the sword magic.

It seems that he came to the place where the swordsman is.

Murong Zhan stunned. If a sword demon enters his sword, his sword will be affected and even affect his consciousness.

"It’s terrible!" The sword elf hides in Murong Zhan’s body. "Can we be eaten?"

"If you just enter my sword, I will let you feed them." Murong Zhan said faintly.

Sword Elf Mung bean big eyes squeezed a tear, "You can't bear it."

"You can try." Ink said that the tone is threatening.

"Hey!" The sword elf suddenly did not speak.

An evil gloomy breath is close to them.

Murong Chong blinked slightly, and the black sword in his hand gave a low sword, and even it rejected this uncomfortable breath.

"Good sword! Good aura!" A glimpse of the figure is approaching them.

"It's a sword!" the sword elf whispered.

And more than one!

Inkor Zhan held a black sword and looked sharply at the swordsman who surrounded them.

Probably his aura and the black sword's breath attracted these swords. If you want to leave from here, you must get rid of these swords.

"This sword is mine, don't fight with me!" said a sword demon, not allowing other swordsmen to compete with him for the black sword and aura of ink.

"My, don't grab it!" another swordman cried.


All the swordsmen are noisy, and Murong Zhan has stepped back two steps.

"Leave the sword!" The sword screamed.

All the swordsmen roared toward Murong Chan.

Inkgun's swords meet the enemy. Compared with the previous white swords and black swords, these swordsmen's moves are even more embarrassing.

"Quick, behind the back!" the sword elf shouted.


"Shut up!" Murong Chan shouted.

The sword elf screamed, "I will help you."

"Roll!" Murong Chong knew that he wanted to enter the black sword and immediately took him out.

"No, I can't..." The sword elf cried, and was squatted in the air and turned around in the black sword of Murong Cham.

Murong Zhan suddenly felt that the black sword was a bit heavy.


The sword of the sword defied Murong Zhan, he blocked it with a black sword and felt a pain in his arm.

Another sword fell behind him.

Murong Chan's wound overflowed with blood. He bit his teeth and poured in the black sword.

The swordsmen felt the spiritual power of him and became even more crazy.

There is a sword that is transformed into a black gas wrapped around the black sword of Murong Cham.

Murong Zhan almost couldn't hold the black sword in his hand, and every move became unsmooth, like someone was controlling his hand and trying to invade his consciousness.

His speed slowed down.

There was another black sword that entangled him with black gas.

Murong Zhan's body has been scarred, blood dripping down his arm, and the hilt is stained with his blood.

The sword demon is the most bloodthirsty, and the smell of blood is even more exciting.

Only to deal with the sword magic, Murong Zhan did not find that his blood is being absorbed by the black sword, and every drop is not in the blade. The black blade has a complicated texture and emits a dark red luster.

These swordsmen are too difficult to entangle, and they can both entangle his sword and absorb his spiritual power. He can only be controlled by a strong will.

Otherwise he can no longer control his sword.

Murong Zhan closed his eyes and stopped looking at the swordsmen. The speed of the swordsman was faster than him, and it would affect his consciousness.

He only relies on the meaning of the sword, and he has nowhere to go.

The black sword was lighter, and the grain of the blade became more and more clear. The two swordsmen who had been wrapped up above were bounced out and fell on the ground.

The sword demon looked at the sword in the hands of Murong Chan with some fear.

This is not the sword they can master. This sword has the existence of Juggernaut...

"Go." The sword screamed and screamed, and they turned into black gas and left.

Inkor Chong couldn't feel the breath of any swordsman, he slowly opened his eyes, and the black sword had recovered to its original appearance, as if the lines had never appeared.

The road that was originally blocked by the swordsman reappeared.

Is this the test of the sword?

Murong Zhan looked at the black sword in his hand, took the sword back, and ate a healing medicine. After a while, the wound on his body recovered.

He has to continue to look for Juggernaut.

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