Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 2500: In the sky castle

There is indeed a palace in the country of China, but it was exposed earlier than other palaces. Therefore, when the palace was built in the country, it was specially designed to avoid the location of the palace, not built on the palace.

With Qi Ye, they came to the entrance of the underground palace and saw the same entrance as the other underground palaces. Ye Hao immediately confirmed who should be sealed here.

What they have been unable to find, it should be here.

However, when they entered the underground palace, they found out how much it was broken.

Where is the seal, even the black tower is mottled outside, the stone sarcophagus inside has long been opened, and there is no **** atmosphere.

Either the Gorefiend has never been sealed here, or it is... Many years ago, the Gorefiends sealed here were unlocked and awake.

Ye Hao and his parents exchanged a look, knowing that he must have thought this way.

"Hey, you saw it, this is the underground palace, but nothing has happened. I used to come once and think that the underground palace is very different. Like a cemetery, people lock up and order anyone not to enter. "Qi Wei said.

“It’s really weird.” Ye Hao whispered, “It’s not the same as what we saw in Jinguo and Yuanguo.”

Together, "Zhongyuan also has such a palace?"

"Yes, there are three, exactly the same." Ye Hao nodded gently. "However, the people in this stone scorpion have long woke up, I don't know where to go."

"Is there any other stone sarcophagus in the palace?" Qi Qi asked more surprised.

Ye Hao felt that there was no need to conceal Qi Qi. She felt that she should still be in China. As it is now, Qi Qi will know what happened sooner or later.

"Yes, there is a Gorefiend inside the stone sarcophagus." Ye Hao said, "This should be a seal, but he is not here."

Qi Qi’s heart is filled with turbulent waves, and he has already heard Ye Hao probably talk about the situation in the Central Plains. The Wicked Beast and the Gorefiend are too far away for their Chinese nation, but in recent years, everything that happened in China is really unbelievable. .

Is it happening in the Central Plains, will it happen in China sooner or later?

Ye Hao looked at Abu, she felt that Ah did not know the whereabouts of Ying, but she still refused to say anything.

"The emperor, we want to go to the underwater palace to see." Ye Hao whispered.

"Good!" Qi Wei is not a timid and weak king. Although Huaguo is now prosperous, he always feels that this is only a superficial illusion, especially in the past year, he feels like someone is manipulating China for him. .

Originally, he still felt suspicious. Now, when he heard Ye Hao talk about what happened in the Central Plains, perhaps he is not suspicious.

"Master, don't go." Ye Hao saw that Huangfu's face was not very good, thinking he was too tired.

"I'm fine." Huangfu said, "Go and see it."

Abula held his sleeves and his eyes were worried. She didn't want Huangfu to be with Ye Hao. As long as she was with this woman, there would be no good things.

Huangfu did not pay attention to Ah, he gently waved her hand.

"The emperor..." Ye Hao looked at Qi.

"It is not far from the Royal Palace, and the past is very close." Qi said.

Ye Hao exchanged a look with his seniors and decided to temporarily put down the things in this palace for the time being. After waiting to see the palace at the bottom of the sea, he decided how to find out what to do.

Qi Qi has been to the Royal Palace of the Sea, but he can only look outside and can't enter at all. He thinks that Ye Hao can get in.

"No one can go to the Undersea Palace and use a lot of methods." Qi said, "So, you can't guarantee that you can get in."

Ye Hao said, "That should be tried."

On the side of the sea palace, Ming Xi and his nephew are still trying to get in, but no matter what method they use, they seem to have not found an entrance.

The locks on the gates are not mortal things, and they are not open to them. They seem to be made of a special material, and there is a strong seal on them. If forced to open, the force will reverse the other person’s body, but hurt yourself. .

"What do you say is this place?" Ming Xi asked the child with doubt.

"I don't know, but I feel a bit... familiar." The child said with a puzzled look, there are still locks that she can't open. According to the truth, the locks in this world are not open to them.

Ming Xi said, "Go back and wait for my mother to come back. Maybe my mother has a way."

"But even I can't open it..." The child frowned and said that she is not looking at other people, but to be honest, the dragons like all kinds of treasures and locks, and they are good at unlocking. This lock looks ordinary and can no longer be Ordinary, but it is made of a material she has never seen before.

"Yeah." Ming Xi understood the meaning of the child. He knocked on the lock. "I really can't see what this is."

My nephew said, "We can try to get in the bottom of the sea."

Ming Xi felt that this could be tried, and the two went into the sea to explore the entrance.

It was not long before they entered the seabed, and they arrived.

"Here..." Van Gogh screamed and pulled the hand that was lying. "Big brother, I am not mistaken?"

The face was so heavy that when he saw the underwater palace, he knew what it was.

"Have you seen this before?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

"Yeah." Looking at Ye Hao in a complicated way, "You have seen it and lived here."

Ye stunned, "What?"

Vatican took the hand of Ye Hao. "Oh, you forgot, here is the Fortress, we used to be the base camp of the Lord. We thought that after the New Year, it was definitely destroyed in Tianbao. I didn't expect it to sink to the bottom of the sea. went."

Is this the place where I smelled before?

Ye Hao was shocked. She did not expect it to be the answer.

Looking at Abu, I obviously knew that there was a presence in Tianbao, but she still lived in the ocean with Huangfu, as if she did not care about the resurrection of the Lord.

Do not! Lying in my heart denied this idea.

Even if he didn't fully understand Abu, he still knew her loyalty to the Lord. She didn't stay in Tianbao and stayed with Huangfu. It must be because Huangfu is more important than Tianbao.

For them, what is more important than in Fort Tianbao?

That is the Lord!

The sight of lying turned from Aber's face to Huangfu.

A, not to the side of the station, warning cold eyes looking at sleep.

"Ming Xihe and her children?" Ye Hao did not notice the sight of lying. She remembered that Ming Xi and her nephew were here. Why didn't she see people? "Is it already going in?"

"Impossible, in Tianbao, it will not let outsiders open this lock." Vatican said.

Qi Tong said, "This lock is still good. It seems that it has not entered."

Ye Hao frowned, if Mingxi did not go in, where is it going?

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