Ye Jia hasn't reunited here for a long time. Although it is not a reunion, but it is also fun, no one has mentioned anything outside, only enjoy the rare family fun, for the time being.

On the other side, it is in the study room of Huangfu.

He sat down behind the book and was silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

Ah did not stand next to him, seeing such a royal emperor, she seemed overwhelmed.

After a long time, the door of the study came knocking on the door. The lying and the Vatican stepped in and came to the emperor. They also did not speak, but they stood opposite Abe, silent. Look at the emperor.

"Who am I? Why are you staying with me?" Huangfu whispered. He was not a stupid person. Although he had never seen a big monster, there was no so-called spiritual power, but he could See the attitude of others.

He believes that Ye Hao’s words, A’s failure to arrest the ring will not be without reason. It is even more problematic to pretend that the dumb suddenly appears next to him. Besides, the Chinese country’s strange changes, why the Central Plains have monsters everywhere, only China No, no, no, there is a monster in China, Ye Yidong told him that the binaural cat that is raised on the ship is a monster, and it will become a hugeer than the bear.

Therefore, there are monsters in China, but these monsters do not dare to chaos, there must be more powerful forces to suppress, how does this power exist? It is now very obvious.

Ye Hao said that A is not the ancient monster mermaid, is one of the top ten monsters, and its combat power is still ranked in the top three.

Huangfu was suspicious at first. After all, Ah did not look petite and weak. She was like a terrible big monster. Even if she was a mermaid, she could not say that she was a big monster.

However, when I arrived in Tianbao today, Huangfu felt that an inexplicable force was attracting him. He realized that he might not have any relationship with these people in ancient times. Ah did not stay with him. It was purposeful. of.

So, who is he?

He is not surprised that the lying and the Vatican will appear, but their appearance makes Huangfu more suspicious of his identity.

How could he be... the person in Ye Yukou’s mouth is alarming and scared.

"I can't tell you now." Ah did not whisper.

"Do you think that I really can't guess?" Huangfu smiled faintly, but it was a smile that didn't reach the eye. It showed a bit of anger and dissatisfaction. It wasn't until now that he was still hiding him. He even looked at him and the Vatican. When she came out, she still refused to say anything.

Huangfu can't figure out what it has to do with Wentian. He is just a mortal who has a little martial arts. If there is no accident, he will live in the ocean in this life, and occasionally go out to go, not a lifetime. As a whisper, who is it? It was the ancient monster, the python that existed in the mythology.

He is a mortal, how can it be a python.

A don't bow his head and don't talk.

Van Gogh was anxiously stepping forward. "Ah, you talk, how can there be two Lords?"

She and she always thought that the warning was to respect the Lord, not only him, but even the two of them decided that the warning was the Lord they were looking for. Later, they met the embarrassment, but they said that the Lord would never wake up because of the lack. Heart soul.

They don't understand what it means, they know what I heard about Ah.

Guan and Huangfu... They may all have a relationship with the Lord, but what kind of relationship is it, only A does not know.

If they only suspected it before today, they would definitely be the identity of Huangfu after they had been in Tianbao.

Others can't feel it, but they have always lived in Tianbao. It is clear that when we appeared today, the whole demon power in Tianbao was opened, as if we were greeting the return of the master.

The demon power in Tianbao is set by the Lord himself. It is all connected with the Lord. Only the Lord appears, and everything will wake up.

"What are you doing?" Auntie looked at them and was very dissatisfied with their arrival.

"I want to know the answer."

Van Gogh nodded hard. "We just want to know how there are two Lords."

"There are no two lords." Ah did not whisper.

Looking at the emperor, I am deceiving people in the demon power of Tianbao today. Huangfu is definitely not a mortal.

According to A not his attitude towards him, he felt that Huangfu must be the Lord.

"Ah, if you don't tell the truth, then from then on, don't say anything to me again." Huangfu's voice is calm, he doesn't like being taken away by others, and he is even less willing to be led by others. all.

Even if he really has a relationship with Wen Tian, ​​he has a relationship with Tianbao, and he should be soberly and autonomously determined to what extent.

When I heard Huangfu’s words, Abu’s face turned white. She bit her teeth, not what she didn’t want to say. It’s not the time. Other big monsters haven’t returned yet, at least they will wait for them to reincarnate. They all killed and prevented them from returning to the nine days again, and she was able to let others know the existence of the Lord.

More importantly, she is still not sure whether the big monsters who came to the mainland will remain faithful.

"Guan Guan and Huang Fu, who is the soul, who is the Lord?" Suddenly asked.

A did not **** up, his eyes looked at his life, and the surprise in his eyes confirmed that he was guessing.

Huangfu asked, "What kind of soul?"

"When the Lord destroys the soul and destroys the soul, he separates the soul and the deity. The soul is the memory of the Lord. When you find the soul, the Lord can completely wake up," said the layman.

The reason why he guessed that Guan and Huangfu were one of them was because A did not take the ring and insisted on staying with Huangfu. Therefore, both of them must be related to the Lord.

But what is the truth, only Ah is not the clearest.

"What about the ring?" Huangfu looked at Abu.

Ai reluctantly opened his face. "I said, it is not yet."

“When is it going?” asked the layman. “All the Gorefiends have awakened. All the big monsters have come to the mainland, and we are all waiting for the Lord.”

"There has been no movement for nine days, and the dragons are not known. No one knows what the Lord will face after he wakes up. At least he must first eliminate the troubles before he can let the Lord..." A did not want to go to the tragic battle of the last battle, she really did not Willing to let Wentian experience again.

Lying said, "These are not reasons. You just don't want the Lord to think of Xiaoyan, and don't want the Lord to see Xiaoxi."

"What can she do besides being hurt by the Lord?" Ah said coldly. "Even if she is your sister, I think so, one day, one day, I will kill her."

Lest she be injured again.

Huangfu stood up and said to his sleeper, "You take me to Tianbao."

"You... what are you going to do?" Ah did not rush to ask.

"Since you don't want to say it, I will go find the answer myself." Huangfu said faintly.

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