The python on the wall seems to be flying out, lifelike, people can't look straight.

Huangfu was the first time he saw the python. However, he did not have any fear in his heart, and he did not feel strange. He seemed to be looking in the mirror. He should be familiar with the python and could not be familiar with it.

The sky that is already in the night is darker. The stars in the sky have been covered by dark clouds. When the pythons appear, there are lightning flashes in the clouds. This makes people see clearly. It is not the light that covers the sky. The dark clouds, but a huge monster animal lying on the sky above the sky, lightning to illuminate its body, it makes people see clearly, the figure is exactly the same as the python carved on the wall.

The python is like a dragon, but it has a pair of wings more than the dragon. The emperor walked into the hall in the sharp gaze of the python.

He walked step by step toward the black seat in the middle. The temperament of the elegant and beautiful was changing. The eyes that were light and watery became indifferent and quiet, and the black coix became a secluded green.

This seal in Tianbao is related to his memory. Once he enters Tianbao, he will recover all the memories, but he lacks the soul.

It turned out that he really smells the sky...

Huangfu, no, it should be Wentian. He looked up at the python carved in the back of the seat. The memory of tens of thousands of years suddenly came to his heart, but it was not enough. He was able to really find it. day.

"Respect the Lord..." Vatican cried carefully.

It was only after a long time that they had passed, but they felt that it had been a long time.

They are watching the emperor completely changed personally, and even change.

In front of this imposing man, still handsome and compelling, a pair of gentle watery eyes become sharp as a man, the innate domineering is almost shocking, they can not lift their heads.

This is their Lord! Created the first Lord of the Gorefiend.

They used to be faithful to the Lord who followed for many years.

Lying in the hall, hands squatting on the ground, "Congratulations to return the Lord."

"Sleeping, Vatican..." Wen Tian slightly lifted his eyes, and his eyes fell on them, opening their names.

"Belongs to the subordinates." Back in the road, this should be the name of the Lord in the true sense of their name, before the emperor ... that is not counted.

Wen Tian looked around and said, "I am missing my heart and can't absorb the demon power here."

He hid all the cultivation in his heart, and half of his demon power was used in the seal at Tianbao. Now he has unlocked the seal, but he cannot absorb the demon power.

"We must hurry to find the soul." Vatican exclaimed excitedly, the demon power here is too embarrassing, if it is discovered by other monsters, come and **** away the demon power, then the demon power of the Lord will be less than before.

Wen Tian slightly closed his eyes, "Ah and He Ying?"

The lying eyebrows were slightly moving, and there was a flash of thought in his mind, but it was too fast. He did not grasp the thought of flashing.

That is about what to do.

"All the seals are untied." Wen Tian whispered that he was not asking about lying, but that the seals of several continents had been solved. "What about other blood demons?"

When I was lying back, "Respect the Lord, they are all in the Central Plains, and only me and Vatican are in China." He paused and added a sentence, "The little sister is here too."

Wen Tian’s indifferent face flashed a trace of sadness. Although he has recovered the memory of Wen Tian, ​​he also preserved the emperor’s past. He knew that Xiao Yan had become a relative and had two children.

Murong Cham is the enemy he once had, the Emperor.

Is this the fate of Xiao Yan and him?

"Respect the Lord, your demon power..." Vatican found that all the demon power in Tianbao has not been taken back. This is the demon power of the Lord. He has restored his memory to reveal the true body, and it is right to take back the demon power.

"I didn't get my heart back, I couldn't absorb the demon power." Wen Tian said with a deep voice, he stood up, and the Ling people who belonged to the python were so pressured that they couldn't help but bow their heads.

Today's lord, only looks like the emperor, but the look is completely different, let alone the temperament of the monks.

Lying said, "Ah has gone to find dragon blood."

The green scorpion that smells deep and quiet rises slightly, reflecting the cold light, "Dragon blood?"

"A can't have found a real dragon." The whispered, "The real dragon should be with Xiaoyan..."

His words were just finished, and a crisp dragon screamed through the air.

The face of the child suddenly changed.

Wen Tian strode out and went out. "Go and see."



On the other hand, Ye Hao also heard Long Yu, she was shocked, and determined that Fan Luo was using Yan Xiaoliu to adjust the tiger to leave the mountain, deliberately to open Mingxi... No, Mingxi has no use for them, Fan Luo has been Looking for the whereabouts of the dragon, he came to the nephew.

"You have to catch your child!" Ye Hao looked at Ying Ying with a cold eye.

Vatican said, "You can rest assured that it will not hurt her."

The nephew is a real dragon, and her cultivation is above all of them. Vatican speaks this sentence, that is, there is a way to deal with deaf children.

She couldn't help but worry more, "Let's get out!"

"Small cockroach..." should whisper open, "Only the dragon blood can make the Lord wake up."

"How did you become an emperor? You are obviously a Gorefiend." Ye Hao asked, "Have you been premeditated for a long time in order to wake up?"

Fan Luo looked at Ye Hao, "I self-destroyed the body of the blood worm, and cultivated the martial arts with the body of the mortal."

"You have not been sealed!" Ye Hao took a deep breath, the blood demon self-destruction of the blood of the mother is equivalent to their self-destructive sea of ​​weapons, accidentally become a waste, what determination and courage he is.

"Only I escaped." Fan Luo did not conceal Ye Hao. "Xiao Xiao, I know that you have not restored your memory. If the Lord does not find the soul, he will be dangerous. You don't want him to have it." Danger, if he really has something, you will regret it when you recover your memory."

Ye Hao said, "If you dare to hurt Ming Xi and his nephew, I will not let you go."

"No." Fan Luo whispered that he did not know that Ming Xi was her son. Now he knows, and will not hurt him.

"Let's get out!" Ye Hao worried about the two children, and even more worried that Yan Xiaoliu, who was controlled by Vatican, could not recognize Mingxi. She galloped away in the direction they left.

Van Gogh did not stop Ye Hao, but followed her behind.

"Auntie, wait for me!" Ange cried, and hurriedly followed.

"Xiao Xiao, when the dragon seals the Lord, the Lord will give you the heart and soul, and will give you all the power to reincarnate you..." Fan Luo explained loudly behind Ye Hao.

Ye Hao’s shoulders stiffened and looked back at Fan Luo. “No matter what happened before, now I am just Ye Hao, not a small sister.”

"You will recover your memory sooner or later, you have always been a little girl."

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