The undead domain is on the edge of the world. The legend is that hundreds of millions of years ago, the world has not yet begun to form. There are no continents and no continents. There is chaos everywhere. It is the Pangu Emperor who opened the world. This is the nine-day Protoss, and the three continents. It is said that the undead domain is a place abandoned by Pangu the Great. The surrounding area is still chaotic, and it cannot be separated from the heavens and the earth. The seemingly inhuman and non-human beings there, like ghosts and ghosts, are even the Protoss who reject the existence that they do not want to admit.

However, it is because the nine-day Protoss never ignores it, which makes the undead domain grow up. After hundreds of millions of years of evolution, they live on the edge of the world, and they are self-contained. No one dares to approach, no protoss are willing to encroach, and they cannot encroach. Even when Taidi came back from chaos, he needed to retreat for so many years.

I heard that Pangu the Great had left a passage to the undead domain. It was probably that one day the creatures would not be comfortable with the status quo. Therefore, the nine-day Tianmen was able to go anywhere in the world, including the undead domain.

Murong Zhan came to Tianmen with a broken stone and eight roads, and they went to the undead domain.

"This is going to the undead domain, the danger is unknown." Wang Mu looked up at Murong Zhan, "You must be careful, if you lose your soul, you will have a chance to return to the nine days."

Although Murong Zhan is not very rare, he can not return to the nine days, but in the face of the eagerness of the mother, he nodded. "The mother is relieved, I will be careful."

The mother still frowned, and she nodded. "The emperor has sent people to the gods to summon the monarchs to the gods. The big monsters are awakened, and the protoss can no longer stand by."

"The Emperor finally understood that he would not stand any longer, and the Dragons would not appear again." Murong Zhan said faintly.

"It turns out that you have seen his mind." Wang mother laughed at herself. Although the fate that cannot be changed is a fact, but there is also the selfishness of Taidi, he wants to force the dragon to appear.

When the Protoss used the dragons to deal with the pythons, the dragons were disappointed with the Protoss, how could they help again.

Murong Chan smiled a little, "Wang Ma, we are gone."

The broken stone and the eight arched hands behind him gave the mother a ritual. "Wang Ma, we have to go first."

The mother gently decapitated and watched the ink-filled Zhan Zhan to enter Tianmen.

There are four keeperes outside the Tianmen. After determining the handcuffs of the Emperor of the Emperor, the opening of the Tianmen to let them walk together is different from the other eight. The Tianmen is more like a formation, sent by the Emperor. The place you want to arrive.

"How do I feel that the Emperor will not send us to the undead domain." The eight whispers said that the entire nine-day Protoss knew that the Emperor and the Emperor had once met each other. Although the past ten years, the Emperor of the Elders only I am afraid that I have not let go of my heart.

The broken stone looked at him. "The Taidi even let us enter, how can we not send us to the undead domain?"

Eight sighs, "So I am worried."

"Don't be alarmist." The broken stone whispered.

"Is this I want to be alarmist? We have been suppressed in nine days for so many years. When you forget the Emperor of the past, we are more beautiful." Eight said, "It can be seen that Taidi is not a person." The heart is like a chicken belly."

Broken Stone thought of the treatment for nine days in the past few years, almost could not help but nodded, but fortunately, the end of the eye swept to the face of Murong Zhan's gloomy face, he hit a bit of a bit, "you are not afraid to say something here to the emperor In the ear."

"..." Eight closed his mouth, he is not afraid of how the Emperor took him, I am afraid that he will be tired of others.

Murong Chong did not pay attention to the dialogue between the two men. All his attention was around. This is the Tianmen, surrounded by white, and can't see anything at all.

"Come on." Broken Stone said that they have stopped moving.

"Chaos!" The eight words blurted out and cried angrily. "I knew that the Emperor was not so kind. He did not send them directly into the undead domain, but in the chaotic zone!"

The Tianmen opened and they sent them out of the ink, and they disappeared into their sight.

Without the command of the Emperor, Tianmen would not open here to send them back for nine days.

Here and the nine days are completely different atmosphere, everywhere black pressure, can not be separated from the heavens and the earth, as if the heavens and the earth are connected in a line, even a little sunshine.

"We have to go through chaos to enter the undead domain." Eight roads pointed to a cloud of black pressure, "the undead domain is in chaos."

"Let's go," said Murong Cham.

Eight screams, "Small Emperor, do you know how powerful chaos hurts you, even if we have a gods protector, we must lose our minds, you... you have not recovered your mind now, you can’t go through chaos. ""

Murong Cham asked, "What if I forced it through?"

"I am afraid... I am afraid that it will be destroyed." Eight said.

"No." Murong Zhan said faintly, his eyes looked at the chaos in front of him. When he came here, he felt a little familiar. He must have lived here. He felt that the chaos would not hurt. he.

He didn't know where to come, and thought that those chaos would not hurt him.

"Go." said Murong Cham.

The undead domain has survived for so many years. The reason why no ethnic groups have come to invade is because chaos is protected, chaos will ruin the spiritual power, and there is almost no aura here, which cannot supplement any spiritual power.

When the stone and the eight roads were close to the undead domain, they immediately used the armor to protect themselves, and they looked at the ink-filled Zhan.

Ink Murray still walks forward without changing his color. Chaos surrounds him, but he is not tempted by his spiritual power. He seems to have adapted to chaos long ago... wrong, not adapting to chaos, these chaos are avoiding Murong Cham is more like welcoming his return.

what happened?

The stone and the eight eyes were surprised to look at each other. They used to come to the undead domain with Murong Zhan. At that time, the Emperor used the shield shield to resist the chaotic erosion.

The shock in the heart of Murong Zhan is no less than the two subordinates. He knows the terrible chaos, so he has already run the sea to prepare for the spiritual body, but chaos does not hurt him. This situation... only the ghosts of the undead domain Will only be encountered.

In the chaos, there is also the enchantment set by the ghost king. The broken stone and the eight roads can no longer go forward. Their armor has been eroded by chaos to appear black spots.

Murong Chan put his hand on the enchantment. He knows that as long as he crosses this enchantment, it is the undead domain they are looking for.

"Who would dare to be good at the undead domain?" His breath was shocked, the enchantment had not yet opened, and two huge shadows had appeared in front of him.

"I want to see the ghost king." Murong Chan looked up at two huge shadows, even if he lost his memory, he actually knew that these two men were the ghosts of the goalkeeper.

The two ghosts will look down at Murong Cham and scream with amazement. "How can you have our ghosts?"

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