"We can't live here." Back to the bamboo house, Wen Tian said to several of them, "Little is not safe here."

Looking at the sky, two years ago, he knew that it was not easy to smell. Today, the two of them went hunting together. Not long ago, Wen Tian suddenly said that there was a danger in his eyes, and his eyes disappeared in front of his eyes. It is not the speed that mortals will have. He has always suspected that it is not mortal.

“Why?” I looked at Wen Tian and asked him that he would be bigger than Wen Tian next year, but in the past two years, he has always unconsciously listened to Wen Tian’s arrangement.

"The blood of Xiaoyan is too fragrant, and will attract the monster to eat her." Wen Tian said.

Taboo said, "This is already very secret, can we find where to hide?"

"Yes, if the monster wants to find us, no matter where we hide it," said the layman.

"You don't have to hide it." Wen Tian looked cold and cold. "If you can't escape, rule them."

The madness of the smell of the sky was shocked. "What are you talking about?"

"The monks who ruled the whole world, they would not dare to hurt Xiaoyan." Wen Tian said one word.

how is this possible! Nowadays, the whole world is a monster, how can they rule, how many of them? I can't say a word in my life. "You...what do you think we can do?"

"As long as you want to do it, you can do it naturally." Wen Tian said faintly, he looked at his life and said, "You can cultivate the martial arts, and you can also practice the Gorefiend."

"I have not cultivated the martial arts, it is very difficult to form a sea of ​​air." Reclining said that the most lacking here is the aura, and the most needed for cultivation is also the aura.

Wen Tian looked at him and said, "There is a **** demon."

I don’t know what a Gorefiend is. I look at it seriously. "Who are you?"

"Atian, you...has you recovered your memory?" Taboo asked in a low voice.

"Yeah." Wen Tian faintly responded, the majesty of the voice could not be said, "pack up things, leave here tomorrow."

Xiao Yan sat quietly in the corner, and the clear and bright eyes looked at the sky. It turned out that...Atian has recovered his memory. Where did he come from? Will you leave them in the future?

There is no objection to lying and jealousy. They don't know what is going on. The subconscious thinks that the decisions made by Wen Tian are correct.

Wen Tian turned and went out, he went to deal with the corpse of the three-legged Jinwu.

Xiaoxi hesitated and walked out of the bamboo house behind him.

She did not speak to Wen Tian, ​​so she followed him silently to the bamboo forest. She hid behind the bamboo and watched him take out Jin Dan, the three-legged Jin Wu.

He had also taken the Golden Dan of the Wicked Beast before, but they all gave it to her and said it was useful in the future.

This time Wen Tian did not leave Jin Dan, he imported Jin Dan Tuning.

Xiao Yan rounded his eyes and looked at the scene with shock.

How can he eat the golden dragon of the monster!

Wen Tian turned and looked over. His eyes turned green, and the pupil had a golden glow, like a snake's eyes.

"Ah..." Xiao Yan screamed and fell to the ground.

"Are you afraid of me?" Wen Tian came to Xiao Yan and looked down at her. He knew that she was behind, so he let him see his true side. If he was afraid of it, then if he showed up Real body, she is not afraid of him.

Xiao Yan looked at the dark green and dark green, she was not afraid of him, just... "Atian, you... you have eaten Jin Dan."

"Yes." Wen Tian slowly squatted down and confronted Xiao Yan. "You see, I am not a mortal, do you want to follow me?"

In the past two years, Xiao Xiao has not known how many times she has been saved by Wen Tian. The teenager she once rescued has been protecting her. She likes him to rely on him. Every day he looks at him and feels like he is stepping on the clouds. She never thought about who Wentian would be, even if it was a monster, he was the boy she rescued.

"Not afraid!" Xiao Yan said firmly, "A-day, I am not afraid of you."

Wen Tian seems quite satisfied to hear this answer. He reached out and hugged her. "You said that one day there will be a person who can protect the mortal. I am not a mortal, but I can let the mortal no longer become the food of the monster. ""

It takes a lot of hard work to get it!

"But there are so many tribes and so many beasts outside..." Xiao Yan said with concern, "Will they listen to you?"

"As long as they are better than them, they must listen to me." Wen Tian said.

The next day, they left the mountains and reappeared among the tribes full of monsters. The appearance of Xiaoyan almost made the surrounding tribes excited. They wanted to get her and wanted her to become food. It will be able to enhance the demon power of a hundred years.

The most shocking thing is not these, but compared to two years ago, the mortal days have become more humble and bitter, and there are pitiful bones everywhere. They are all mortals eaten by the monsters. Over.

Looking at the horror of the roadside, the grief in my heart cannot be said.

"Those monsters... They are too much." Taboo thinks of the mother who was burned to death, a big man can't help but blink.

“Is there really a Protoss?” asked the whisper, “If there is God, how can they bear to see the mortal being the food of the monster?”

Wen Tian said faintly, "There are protoss above nine days. They look down on mortals more than the monsters. They are expected to save you. It is better to ask yourself."

"What is the use of God on our daily service?" asked the layman.

"It’s useless, I don’t expect anyone to count on myself.” Wen Tian looked at him with a sullen and indifferent look. "There are always people and things you want to protect in this world. Unless you are strong enough, there will be no one for you." protected."

Looking at the little beggar on the side, if one day Xiaoyan is in danger, can he protect her?

In the past two years, if there is no smell, Tian Xiao is afraid that she is no longer there.

"What do you mean by practicing the Gorefiend?"

"Use blood worms to change blood, this is a kind of cultivation, you need strong willpower. If you can't stand the worming of blood worms, then you will become the host of blood worms, and you will be controlled by blood worms. If you succeed, you can cultivate magic and gain strength faster than any other cultivation method. So far, no mortal has succeeded." Wen Tian said faintly, "Do you dare to try?"

Xiao Yan listened to his heart, "Brother, don't!"

"I tried." Lying up and looking at Wen Tian, ​​"Can you help me?"

Smell the thin lips and slightly hook, "Yes."

Shouted, "That... I want it."

"When I succeed, you try again." I looked at it with a taboo, "obedient."

"it is good!"

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