Xiao Yan’s blood Dan was taken away by Murong Zhan. She went back to the scene and there were monsters, but she did not dare to approach her because she was afraid of her identity. On the way, she also met the confidant sent by her sister. The arrow shot dead.

She did not go looking for them, but returned directly to Tianbao.

They are lying, they can't attack in Tianbao, but she can't go looking for a living, but her appearance will even hurt them.

"Small 夭!" Vatican received the whistle of Xiaoyan, and immediately rushed to Tianbao, and saw that Xiaoxiao was back as it was, and finally he was relieved. "They were stunned and beaten. Fortunately, you are fine, otherwise the Lord knows that he must be angry."

"I'm fine." Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "How dare you come to Tianbao?"

"She knows that the Lord is in retreat," said Vatican. "But you can rest assured that she will not attack, and that you are not by our side? Why are you lost?"

Xiaoyan recalled the scene at the time. After she took the lantern of Tamron, she could not see who was there, and then she saw the nine-tailed fox.

"I saw the nine-tailed fox." Xiao Yan said, "She said she is the Qingqiu princess."

"Nine-tailed fox white dare to come to us!" Vatican said, "I will say how you will disappear without any reason, it turned out to be her! She blinded us all with illusion, she is not against you?" ”

Xiao Yan shook his head. He wanted to talk about ink-handedness. But when he said it, he would hold back. If you let the Vatican know that there is a Protoss here, they will definitely find a way to find him.

She does not want to bring trouble to Wen Tian at this time.

He is at a critical juncture of retreat.

Protoss are different from other monster tribes, they are stronger than any monster.

"Well, you don't want to go out here, I will help my older brother." Vatican said,

"Good." Xiao Yan should have come down.

Xiao Yan came outside the secret room door. She knew that Wen Tian was practicing inside. Although she couldn't help anything, she could at least stay here.

She found a place to sit down and reached out and touched her shoulder. The Protoss said that her blood had a scent. It was because of the birthmark on the shoulder. What does this birthmark have to do? She looked at the shoulders of her life, even though he was Her brother, but he has no birthmarks.

How does the protoss know that there is a birthmark on her shoulder?

Xiaoyan’s thoughts were more and more confused. He didn’t think so much under the anger, and now he feels very problematic.

By the way, he said what his name is, it seems to be called Murong Cham...

Before Bai Yi also called him Shaodi.

Little Emperor! Xiao Yan stood up fiercely, nine days less emperor?

No way! Is that person a Protoss of the Protoss? That is not very powerful. Although she has not seen the Protoss, she has also heard of the reputation of the Shao Emperor. I heard that he is even more powerful than the Emperor. He was very respected by the gods in nine days, but he was retired a hundred years ago. Any news of him.

She remembered that the beast had once said that if it was not for the retreat of the Emperor, the world would not be confused into the same way that year.

Is it the little emperor that she met with Murong Chan today?

Xiao Yan’s heart was unsettled, and he hadn’t figured it out yet. The door of the secret room suddenly opened quietly and quietly.

She turned her head in amazement, and her mouth couldn't help but tilt up, thinking that it was Wentian who had already cultivated.

"Atian!" Xiaoxiao said with joy, "You cultivate..."

Later, I didn’t ask for the exit, but I was scared by the red light in the deep green sorrow of Wen Tian. There was no gentleness in the past. He looked coldly at Xiao Xiao, and reached out when Xiao Xiao had not had time to react. Hold her neck.

Xiao Yan was shocked. "Atian, what happened to you?"

Wen Tian did not speak, he slammed the neck of Xiao Yan, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

"Atian, Ah Tian." cried a little hoarsely. "Are you..."

The words behind her can't be said, and even gasping can't be done.

Wen Tian bowed his head and a warm breath sprayed on her cheek.

Xiao Yan grabbed his arm with both hands and tried to push him away. Her cheeks had already risen purple.

"Very fragrant..." Wen Tian’s voice was hoarse. He slowly lowered his head and rubbed her neck. The sharp teeth pierced her skin and greedily swallowed her blood.

"Don't!" Xiao Yan shouted in fear, she had never seen such a smell, "Atian..."

Smell the weather, all his consciousness is on her sweet blood, these blood is full of temptation to him, he wants to get more.

Xiao Yan was so scared that her tears went straight. She felt that her body was weak and she was losing strength.

How can Ah Tian do this to her?

"Don't..." The little snoring screamed, and reached out on the chest of Wentian. On her own invisible shoulder, her birthmark appeared burning like fire, and the light spread to her palm.


Wen Tian was beaten out, and Xiao Yan fell to the ground weakly.

"Small cockroaches..." The red light in Wentian's eyes disappeared, and gradually recovered. He saw the little cockroaches fall in front of him, his neck was full of blood, and the smell of blood overflowed around him. He also had **** taste between his lips and teeth.

His look changed, and hurried to the side of Xiaoyan, stuffed a medicinal medicine into her mouth and held her into the secret room. "What is the blood Dan on your body?"

"No... no see." Xiaoxuan whispered, "Atian, you woke up."

"I told you, don't lose the blood Dan." Wen Tian's face was gloomy, and his eyes had a sorrowful anger.

Xiao Yan is not a monster, so she doesn't know how much temptation her blood is for the monster. He also needs restraint to be able to attract her blood. Let her carry blood Dan, she wants to protect. she was.

"I... I was on the street, I accidentally lost it." Xiao Yan was scared and stunned by Wen Tian, ​​and even dared not mention Murong Chan in front of him.

Her blood Dan was taken away by Murong Cham.

Wen Tian gently touched her neck, the blood has stopped, but the wound is still shocking.

"I'm fine." Xiao Yan whispered, "It's fine to wait for the medicine."

"Stupid." Wen Tian said, "You almost got eaten by me, and I will stay away from me later."

Xiao Yan grabbed his sleeve. "I am not afraid, Ah Tian."

Wen Tian looked at her deeply. "If one day I can't control it, I will **** your blood."

He was retreating in the secret room. She had no blood Dan, but she was able to get him out of the door and want to get her blood.

If she did not call him out, she was already dead at this time.

"Don't always think for me, you have to protect yourself." Wen Tian said unpleasantly.

"I know..." Xiao Yan took his hand tightly. "Atian, in fact, you can drink my blood, if you can improve your skills..."

Wen Tian was furious. "Do you know what you are talking about?"

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