A mermaid, the mermaid is best at using her songs to confuse people, and to confuse the beast is the same.

When A did not sing and sing, the surrounding monsters were all stunned and began to turn around in the same place, as if they were dreaming.

He almost got confused. She calmed her mind and interrupted Ah’s voice angrily. "You can be alone, why should you be willing to be a subordinate of Tiantian? What is your identity in Tianbao? It is better to be alive. Gorefiend, don't you want to get the demon power of Wentian?"

"I don't want to." A did not faintly open.

"You are also a monster, how can you not want to, when you almost wanted to eat a small donkey, I don't believe you don't want to get the demon power of Wentian." I don't believe in Abu, I think she is a misbelief.

"Not the same." Ah said, she wants to eat a small donkey. It is because the blood of Xiaoyan has a fatal temptation to the monster. Although she is moving, she knows that the Lord will not let anyone hurt Xiaoyan, so she Still restrained.

But the demon power of the Lord is not the same as the blood of Xiao Yan.

She knows the result of getting the demon power, but if there is no demon power, then the Lord will not come back.

Therefore, no matter who they are, they want to destroy the demon power in Tianbao.

I hate A's power, and she is loyal to Wen Tian.

"Then I will see, can you resist so many monsters?" He said loudly, she showed the original shape, suddenly the torrents roared, the sea was turbulent, and it looked like the underwater monsters were surging, almost drowning. The entire northern city.

A screaming loudly, he slammed back a few steps.

She also showed its original shape, and the huge beautiful tail swept the sea and pressed the raging waves.

On the other side, Vatican took out the demon's flag and gave it to the prostitute. "You come to order the demon."

"What about you?" Asked by the frowning of the eyebrows, the demon ban flag has always been used. Although he knows the mouth, he has not used the demon flag.

"I am not a Gorefiend now." Fan Luo whispered, "The demon flag does not listen to my mouth."

I was lying asleep and took the demon flag from Van Loo’s hand. "You..."

"First deal with the monster," said Fan Luo.

Although not all high-level monsters, but the number is too much, they will consume their strength, so if he goes on, he is worried about the clearance in the secret room.

"Who is protecting the guard?" Van Gogh suddenly asked.

"Ming Xi is inside." Lying said, "An Ge is also here."

Van Gogh's face changed. "Do you let them guard the secret room?"

"Ming Xi will not hurt the Guan." He said affirmatively.

"But the song will be." Van Gogh chilled his face. "I will give it to you here. I will go in and see."

Unfamiliar with An Ge, he was only known on the way to China. He nodded to Van Loo and began to swear with his demon.

The demon flag can't deal with the big monster like a scorpion, but it can still control the golden hunter.



In Tianbao, Ange is looking for a secret room. However, Tianbao is much larger than he imagined, so he looked for a long time before he found a secret room in the last yard.

This yard is different from the others. There are simple houses on both sides. There is a long corridor in the middle. The pillars are engraved with various pictures of monsters. Some of them are not seen before.

At the end of the corridor is the secret room.

Ange came to the door of the secret room and tried to open the door, but it was shaken by the invisible enchantment.

A strong enchantment!

I didn't expect Wen Tian to be sealed for so many years. The enchantment he left behind can still have such a powerful force.

How can I break this enchantment?

Ange frowns and meditates. With his cultivation, I am afraid that it is impossible to forcibly break the enchantment.

"Master, what are you doing here?" Mingxi did not know when he came, and he stood on the promenade and looked at Ange.

"Why did you come, don't protect the children there." Ange asked, and walked toward Mingxi.

There are doubts in Mingxi’s eyes. "Who are you looking for?"

Ange came to Mingxi. "Can you open the enchantment of the Chamber of Secrets?"

"The secret room?" Mingxi looked at the end of the promenade. It turned out that this is the secret room that lies in the living room. So, the Guanzhong is inside. "What does Master want to go into the secret room?"

"The ring is inside," Ange said.

Ming Xi will take a look back and look at An Ge. "Is the Master looking for a ring?"

Ange took a few steps and looked at Mingxi seriously. "Ming Xi, the ring is Wen Tian. As long as there is no warning, Wen Tian will not come back. The world will not be ruled by the monster again."

"Do you want to kill the ring?" Mingxi asked.

"The heart of Guanyin is the entrance to the cold bone market. Wentian is now in the cold bone market. When he comes out, he will recover all the demon power. Even if all the emperors on the mainland of China are not his opponents, let alone Saying that Vatican is the former response, he has been removed from the mainland of God to remove the emperor." An Ge said.

Ming Xie asked earnestly, "Master, my mother is also in the cold bone market, you killed the ring, then my mother will not come out."

Ang's eyes flashed a bit of a dilemma. He hesitated to look at Ming Xi. "The cold bone market will not have only one entrance, we can go in and find aunt."

"Since there is not only one entrance, why should we kill the customs, and Wentian will also come out in another place." Mingxi said.

"Don't you want to kill Wen Tian?" An Ge asked. "He is a python, the most powerful monster."

Mingxi said faintly, "I don't know what Wentian has done to the human continent. Even if he is not evil, I will not ignore my mother's safety in order to kill him."

Ange frowned, "Ming Xi..."

"Master!" Ming Xi interrupted his words. "This time you went to my grandfather, did you meet anyone?"

"No." An Ge shook his head decisively.

Mingxi smiled. "If you don't have one, you don't want to kill yourself. You know you can't open the enchantment. Even if I join you, we can't get into the secret room. More importantly, You will actually abandon my mother, this is not like Master."

"I didn't want to abandon your mother, but it was only a matter of fact, and it was the most important thing to stop the resurrection of Wen Tian." An Ge said.

"No, that's not the most important thing for me." Ming Xi shook his head. "Master, you still give up."

Ange screamed, "Don't you want to save the little white dragon?"

Ming Xi looked back at him. "Who are you?"

"I am your master," Ange said.

"No." Mingxi had a round knife in his hand. "You are not."

Ange stepped back a few steps, and the appearance suddenly changed. It was a middle-aged man that Mingxi had never seen before. It looked like a gentleman, but his eyes were indifferent.

"Ignorant children, killing the ring at this time is the best time, you completely ignore the world." The middle-aged man shouted.

Ming Xi said, "Even if the Protoss are not careless about the world, it is ridiculous to ask me to be a mortal."

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