When Murong Yu visited the scene of the monster outside the city, he learned that Lei Bingfu had the news of pregnancy. His reaction was not much better than that of Lei Bingfu. For many years, he never thought that he would have his own descendants. When he decided to leave Kyoto City in his youth, he was used to being a prodigal son. Later he was forced to become an emperor. He had already regarded Mingyu as a daughter, and he did not think that he would have his own children someday.

"Emperor, the emperor!" Ye Xiaonan cried a few words before he woke up Murong, "Congratulations to the emperor."

"Oh, um." Murong nodded a little stiffly. "You continue to patrol. I will go back to the palace first."

Tang Yan smiled. "The emperor is going back to the palace early. We have been inspecting the city for three days."

Three days ago, the monsters of Kyoto City were leaving in the same direction. Murong felt that there was a difference. They took Ye Yinan and Tang Yan out to sneak out and found that except for the monsters of Kyoto City, the monsters in other places were also the same. Flying to the east.

If there is no guess, it should be the direction of overseas China.

Because Ye Hao they are there.

It must be something happened in China, otherwise the monsters will not go there.

Murong looked at the sky and said, "If there is nothing else, you should go back first."

Ye Yinan and Tang Yan smiled and sent Murong to leave.

The road back to the palace is not far away. Murong Yu feels that it has been going for a long time. His mood is very subtle and I don't know how to describe it.

What kind of feeling does he have for Lei Bingfu?

Even Murong said that he couldn’t tell. Before he had Lei Bingfu, he felt that he would not want to touch any woman in his life. He had his heart, except Ye Hao, who could not put it on his heart. Fu came to him.

At first, he just thought that the woman wanted to refuse to welcome, and later found that she really did not put him in the eyes, all her respect and obedience are to be more comfortable in the palace.

She is a woman who knows how to live in the palace, but he feels that it is most comfortable to get along with her.

He didn't know when he got used to Lei Bingfu. He thought it was good to have such a funny woman to accompany him. Perhaps this is the case, she became his habit.

Today suddenly I learned that she was pregnant, he suddenly found out that Lei Bingfu is not only his habit.

Murong Yu quickly returned to the palace and saw the fort waiting for him at the gate of the palace.

"Too Shanghuang..." Ford happily stepped forward.

"Yeah." Murong faintly responded, Jun's face still could not see the expression of joy, he strode to the harem.

Ford saw the expression of Murong Yu, and his heart stunned. Wouldn’t it be too imperial to want to be pregnant?

Oops! Is it still not let go of Qin Wang?

“What do the doctors say?” Murong asked with a blank expression.

"The royal doctor said that the foundation of Hui Yi Niang is good, the fetus is very good, and there is no discomfort." Ford said cautiously.

When Murong Yu heard this, the string of tight heart was loose, "Well."

Ok? What does it mean?

Ford thinks that he has served Murong for so many years, and he knows how much, but today he can’t see what the man is thinking.

Murong Yu has already strode outside the palace, but before he went in, he heard Ming Yu and Lei Bingfu talking and laughing.

"...maybe you be a sister."

"My brothers and sisters like it."

Murong Yu’s heart was filled with an indescribable emotion. He did not think that he would have a biological son or a daughter. Now I want to come, whether it is a son or a daughter, it is good.

He took a deep breath and walked into the dormitory.

"The father came back!" Ming Yu heard the footsteps and cheered happily.

Murong faintly smiled, the eyes of the eyes fell on Lei Bingfu's body, she looked at him, shyly avoiding his gaze, one hand unconsciously placed on the lower abdomen.

"Are you not in the dry house with the cabinet minister? How come here." Murong asked warmly.

"I have already finished talking about things. My father and my wife are pregnant. I have to have a younger brother and sister." Ming Yu took Murong’s hand and shouted happily. "Are you happy?"

Murong 恪 gently beheaded, "Well."

His mouth rose slightly. "I see you are more happy."

Lei Bingfu looked up at Murong, and she was a little embarrassed because she didn't know what Murong had thought. Does he like her to have children? What if he doesn't want her to be pregnant?

"Of course I am happy." Ming Yu smiled. "There has been no happy event in the palace for a long time."

"Ningguo will soon return to calm." Murong said, "The news came from all over the spies, and the monsters have almost left, even if they are left, they are small monsters that will not hurt people."

Mingyu frowned. "Even if this is the case, I am also worried about Mingxi in China. Also, Baihu said that the big monster behemoth may be awakened. My mother is in China... Those Gorefiends think My mother is a little sister. When will the pythons affect my mother?"

Murong Yu is also worried about this issue. "I originally planned to go to China with you."

Upon hearing this, Lei Bingfu's face changed slightly. She tried to restrain herself from showing any emotion, but her eyes couldn't help but look at Murong.

"Now I am afraid I can't go." Murong continued, "For the matter of the Yuan Dynasty, let Tang Yan lead the troops to go to a glimpse. If they are unwilling to return, they will meet each other."

"Father, how do you want to go to China?" Ming Xi asked. "Hui Wei now has a double body, you can't walk away."

Murong Yan looked at Lei Bingfu and said, "Well, we went to China and we are afraid that we can't do anything. We will settle down Ningguo first."

"I let the white tiger go." Ming Yu whispered, "Now he doesn't need to protect me here, the monsters are gone, I let him protect my mother."

"Good." Murong also felt that the decision was quite good.

Ming Yu did not stay much, leaving space for Murong Yu and Lei Bingfu.

Murong walked to the front of Lei Bingfu and whispered, "How do you feel?"

"I... there seems to be no burden." Lei Bingfu hesitated. "I was the first time, I don't know if others are the same."

"Can this compare?" Murong sighed and laughed. "Looking for a few experienced cockroaches to look after you tomorrow, you should also say that you have taboos when you eat."

Lei Bingfu looked at him suspiciously. "You should be the first time to be a slap, how it sounds like a lot of experience."

"..." Murong stared at her. "I have seen pork running without eating pork."

"I am a pig?" Lei Bingfu did not ask with enthusiasm. The two said this, and the uneasiness in her heart vanished.

Murong whispered, "It's almost the same."

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