Murong Zhan took Xiao Xiao back to her for nine days and let her live in her own palace. He is quiet and elegant here. There will not be too many people walking around on weekdays. In her current situation, it is best to stay here.

However, she does not look very good.

She brought her back for a few days. She never talked. She didn't know what she was thinking. She looked at the window all day long, her eyes were always sad, and sometimes she silently shed tears.

"Would you like to take you out for a walk?" Murong Zhan came over. He felt that if she did not take the initiative to ask her to go out, she might not move around for a lifetime.

If you are ignorant, you don’t hear him.

Murong Zhan lifted her up, "I will take you out."

"I don't want to go anywhere, you don't care about me." Xiao Yan whispered, her voice was already hoarse.

"No." Murong Chan said faintly, reaching out and holding her wrist, "Go out with me."

Xiao Yan tried to open his hand. "I don't want to go, you let me go."

Murong Zhan looked down at her, and the voice chilled, "You look very bad, continue to sit down, you are no different from the dead."

"Then let me die, what is the relationship with you." Xiao screamed.

"Your life is mine." Murong Zhan said earnestly, "I did not agree that you can die, you must live."

Cried a little, "I don't know what it means to be alive."

Murong Chong saw the tears on her cheeks and reached out to wipe her away. "For yourself, and later."

"But..." Wen Tian liked to be white, and this blow made her completely unable to cheer up.

"There is nothing." Murong Zhan said strongly that he did not like to see her like this.

Xiao Yan couldn't break away from the ink, and even the spiritual power seemed to be suppressed by him. She couldn't move at all. "Where are you going to take me?"

Ink said, "You will know when you come with me."

"You can't let me alone, quietly?" Xiao Yan said with no anger.

"No." Murong Chan decisively refused. "You have been alone for a long time."

Little glaring at the back of his head, "What does it have to do with you."

Murong Zhan looked back at her. "This is not you, you should not be like this."

What should she be like? Xiaoxiao smiled bitterly, and in her mind, she couldn't control the scene of the lingering feelings of Wentian and Baiyi. Her heart was like a knife, and she didn't want to say anything at all. She was quietly held by Murong Zhan and didn't know where to go.

"This is the land of nine days." Murong Zhan pointed to a majestic and sacred door not far from the front, "can go to the mainland."

"Oh." Xiao Yan is very happy.

Murong Zhan did not care about her perfunctory. She took her out of the ground and walked along the ladder to the weak water. "Here is the weak water, the boundary between the nine days and the mainland. I used to be in a bad mood and like to go for a walk here. ""

Xiao Yan looked at the crystal clear lake like the blue stone, but in the distance it was like a waterfall pouring down from the Milky Way in the sky. It is beautiful like a fairyland.

No, here is the wonderland.

"Come." Murong Chan took her hand and took her forward.

Otaru was taken into the weak water by him, standing on the lake like a flat, they went to the place of the Milky Way waterfall.

"Eight hundred streams of sand, three thousand weak water depth, goose feathers can not afford, the reeds settled down." Xiao Yan whispered quietly, "The weak water here is totally different from what I imagined."

"People who haven’t been here for nine days don’t know about nine days." Murong Zhan whispered.

Xiao Yan said, "Do you want to say me?"

“No.” Murong Zhan denied it, “You are already in nine days.”

"The Protoss abandoned the mortal and ignored the human world. This is a fact. I did not make a mistake." Xiaoxuan said, "We were slaughtered by the monsters at the time. Where is the Protoss? The mainland is hard to have a few years. Good days, your Protoss has to provoke war. Who do you think will like the Protoss?"

Ink said that "the mortal is abused by the beast... It is indeed the Protoss neglected."

He didn't say it too straightforward, but he knew that this was a mistake.

The mistake is wrong, the mistake is to be changed.

A little stunned, probably did not think that Murong Cham would admit that the Protoss was wrong.

"Then you still besieged in Tianbao?" asked Xiao.

Murong Zhan looked back at her. "You have been on the mainland for so long. You should be very clear about one thing. The beasts are not human. They are ferocious. The mortals are not the same kind of food but the surface. The calmness of the surface does not mean Forever safe, I know what you want to say.” Seeing her expression of disobedience, he said, “When the sky is strong, it can suppress other monsters and not hurt mortals. He is a martyrdom for thousands of years. Snake, before you meet him, he is already a very powerful existence, you have never thought about why he did not come out to protect the mortal before, did he not think that he used to eat mortals before?"

Xiao Yan’s face is white, she never thought about this problem, “He won’t...”

"Are you sure?" Murong Zhan asked earnestly. "When did you meet him? He used to look like you. Have you seen the true face of the python?"

"I..." Xiao Yan discovered that she has never seen the true body of Wen Tian for so many years. "Even if you said it, he has not hurt any mortal now."

Mo Rongzhan said, "You still don't understand my words. The moment is calm, not forever safe."

"It's all your reason, you are a young emperor, naturally help the Protoss." Xiao Xiaodao.

"Before I closed the practice, I have always guarded the human world." Murong Zhan said faintly, "A hundred years ago, the human world was the mortal emperor who ruled the world, not the beast."

For the first time, Xiao Yan heard that he once guarded the mainland. "How do I know if you are telling the truth? Is it because you are closed, so will the mainland be encroached by monsters?"

Although it cannot be said exactly, it must be related.

"Tai Emperor...has some neglect on the mainland." Murong Cham said, "I will let the prisoners re-rule their own world."

"Atian is very powerful." Xiaoxuan said, "You are not a good winner."

Murong looked at her with a low degree. "I haven't played in person yet."

Xiao Yan’s heart was shocked. She met Murong Zhan so far and has been quarreling with him. She did not regard him as a powerful and powerful person. However, the nine-day Shaodi...will not be weak.

She suddenly felt worried about everyone in Tianbao.

"I will take you to the front and look at it." Murong Chong saw her look changed, and her mouth was slightly picked. She was not only immersed in her own sorrow.

Although it is still stubborn to believe that the grievance between the Protoss and the Wicked Beast is wrong, she will always understand it later.

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