It is no wonder that everyone will try their best to enter the cold bone market, which is really a good place to improve the cultivation and combat effectiveness.

Only a few days ago, she has killed two scarce beasts, got the snow leopard claws for refining high-level weapons, and the reservoir grass that can be made to quickly increase ten times the spiritual power. It has grown for thousands of years. There is a monster in the vicinity of the storage of the grass, and has been waiting for the day of the storage of the grass is just a day, just happened to be met by Ye Hao.

Now the reservoir grass is already in her space.

Wen Tian silently watched Ye Hao's white face, he thought she needed protection, but at the cold bone market, she was able to protect herself.

His little sister has grown up unconsciously, and he has not found it.

Murong Chong knows her time is shorter than him, but he knows Xiao Yan better than him.

"Is the cold bone dribble coming?" Ye Hao asked. In fact, they came across a lot of monsters. They all saw Wentian when they saw Wen Tian. They dared not follow. They are fighting.

Ye Hao feels that if she smells the demon power, she can walk across the cold bones. Where do the monsters dare to provoke him.

"It’s coming soon." Wen Tian said, "It’s time to let you come to the cold bones."

"I didn't have to be alive before." Ye said that she knew that she was well protected at that time, unlike the current rich experience in combat.

Wen Tian whispered, "I shouldn't think you need protection."

Ye Hao is undecided. In fact, in the past, Murong Zhan did not only want to protect her under the wings. It was her strong opposition that allowed him to change his mind.

"The cold bone ditch is very cold, you bring this on your body." Wen Tian gave Ye Hao a red jade.

"No, I am cold and have something to keep warm." Ye Hao said, she has everything in her space.

Wen Tian’s hand was stiff in front of her. There was a gap between him and her, which was never before.

Just after Ye Hao’s words were finished, he felt a bitter cold coming from the front. When he was under his feet, he did not know when it had condensed into a thick ice field. It seems that the cold bone ditch that Wen Tian said is here.

"Come on? Come on, unpack the seal and get back the energy." Ye Hao cried expectantly.

Wen Tian laughed and looked at her with gaze. "If it is so easy to get it back, I can't come back."

Ye Hao thought about it and made sense. She was too anxious to leave here, but it was a bit silly.

"What should I do?" Ye Hao asked.

"Follow me." Wen Tian took her hand and went away in spite of her struggle.

Ye Hao knows that he is struggling to open him, so he no longer forces his hands back and pays attention to the surrounding environment. The more he goes inside, the temperature drops faster. She already has spiritual support, but still Feel cold.

"Is it cold?" Wen Tian turned back and asked her.

"No," said Ye Hao, taking a ring from the space and putting it on his hand.

Wen Tian recognizes that it is a defensive ring made from the ground fire, which can block the cold. It is a high-order treasure that existed in ancient times. It should belong to the nine-day Protoss.

"There is always something I want to ask you." The sky is completely dark, although Ye Hao can see things in the night, but here is not because of the darkness of the night, they have entered a narrow deep ditch, the more sinking The gap above becomes smaller, but the space around it is still very large.

"What?" Wen Tian asked.

"The whole world, besides you, are there other pythons?" Ye Hao asked, because from the ancient times to the present, there has never been a second python, and it has always been only smelling.

"Yes." Wen Tian whispered, "But the cultivation of pythons is more difficult than other monsters. There is no gold dandy that can't be completed for more than 10,000 years. After cultivating Jindan, it has to be cultivated for another thousand years. Other monsters are afraid to approach."

Among all the monsters, only the python once belonged to the spirit beast, but later it was regarded as the monster. Only the python can ascend to the heavenly robbing to become the real dragon. Those big monsters want to win the python. That is the treasure that will enable them to upgrade their demon power for thousands of years.

"But the python has not survived easily. There are not many pythons in this world." Wen Tian continued.

Ye Hao guessed that there would be a python, but it was really sure, and her heart was still very shocking.

A smell of the sky will make a big mess for nine days. If there are a few more stories?

"Your race... are in the cold bones, right?" Ye Hao whispered.

Wen Tian looked back at her and said, "Are you afraid?"

"What are you afraid of?" Ye Hao asked. "So, is there really another python?"

"We were born in the cold bone market." Wen Tian said.

"..." Ye Hao asked one word at a time, "They should have been practicing for more than a million years."

So, will the Emperor be in trouble in the next nine days?

Ye Hao actually felt a little anticipation. She didn't like the Emperor's disregard for the human continent. If someone could marry him, it would be fine, but she also worried that the python outside the smell would hurt the mortal.

"The python has been slain and killed. It is the mortal who saved us a life and hid us. So no matter who it is, it will not hurt the mortal." Wen Tian seems to see what Ye Hao is thinking, whispering.

"What do you want to do?" asked Ye Hao.

Wen Tian said faintly, "It’s just that I want to rush to the sky."

Ye Hao was silent, and suddenly felt that his feet were already on the ground. In the darkness, there were several dark rays flashing.

"Would you like a python?" Ye Hao asked vigilantly, the color of the eyes was very similar to Wentian.

When Wen Tian’s hand waved, the surrounding moment brightened.

The dark light that Ye Hao saw was not the eyes of the python, but the night jewel embedded in the wall, which became brighter after being injected into the spirit.

She also sees the surrounding environment. It is no wonder that it is called the cold bone ditch. The place where they are is like a huge deep ditch. The entrance to the sky is completely invisible. It is surrounded by ice and the walls are like countless bones. The masonry looks very horrible.

In front of it, there is also a cave that is not known.

"Go in." Wen Tian said to her.

Ye Hao hesitated for a moment, or walked in behind Wen Tian.

“Where is this?” Ye Hao whispered. “There is also a **** hole in Wangyue Lake. Have you ever seen it there?”

"Ah is not from the black hole." Wen Tian said, "It is the road to ridiculous hell."

To put it this way, Murong Zhan really went to the absurd hell, then he should find all the truth, right? Why don't you come back to find her?

"The ridiculous **** is over... is also in your control." Ye Hao asked.

Wen Tian whispered, "No, there is Ah..."

"Do you want to trap Azhan in a ridiculous hell?" Ye Hao thought of this possibility, Murong Zhan had no gods, it is impossible to find nine doors back to nine days, then he has not returned in the absurd hell, certainly Was dragged.

"Is he so easy to trap?" Wen Tian asked. "He has been back for nine days."

Ye Hao slightly stunned, if this is the case, then she thinks Azhan will come back soon.

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