"Be careful!" cried Ye, and it was too late to prevent Feichuan from biting the neck of the snake.

"Ah, what!" Feichuan loosened the mouth and screamed.

Ye Hao is funny and angry. "His neck has venom, which is deliberately smeared to deal with the enemy. It has no effect on them, but it definitely has a role in the python."

"I am dizzy." Feichuan loosened the body of the snake, and the whole body fell softly on the ground.

The snake swelled and swooped down, and the claws caught the seven inches of Feichuan.

The arrow of the next day broke out and hit the paw of the snake.

"Hey!" The snake made a sharp scream and couldn't believe that his claws had been shot.

It looked at Ye Hao and all the anger rushed to her.

Ye Hao handed the bow of the day, watching vigilantly several times more snakes than her.

Feichuan has poisoned it, and has no ability to deal with it. Now she only has to rely on herself.

"You dare to hurt me!" The snake screamed and asked Ye Hao, a mortal actually dared to hurt it.

"Well, the feathers on your head look very good, I want to use it as a headgear." Ye blinked and looked at its white feathers. "Would you pull it for me?"

The snake smoldered in anger, and could not wait for a paw to tear the leafhopper.

"I don't know ants, I want to eat you." The snake yelled.

Ye Hao was swept by its wings. She fell down in the air and turned her back to stabilize herself. She had not stood still, and the snake had already attacked.

call out--

The arrow of the next day was shot again. Since Ye Hao received the fire, her bow of the next day was more powerful than ever, and the speed was extremely fast. Even if the snake was prepared, the wings still had an arrow.

The snake screams again, and the feathers of the poisonous needle slammed into the leafhopper.

Every feather has venom, and the shield of the leafhopper is eroded by venom, and it won't last long.

She has to find a way to cut off its head!

Ye Hao hadn’t figured out how to cut the head of the snake, and the air suddenly filled with blood and smell. She looked up strangely and saw that the snake had only the body left, and landed heavily on the ground, making a dull sound. Then its head fell to her feet.

Her attention has not been completely paralyzed. In the feathers falling from the sky, she saw a tall and straight figure, so familiar, so miss.

How long have they been separated, it seems that it is not a long time, but she feels like it has been tens of thousands of years.

"Azhan!" Ye Hao called out, and the eyes couldn't help but get wet.

After she was destroyed, because she protected her with a sacred look, her remnant soul did not completely disappear, but fell into the undead domain. He abandoned everything to find her. He did not know that her soul was always in him. By the side, watching him bear the burden of being used by the ghosts, watching him whisper in front of the ghost, just to know where her soul is.

He is so proud, he is a nine-day-old emperor, so noble and clean, but for her to learn ghost repair, and finally for the ghost king to fight against the Protoss.

The Protoss did not know that the person standing opposite them was a young emperor, but she knew that she knew how much pain he had in his heart.

She saw him crying silently in the corner.


Ye Xie looked at his still handsome face, but he was afraid to go up and look for him.

"Come here." Murong Chong sneaked into the dark red eyes and looked at her in a burning manner.

He has restored his mind and memory! Ye Xin thought, although it was only an intuition, she felt that it would not be wrong.

"Azhan!" Ye Hao whispered, she called the Emperor of the ancient times.

"Yeah." Murong Zhan gently responded, and the fleshy body that flew over him was in his arms. "Found you."

I finally found her. When he abandoned everything into the undead domain, he was so disheartened that she really disappeared. It turned out that she was here and did not disappear.

"How do you know that I am here?" Ye Hao held his waist tightly. "I sent you a lot of voices, and you didn't return to me."

Ink Murray’s mouth is picking up, and the faint eyes are dyed with a smile. “Back, you didn’t receive it.”

"Where have you been?" Ye Hao whispered.

"Goed to the ridiculous hell, saved the emperor who was imprisoned by the mermaid, and then... went for nine days." Murong Zhan glared at her waist, smelling her familiar fragrance, and felt that the uneasy troubles in her heart could finally calm down.

His little sister, his leafhopper, is finally in his arms.

Ye Hao looked up at him. "You... is it a young man now?"

"After nine days, I went to the undead domain again." Murong Zhan said, "I only know that you are here when I return to the mainland, so I came to see you."

"You go to the undead domain again?" Ye Hao's face changed. She knew that he had suffered any grievances in the undead domain, thinking that he would never want to go there again.

Murong Cham said, "My gods and memories are in the ghost king, naturally I want to get it back."

"Does he threaten you? Let you go to the ghost to fix it?" Ye Hao asked nervously.

"How do you know?" Murong Chong's eyes flashed strangely, these are a long time ago.

Ye Hao buried his face on his chest and muttered, "I have seen it, although I am just a remnant of the soul, but I can see you."

Murong Zhan glared at her tightly. "No, Ghost King did not let me do anything this time."

"Then you came to take me away?" Ye Hao asked.

"Yeah." He wanted to see her and didn't want her to stay with Wentian.

Feichuan didn't know when he woke up, leaning weakly on the rock. "No, you can't take a small walk. Ah Tian knows that he will kill me."

Murong Chong looked at Feichuan with a slight gaze, and saw that he was a python.

"He hasn't had a cold bone market yet, he has been living here." Ye Hao grabbed the arm of Murong Cham, worried that he would kill Feichuan.

Murong Cham, who has restored her deities, really has few who can become his opponents. She is very clear in her heart.

"I won't kill him." Murong Zhan looked at her lowly, he didn't like killing, even if the other party is a monster.

"I know." Ye Hao curled his mouth. "How did you get in?"

Murong Chan picked an eyebrow and "closed."

"You..." Ye Hao rounded his eyes, how could they let him find the ring, and he would not kill at Tianbao.

"They agree that they are lying." Murong Cham said, "You can't have any accidents at the Cold Market."

Ye Hao smiled sweetly. "I can protect myself."

"You have not restored your deity, if there is something... you can no longer reincarnate." Murong Cham said that he could not afford one ten thousandth.

"Nothing, you are coming." Ye Hao felt the fear in his heart and took the initiative to hold him. "Actually, I have the same godhead. Do you want to abandon the spoiled wife?"

Murong Zhan looked down at her. "No, but you can't stand getting old." And he is still young.

"..." Ye Hao thought about the picture, and felt terrible in his heart.

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