In the sky castle.

It’s been two years since Murong Zhan went in the room, and they have been in the outside for two days. They don’t know if he saw the Lord, and he would fight with the Lord. There are also small flaws...

Was Ye Hao, who was brought to the cold bone market by Wen Tian, ​​has restored the memory of ancient times? Wen Tian will definitely remind her of it.

"Do you really believe that Murong Chong will not kill the Lord in the cold bones?" Fan Luo whispered and asked.

"No." Lying softly, the tone is very firm.

Van Gogh looked at him sideways. "Are you so sure?"

"Mo Rong Zhan is not a Taidi, and he has been fighting with him for so long, we actually have a few hearts." Huasheng said, this is also the reason why he assured that Chen Rongzhan went to the cold bone market. In ancient times, he did not kill the monsters.

Besides, he believes that Murong Zhan will not be able to touch Tiantian in the cold bone market for Ye Hao.

"Small 夭 will not return to the Lord's side." Fan Luo said, look a little sad, "You see it."

Lying close to the thin lips did not speak, in fact, in the days when Wen Tian expelled Xiao Yan from Tian Bao, the moment that Murong Chan took her to the nine days, he knew that the Lord would regret it in the future.

The Lord is carrying too much weight, and Murong Zhan is more willing to give up than him.

"Would we like to go in?" Fan Luo asked, Wen Tian has not recovered his demon power, and he is not an opponent of Murong Cham. He is still very worried.

"How did you get to the mainland of God? Who helped you?" Suddenly asked.

Fan Luo looked at him and he knew that he would definitely ask this question. "I don't know."

Looking at him with a blank expression, "The Gorefiend is not easy to cultivate the orthodox martial arts."

"I have won the practice, and some people have helped me." Fan Luo whispered, "I can't tell you who the man is now."

"Is that man on the mainland of God?" asked the child.

Fan Luo was silent for a moment, nodded gently, "Yeah."

I will not ask again when I am lying.

"What happened outside?" Fan Luo’s eyes sank and felt strange outside of Tianbao.

"Go and see." As he lays, he goes out and gallops away.

Outside the sky castle are monsters, they are attracted by the demon power of Tianbao, at this time in Tianbao like a layer of red halo, in the night is unusually horrible.

Fan Luo and his life are very surprised. They didn't feel any abnormality in Tianbao. They didn't think that it had become like this outside.

"The demon power of Wen Tian is increasing." Ah did not come to them, his eyes were full of excitement and anticipation.

"What?" Was a squatting, can the Lord of the Cold Bone Market control the demon power in Tianbao?

"This is the demon power of Wen Tian, ​​who gets his demon power, who is the future Lord." The monster behind him did not know who shouted.

It was just a savage beast, and there was greed in his eyes.

I noticed that there were four gods in the distance. They were watching here. The gods were all handed over in the ancient times. Two of them were called the broken stone and the eight, and they played against him more than once.

"Demon!" yelled greedily, rushing to Tianbao for the first time.

Other monsters saw that she couldn't wait to absorb the demon power and hurriedly followed.

"Block them!" The face of the child changed.

There are so many monsters, they have no time to stop, not to mention there are four gods, they do not know what attempts are here, lying and Fan Luo must be separated to pay attention to them.

Without waiting for them to stop, the cockroach rushing to the front was shaken by the red glow. She spit out a blood and looked at the demon power of Wentian in horror.

The red glow suddenly became bright, and all the monsters that were close to Tianbao were bounced out.

Lying and Fan Luo stopped, and the monsters that were popped up were almost seriously injured. I am afraid that Jin Dan will be broken even if the demon power is weak.

"Wen Tian is absorbing the demon power." The eight passages that have been standing on the horizon say that they are staring at Tianbao in the order of the Shao Emperor. When the demon power changes, they have already guessed what happened.

"Will the Emperor stop him?" asked the stone.

Liu Yi, who has just come from nine days, said, "It’s unlikely that the younger emperor is afraid to stop it and stop it."

It’s not that the Emperor is not as good as the smell of the sky, but that the demon power is too strong, and it seems to be stronger than the smell of the ancient times.

"Even if it can stop, the Emperor will not fight with Wen Tian in the cold bone market." He said arrogantly.

"Why?" asked the heart.

"Small sly." Eight said, he did not know what the Emperor had let him keep in any case, and went to the undead domain, he already guessed.

When they mentioned the previous Shaodi, they were all silent.

The Shaodi and even the gods can not enter the undead domain, just to find the remnant of Xiaoyan, what other things he can do.

"Look, the demon power is disappearing." The stone shouted.

The blush around Tianbao is dimming, and the demon power that belongs to Wentian is disappearing, but the enchantment outside Tianbao is strengthening.

"Smell the sky... Wen Tian is back!" cried the fire beast.

The smell of Wentian surrounds the entire Tianbao, so powerful, and the entire northern city is almost illuminated by blush.

"It is the Lord!" said the child.

A did not come to their side, "Wen Tian is absorbing the demon power, he opened the seal."

"But, you found that no, the demon power seems to be more powerful." Fan Luo said.

"In any case, Wen Tian is finally coming back." Auntie’s mouth showed a smile.

Looking at the front with a gaze, the Lord is finally coming back, so Xiaoxi should be restoring memories.

Will 10,000 years ago be repeated in 10,000 years?

He looked up at the sky, the emperor above nine days, at this time should know that Wentian opened the seal, he certainly will not be indifferent.

If it wasn’t for the Emperor, Wen Tian had long been robbed into a real dragon, and all the grievances would not happen, and there would be no things after the Emperor and the Little.


A loud bang came, and all the demon powers that belonged to Wentian disappeared in Tianbao, and the red halo gradually faded away, and the sky returned to the night, as if nothing had happened.

The stunned monsters completely woke up and hurriedly fled.

Wen Tian is coming back! How dare they be enemies in Tianbao, even if several big monsters join hands, they will not be Wen Tian’s opponents.

"Go to the secret room to see." Fan Luo said to the lying.

"Go." The two of them hurried back to the Chamber of Secrets, only to find that the gates remained unchanged.

Wen Tian did not come out from the cold bone market.

"Respecting the Lord to restore the demon power, Murong Chong restores the godhead, who are they more powerful?" Fan Luo asked and raised an eyebrow.

I said, "I hope they don't want to fight. If they really have to deal with it, I am afraid it will come soon."

The emperor of the nine days, there should be action.

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