Mingyu was awakened and sat up suddenly, seeing the white tiger standing outside. "What happened?"

"Are you okay?" White Tiger asked. He had just vaguely felt the change of breath. Although it was weak and weak, the temple was indeed filled with another person's breath. However, nothing came in after he came in.

"No." Ming Yu sleeps, "Who is coming in?"

White Tiger said, "You sleep, I am guarding."

There is no smell of any monsters. If there are practitioners, there is no reason for them to find out. There are no more sects of the orthodox practitioners on the mainland than the emperors and the younger ones. They cannot appear quietly.

Is it his illusion?

The white tiger turned into a white tiger outside the dormitory and looked down. It looked like a lazy, but a pair of tigers stared sharply at the direction of the window.

Yan Xiaoliu, who left the palace at the fastest speed, is already outside the city.

He gasped in a big mouth, and if he hadn't come to the high-level stealth hood that Master had given him before, he must have been caught by the White Tiger.

The beast is really a beast.

"Ming Yu..." Yan Xiaoliu looked down at the woodcarving bunny in his hand. This was when he left, he took it at the bed of Mingyu, and he seemed to have an inexplicable familiarity.

I don't know why, he didn't dare to appear in front of Ming Yu, although she knew that she must be very important to him, but he couldn't remember it, which made him afraid.

Yan Xiaoliu took the woodcarving bunny in his arms and he turned and walked in the direction of the city.

He found the girl who would make him dream every night. He didn't want to leave like this. He had to find the memory of the past before he could appear in front of her.

He could only protect her in the dark before he could think of it.

Ming Yu woke up dreamlessly overnight.

The palace man is combing her hair, she is still a little drowsy, it is strange, she did not dream of Yan Xiaoliu yesterday, before she always dreams, dreaming that Yan Xiaoliu was eaten by the monster.

I always wake up in the middle of the night, but nothing dreamed last night.

Is it because it is already numb?

Ming Yu thought, impossible, think of Yan Xiaoliu, she still feels uncomfortable to die.

"What about my little rabbit?" asked Ming Yu.

"At the bedside, the slaves will come and take them," said the palace lady.

That was the first white rabbit that Yan Xiaoliu personally carved for her. She was always on her body.

"Hey, where did you go?" the palace lady cried out in surprise. "The slaves who saw it last night are deliberately placed on your pillow."

Ming Yu was nervous. "Is it falling? You are looking for it."

Yan Xiaoliu has disappeared, she does not want to lose even his things.

The ladies were flustered to find out. They all knew how important the little rabbit was to Mingyu. Since Yan Xiaoliu disappeared, Mingyu had to hold the rabbit every day to fall asleep.

"What's wrong? It's like this in the early morning." Lei Bingfu came in from the outside, her stomach was slightly noticeable, but she had no influence on her. She came to send breakfast to Mingyu. Recently, Ming Yu's appetite is not so good, she will come to stare at her every morning.

"Hui Wei, my little rabbit is gone." Ming Yu's eyes are red, if she does not see Lei Bingfu's stomach, she wants to rush.

When Lei Bingfu heard it, he knew that Mingyu was talking about the little rabbit. "I don't see where I fell in the corner. You should eat breakfast, and maybe you will come out after a while."

"Yesterday is still there." Ming Yu called. "Is it stolen?"

"Who dares to steal your baby." Lei Bingfu said with a smile, "Wait for me to help you find."

Ming Yu sat down and saw the white tiger at the door. She cried out. "Tiger, my little rabbit is gone."

"I will give you one more." White Tiger said, he did not know the origin of the bunny, only when Mingyu liked the woodcarving rabbit that didn't look so good.

In fact, the carving is very rough, not good at all, Mingyu is the same as the bunny.

"No." Ming Yu refused. "I want the little rabbit."

Lei Bingfu appeased her, "I will find it."

Ming Yu pouted, her eyes were red and red like a little white rabbit, completely different from her calmness in the hall.

After becoming a scorpio, Ming Yu seems to be turned into two people, one is a cool and strong Tianzhu in the court, and one is still a cute and lovely Xiao Mingyu.

"I went to the DPRK." Ming Yu reluctantly ate two buns and a bowl of porridge under the persuasion of Lei Bingfu, sucking his nose and whispering.

Out of this dormitory, she is the invincible Scorpio.

Lei Bingfu looked at Mingyu with a distressed look. After she left, she let the palace lady find it in the dormitory.

Unfortunately, still not found.

“Is anyone coming in yesterday?” Lei Bingfu asked. She knew that Mingyu was nervous about the little rabbit. It was impossible to throw it. How could it be suddenly found?

The palace lady replied, "No one else has come in except the Scorpio and the White Man."

The white man refers to the white tiger.

Lei Bingfu stunned his eyebrows. If he couldn't find it, Mingyu would be very sad. "If you look elsewhere, you will accidentally drop it yesterday."

"What to look for?" Murong did not know when he came. He saw Lei Bingfu squatting on the ground with a big belly. His eyes flashed a touch of dissatisfaction. He walked over and lifted her up from the ground. "What are you looking for on the ground? Don't know." Are you pregnant?"

"Mingyu's little rabbit is gone, she is helping her find it." Lei Bingfu took a shot and said, "That is Yan Xiaoliu who gave her a sculpture. If I can't find it, Mingyu doesn't know how long it will hurt."

Murong Yan calmed his face. "The palace girl is looking for it. What are you doing on the ground?"

Lei Bingfu knew that he was worried about himself, sweetly said, "I am good, what is the relationship."

"Let's get away." Murong asked her hand to press on the chair. "I am looking for it."

"The sleeping halls have been searched all over, afraid that they will be thrown elsewhere." Lei Bingfu said, "I have let the palace ladies go to other places to find."

Murong said, "That is what people look for."

"What if I can't find it?" Lei Bingfu said with concern. "Yan Xiaoliu has no news so far. If even the bunny is gone, Mingyu will definitely be more sad."

"Yan Xiaoliu will come to find Mingyu." Murong said, "If you can't find it, I will go to find Mingyu."

Lei Bingfu was busy holding her. "What are you going to say to her?"

"She just told me that if I want to go to China, I have to talk to her." Murong said in a loud voice.

"Ah?" Lei Bingfu stunned and went to China? Isn't that overseas?

Before Murong said that he wanted to go, would he also want to be with Ming Yu, Lei Bingfu was a little worried.

"She is in the royal study, you should go back first." Murong whispered.

Lei Bingfu glanced at him and said, "Okay."

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