The world is on earth.

The big monsters outside Tianbao have already left. It has been five days since Wentian untied the seal. They have not gone out in Tianbao, and they have not seen the plans of those big monsters.

In fact, even they can't see the idea of ​​smelling the sky. Compared with the lord of 10,000 years ago, Wen Tian is now a little bit suffocating, even when he mentions the nine days and the emperor who hated it the most. They are calm and calm, as if they have put down all hatred.

"Let's lay, you should persuade the Lord." Shu left to the wall of Tianbao, and saw the standing in front, then walked over and whispered.

"Prompt to respect the Lord's work?" Asked doubtfully, the Lord has always had his own idea of ​​doing things, and he needs to be persuaded by others.

The beam looked at the front of Tianbao. There were a lot of monsters waiting there. Now there is no monster. "I know that they are not enough to trust, otherwise they will not be unlocked. The seal attacked Tianbao, but now it is a very special period. In nine days, there will be God coming, and the Lord will be more powerful. He also has the opponent of Murong Cham. We need other help."

It is only when you understand that this is what it means to ask him to ask the Lord to accept the monsters again in Tianbao, so that he has enough power to deal with the nine days.

"If the Lord wants them to go to Tianbao, they won't see them for so many days," said the layman. "I don't want to persuade, or whoever persuades the Lord will change his mind. We follow the Lord." After so long, you should know what kind of temper he is."

Just because it is too clear, I want to stay away and persuade.

"So, are we sitting here waiting for you?" asked Liang Shu. "Do you think we will be nine-day opponents?"

In the past, I was able to compete with the nine days. It was because there were other big monsters who helped. After so many years, they all woke up from the seal. The strength must not be as good as nine days. Now Tianbao is not a nine-day opponent.

"The Lord does not see them, and naturally he has his thoughts." "They are listening to the Lord."

"How do I feel that the Lord does not want to reunite the world?" Shu Li said in a low voice.

I looked at him and said, "Even if this is the case, what is wrong."

He felt that the Lord never wanted to rule the world, but the former beast was too mad. He did it to suppress the monsters. Now the mortal people on the mainland have long been different.

"What is the significance of our resurrection?" asked Liang Shu.

"What do you think we are resurrected for?"

The beam of gaze became cold, "revenge!"

Lying in my heart sighed, "What hatred?"

"Don't it be? Nine days want to kill us and kill us. We have sealed us for tens of thousands of years. If it is not the case, we are afraid that we will not even have the chance to wake up." They wake up to take revenge and recapture everything that belonged to them.

"We have nothing to do with the nine-day grievances, and the reunification of the mainland with the Lord."

Frown frowning, "How can it be irrelevant!"

I said, "I still listen to the Lord."

Then you can only sit and wait in Tianbao, wait for the Protoss to attack them and then fight back? The beam felt like a block of gas in the centrifuge.

"Small?" The look of lying suddenly changed, and looked at the figure in the distance with astonishment.

On Tianlu's only road to the North City, there is a shadow that is slowly approaching. Although I can't see who the person is, I can already feel it is a small sigh.

The bundle of eyebrows wrinkled more tightly. He didn't like Xiaoyan. Even if he was reincarnation, he thought it would be a curse.

Will once again be tired of respecting the Lord and in Tianbao.

"Although she is your sister, don't forget, she is still the wife of the Emperor of the Nine Days." Shu Li whispered.

"You can rest assured, I remember." Lying faintly, turned and left the city wall.



Ye Hao thought for a long time before she decided to come to Tianbao, but she didn't know if she could get in.

She walked slowly, and she was thinking about all the things that happened 10,000 years ago. From the time she met Wentian to the death of him and Mo Rongzhan, I thought about it bit by bit, and experienced so much. Her memories have become calm and calm.

The little sister who was once did not dare to face the memory of Hetian, because she would hurt.

It won't hurt now, but there is a bit of sadness.

She really wants to be able to get what she wants, and he should be promoted to become a true dragon.

Ye Xun’s mind was thinking indiscriminately. Unconsciously, she had already been outside the gate of Tianbao. She had already been driven out of Tianbao. To get in, I should first report it.

Just thinking about how to report, the door in Tianbao suddenly opened, and Wentian appeared in her sight.

I wanted to come to see Ye Hao’s lying and stopped at a distance, and quietly walked away.

"You are coming." Wen Tian looked at Ye Hao gently, as if he had been waiting for her, and finally waited for her.

"I... I haven’t talked to you for a long time. I’ve been in a hurry for the last time. I want to talk to you about this time. I don’t know if it’s welcome.” Ye Hao smiled, and he looked at Wen Tian calmly.

The sound of Wen Tian is as warm as jade. "This is your home, when do you want to come when."

Ye Hao's lips were bent, although it was a bit embarrassing, but I was very happy to hear that Wen Tian said, "Is everyone inside?"

"Yeah." Wen Tian decapitated, seeing that Ye Hao has come in, his eyes are full of layers of smiles.

The smell of the sky is similar to that of the imperial concubine. Now it is equally gentle to laugh, and she has not found a shadow of the emperor in him. The emperor is a gentle and jade that is stolen from the bones. Although the smile is similar, but he is a once-in-a-lifetime python, his momentum is more restrained than before, but the innate coldness can not be changed.

"The monsters are gone." Ye Hao said that she thought she would meet them.

The door behind them slammed shut, and Wentian glanced at Ye Hao. "Well, go."

Ye Hao knows that Wen Tian did not see those monsters, so he did not ask too much. "Have your demon power been restored?"

"Recovered." Wen Tian whispered, "It has fully recovered at the time of the cold bones."

"That's good." Ye Hao looked at him. His demon power seemed to be stronger than before. Is it because the seven hairs gave him all the demon power? If the demon warfare occurs again, the human continent will definitely be alive.

Wen Tian looked at her white face, "Why don't you go back nine days?"

Murong Chong has already gone back, but she still stays on the mainland.

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