Ming Yu is really curious about what is happening outside. Who is going to save her, will it be the embarrassment of the nine-day Emperor?

"Small six..." Ming Yu was at the window, looking back at Yan Xiaoliu.

"Let's wait." Yan Xiaoliu was unmoved. He couldn't go out with Mingyu before he did not clear what was going on outside.

Ming Yu said, "You see that the monsters ignore us. We will definitely not be discovered when we leave now."

"There are two more powerful monsters watching us nearby." Yan Xiaoliu said that not seeing does not mean that there are no monsters nearby.

As long as they walk out of this room, there will definitely be a monster.

"Then we don't leave?" Ming Yu asked.

Yan Xiaoliu is not sure if he can deal with the two monsters who are watching them in secret. He wants to take Mingyu away than anyone else.

"Ming Yu!" Tang Hanyan and Ye Muxin have found this place and found that there is no monster in this yard. They slowed down and did not enter the room immediately.

"Don Juan, Ye Jiejie." Mingyu's eyes lit up and almost jumped out of the window.

Yan Xiaoliu pulled her back, "Be careful."

"It was Tang Yan and Ye Jiejie who came to save me." Ming Yu called.

"I know." Yan Xiaoliu knew that she was talking about Tang Hanyan and Ye Muxin. He had seen them on the boat. The Tang Hanyan had also been injured by him. "Don't rush out."

His words were just finished, and there was a lion and three tigers in the courtyard, and they were snarling at the position of Tang Hanyan.

"Small six, small six, we are going out to help them." Ming Yu hurriedly called.

Yan Xiaoliu will return Mingyu to him. "You don't want to go out."

The two monsters outside have already cultivated Jin Dan, and Tang Hanyan and Ye Muxin are not their opponents.

"I don't go out." Ming Yu knows that he can't help, "Let's help them."

Yan Xiaoliu looked at Ming Yu and said, "You stay here."

"Good." Ming Yu nodded, "I don't go out."

Tang Hanyan and Ye Muxin have already fought with two monsters. As Yan Xiaoliu expected, they are not the opponents of the two monsters. It has not been long before they have been unable to stand up.

Yan Xiaoliu immediately went out to help.

As a person who has been practicing for a year, Yan Xiaoliu’s actual combat experience is not as rich as Tang Hanyan. However, he has experienced many pursuits since he was a child, and he has also been on the battlefield. He knows how to use his strengths to win.

With the help of Yan Xiaoliu, Tang Hanyan and Ye Muxin will not be so hard.

Ming Yu looked scared in the house, afraid that Yan Xiaoliu would not be injured.

However, even if the two monsters are even more powerful, they are still defeated by Yan Xiaoliu.

"Who are you?" Solved the two monsters, Tang Hanyan had the opportunity to ask Yan Xiaoliu. When she was on the boat, she wanted to ask, this boy was hiding in their boat for so long, no one actually found him to be a Musha.

"Don Juan, he is Yan Xiaoliu." Mingyu rushed out to explain, "He is not a bad person."

Tang Hanyan knew that Yan Xiaoliu, the young man of Mingyu, was taken away by Van Loo. "Mingyu, I saw him last time. He is with the Gorefiend."

"Yes, that is, he hurt three times." Ye Muxin said, she recognized Yan Xiaoliu.

"He forgot the old things. Van Gogh has eliminated his memory, so he won't remember it." Ming Yu said, "He is on the boat to protect me."

Tang Hanyan saw Yan Xiaoliuyi's eyes. At this time, they can only believe in Mingyu, and they can't do anything to Yan Xiaoliu here.

"Let's leave here first." Waiting for the North City, and then handing Yan Xiaoliu to Ye Hao, Ye Hao went to ask the best.

"Okay." Ming Yu nodded. "Tang Hao, is it that I am coming outside?"

Tang Hanyan said, "We will encounter the broken stone **** on the road. He will take us to save you, but... Wen Tian seems to be coming."

Ming Yu’s footsteps paused. “Smell the sky? Is that big monster beast?”

"Yes." Ye Muxin said, "He won't come to save you too?"

"That's all right." If Ming Yu thinks thoughtfully, "I might as well come to arrest me."

Then use her to threaten her mother and force her to return to his side! Ming Yu’s head began to think about the connection, and he was nervous for his own cockroaches. “I’m so quick to come back.”

"Let's go." Yan Xiaoliu took her hand. He felt that Wentian should come to save Mingyu.

They left the manor all the way, but they did not encounter any powerful monsters, and all the monsters were outside.

In addition to smelling the sky, even the lying and the Vatican came.

Being hit with those monsters.

Instead, it smells calm.

Standing opposite Wentian, it was the dragon that came from Xuantian mainland not long ago.

He and the fire were seriously injured. Standing behind the dragon, they resented and looked at Wen Tian. They thought that Wen Tian was sealed for so long. It was definitely not going to grow up. I didn’t expect it to be much stronger than before.

They began to wonder if the dragon would be the opponent of Wen Tian, ​​and even regretted attacking Tian Tian at the beginning.

It turns out that they have been ignorant of the past, whether they are before or now.

"It turned out to be you." When Wen Tian saw the dragon, he knew why the other party could obey the other monsters. Just like the python, as long as the cultivation jumped over the dragon gate, it could become the dragon of the real dragon. The repair is definitely in the other monsters. It is even easier to become a real dragon than a python. It is no wonder that they will support him as a new lord.

Xiaolong coveted and looked at him and looked at Wentian coldly. "You and I don't make river water. What do you mean by the Lord today?"

"It doesn't mean anything, to bring a child to leave, not suitable for staying in the island." Wen Tian said faintly.

"I don't know what children on the island still want to hear." Xiaolong smiled. "However, it is a guest on the island, and there is no need for tea at the door."

Wen Tian had seen Xiaolong a long time ago. At that time, Xiaolong had not been sealed, and he just did not cultivate the Jindan python. It is not remembered that it was tens of thousands of years ago. Later, I heard that the dragon was a dragon. Destroyed, but did not know that it was sealed and not killed.

"No need." Wen Tian refused. "Children find, we will leave."

"When Wen Zunzhu was sealed for so many years, wouldn't he be willing to keep his revenge in Tianbao?" asked Xiaolong.

Wen Tian glanced at him. "I don't revenge, what does it have to do with you?"

The dragon's eye flashed a touch of cold light, this python is really arrogant! However, he is arrogant, and can easily injure several big monsters such as 兕, even he is not sure that there is such a repair.

This smells the sky... obviously has become a real dragon, actually still a python.

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